The Bessler Curse

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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by rlortie »


I have taken the liberty of copying and paste here a portion of your statement on the Randi thread.
I'm not trying so much to make a model of perpetual motion as I am attempting to see the effects of causing mass to 'disappear' in one moment and 'reappear' in another before it would have arrived there if it rode around on the wheel (acceleration).
This reminds me of the old math riddle that goes as follows.

There is a circular train track that makes a perfect 360 degree circle. At one point there is a train depot, we will call it depot "A". Exactly half way or 180 degrees is another depot referred to as depot "B" The train leaves depot "A" and takes 1hour and twenty minutes to get from "A" to "B" but traveling at the same speed it takes 80 minutes to travel from depot "B" back to depot "A"..

Can you explain what the difference is and what causes this variation? Remember the distance and speed are the same, so no hills to lose speed and down slopes to gain speed.

If you get this correct then I will tell you and all how to get a weight from "A" to "B" in less time with no excess acceleration.

No tutoring from other members please. we will discuss it after Gene has had his response.

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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by AgingYoung »

I just wanted to post that I'm considering what you've said. Also you probably are what you say; that is a pretty decent sort of person. I'm intelligent enough to figure out how to be pretentious yet more intelligent to do actually do that.

At times some might think I'm two sheets in the wind. Right now I'm 1.765438 sheets in the wind but I expect before the fat lady shings I'll be an entire 2 sheets in the wind. :). That's my goal. Yet no matter how many sheets I am in the wind I'm a righteous judge. If I were to weigh myself in the balance I'd find me lacking. The truth is what it is no matter what I think.

One reason I post on randi is to make the 'skeptics' aware that they don't own the idea of skepticism. Also I post to make them aware of how to rightly think about what they think. It's beneficial for humanity that I don't have any power over reality and truth. I know for a fact that I can't be trusted. As I see it the only one that has managed that level is Jesus. Even when his enemies ripped his back from his skeletal structure he asked God to forgive them. If the fate of humanity rested on me instead of Jesus your butt's would burn. I know me.

Another reason why I post there is that whether it's me or some other wayward crank the skeptics need to have their understanding brought up to speed. It's good for whoever manages to win the randi. I don't expect that it's going to take another year. Before christmas this year it's going to happen.


ps edit: I have no objection of anyone re-posting anything that I post anywhere on the web. I have a club at yahoo that I hope to eventually put on a server that I own. I want to share my ideas to a broad base of what I think about the disgusting hord of liars that operate wallstreet. One day.... If you (anyone) want to know what I think about anything feel free to ask me. I won't lie. As I see it it's not worth it.
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by SeaWasp »

Ralph.. The answer to the riddle is a little bit too obvious! I'll bite my tongue! lol!
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by AgingYoung »


Now that I'm not any sheets in the wind I see no difference between an hour and 20 minutes and 80 minutes.

A man is at a camp and sees a bear. He runs like crazy due south for a mile then heads east for another mile then north for another mile and he's back at his camp and sees the bear again eating his food. What color is the bear?
If you get this correct then I will tell you and all how to get a weight from "A" to "B" in less time with no excess acceleration.

If you lay track thru the middle you can get it there with no change in it's rate but a vertical lift isn't that easy to pull off. What did you have in mind? What I'm currently looking at exchanges vertical drop for horizontal gain and some say that's not viable. I say it is yet there's a little twist to the matter. It's not quite what you'd imagine.


ps edit: Spiros, how does that tongue taste? :)
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by AgingYoung »


Here's a very good one. Three sailors rent a room and the night auditor charges them 10 dollars each. When the manager checks the books in the morning he asks the clerk why he over charged them. The room should only be 25 dollars. He tells the clerk to take 5 dollars and give it back to them.

Since the clerk can't figure out how to divide 5 evenly by 3 he gives each sailor a dollar back and pockets the extra 2 dollars. Now the sailors only paid 9 dollars each for the room.

3 times that 9 dollars is 27 dollars plus the 2 dollars the clerk put in his pocket is 29 dollars. What happened to the extra dollar.

A lot of riddles have a common theme.


ps edit: If anyone gets this right I'll explain the common theme of riddles
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by jim_mich »

The difference between the $27 ($30 - $3) that the sailors paid to the night clerk and the $25 ($30 - $5) that actually went to pay for the room is the $2 which went into the clerk's pocket.

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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by AgingYoung »

Yes, the sailors riddle has been around for a while. The common theme of riddles is to offer a misleading suggestion in the riddle. The more susceptible a person is to suggestion the harder time they have with riddles.

I'm considering the riddle of a lifetime. You might be also. If energy can't be created what made Bessler's wheel move? Rest mass my a$$. There was a book ridiculed on the randi site that was suggesting that we really haven't explained our reality as well as we could. It offered a 'theory of everything'. I briefly looked at the site describing the book and it mostly asked questions. One of the ideas (iirc) was the idea that there's energy that causes gravity. That makes sense to me. I think a gravity wheel does tap into the energy that causes gravity. It won't create energy.

The idea that gravity is a conservative force isn't a sound idea though. Either there is a way to use less energy to lift a weight than it will create in its acceleration downward or Bessler was a fraud. I don't think he was.

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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by rlortie »


Looks as though Jim got to you first on that one, which by the way was one of my fathers favorites, I believe it was around 1948 the first time I heard it.

