the burning intuition

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re: the burning intuition

Post by MrTim »

This is interesting.
(Still looking for something on that "second law of thermodynamics" bit mentioned....)
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re: the burning intuition

Post by Jonathan »

I think I know what he refers to. I read an article in Scientic American about how over very small time and distance scales the second law can be violated. Imagine a broken, molecule sized teapot putting itself back together. I know that's nonsense since the teapot has to be made of many molecules, and is yet itself the size of a molecule, just ignore that, it's an analogy.
Also, I thought I'd point out that if you bring this case up to anyone who thinks they know physics, they will come up with a 100 little nitpicky things along the lines of "Yes, but...". I've brought it up to at least 1o people, and that's always what happens.
I think I mentioned to you guys that I had some thoughts on entropy and vortices, and I've given it intermittant thought and haven't come up with why it isn't true. I'll go make a topic of it...
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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re: the burning intuition

Post by Gravmaster2000 »

The burning in my soul is that magnets are a (admittedly weak)
manifestation of so called 0-point energy, and is inexhaustible...
I plan to test that theory this week sometime!

(fingers crossed)
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