Now in good faith I will keep my promise. yes I am talking about moving the weight via short cut through the center of the wheel. Why for 300 years has the majority insisted that what goes around with a wheel, must come around with it. How do you make such a move you may ask, well that is where the pairs come in handy.

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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by Michael »

I have a riddle for you Gene.

Your trapped in a room. There are two doors in the room on each side-opposite of each other. One door leads to your freedom, the other door leads to instant death. You don't know which door is which. There is a guard at each door. The guards know which door leads to freedom, and which door leads to death. The problem is, one of the guards when asked a question will always tell the truth, and the other guard will always lie. You don't know which guard is which, or what guard is at what door. The goal is to get to your freedom. You can ask one question and one question only, to only one of the guards. What do you ask?
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by AgingYoung »


I've been looking at paired weights for some time. Most all of my models are paired weights yet not all of them. I have a few models that have 3 and 4 weights, some with one weight. A key idea that I've been looking at is causing the weights to move relative to each other yet not have torque felt on the shaft; the idea of 'missing in action' that someone once mentioned (maybe that was Michael). I don't look at them as being 'missing in action' as much as I look at them being in independent action, sort of like the paddle on a water wheel going back up out of the presence of the flow of the stream.

I really think that this year someone's going to make a wheel that will turn.

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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by ken_behrendt »

Gene wrote:
I'm considering the riddle of a lifetime. You might be also. If energy can't be created what made Bessler's wheel move? Rest mass my a$$.
Well, the energy Bessler's wheels outputted had to come from somewhere if the 1st Law of Thermodynamics is to remain inviolate. One of the consequences of Einsteinian relativity theory is that some of the mass of two objects will be converted into kinetic energy as they "fall" toward each other under the action of gravity. However, I think it is a major mistake to assume that Bessler's wheels could have somehow "extracted" energy from the Earth's gravity field. A gravity "field" is only a mathematical has no energy of its own that can be tapped. Gravity can only serve to faciliate the release of stored up rest mass energy in an object and nothing more. After that rest mass energy is removed from an object, that object then will display lesser gravitational and inertial properties because the object is then less massive. This is a real phenomenon. Every second of every day, our sun is losing thousands of tons of mass from the various subatomic particles that compose it. That energy then streams off into space as mostly electromagnetic energy.
I've been looking at paired weights for some time.

Again, there is a clarity issue here. How do you define the word "paired". Are you talking about two weights on diametrically opposite sides of a gravity wheel? Or, are you referring to two weights in close proximity to each other on the same side of the wheel? Also, are the two weights in one of your "pairs" of equal or different mass?

Ralph wrote:
Now in good faith I will keep my promise. yes I am talking about moving the weight via short cut through the center of the wheel. Why for 300 years has the majority insisted that what goes around with a wheel, must come around with it. How do you make such a move you may ask, well that is where the pairs come in handy.
I think you are suggesting a very complicated mechanism for Bessler's wheels for which there is no evidence of existence, but, at least, some evidence for not existing.

Bessler wrote that he allowed his friends to "grope" the internal axle of his wheels. I do not believe that he would have done so if he had some sort of mechanism there that would move weights through or immediately around the axle.

Also, and most importantly, as we learned from my past failed design for the "Spacer Ball Injector" device, there is no difference in the magnitude of the change in gravitational potential energy between a weight dropping from the top to bottom of a wheel along its rim and one that ascends from bottom to top through the center of the wheel. That is, any gravitational potential energy lost and kinetic energy thereby gained by the drop will exactly equal the gravitational potential energy gained and kinetic energy lost by the ascent of a weight. Therefore, this approach can not be used to allow a gravity wheel to display a net output of energy to its environment.

The only approach that I think is viable is the one that seeks to find a mechanism that manages to chronically maintain the CG of a system of rotating weights to one side of the wheel's axle. That system will benefit from a motion smoothing "flywheel effect" by keeping the weights as close to the wheel's rim as possible.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by Michael »

No Ken he did not.
Bessler wrote that he allowed his friends to "grope"
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by ken_behrendt »


On pages 336 and 337 of AP, we read:
Now look, Wagner, just listen carefully if you want some information from me. People say that, in your writings, you claim to have devised a Wheel which has a divided axle, held together in the middle only by a peg. Am I reporting you correctly? But people will continue to laugh until you actually produce such a machine! You further claim that my wheel is the same, but you’re lying through your teeth! Ask any of those who have groped inside my Wheel and grasped its axle – and you will be assured, in no uncertain terms, that my axle is not like that. Rather, it has many compartments, and is pierced all over with various holes. Anyone with a bit of understanding will see that my machine works in quite a different manner.
So, apparently, Bessler did allow some to touch the section of axle within the drum of one of his wheels. I do not think he would have allowed this if there was any chance of them detecting any part of the mechanism that he used. This, of course, would eliminate the possibility of any sort of mechanism moving weights through or near the axle itself.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by rlortie »

think you are suggesting a very complicated mechanism for Bessler's wheels for which there is no evidence of existence, but, at least, some evidence for not existing.
That is the fun of it, I am not suggesting a complicated mechanism, actually it is very simple. And what may I ask is the evidence substantiating that it did not exist. For if you have it, it is in my favor, for if it did exist then it would impede the weight path.
Bessler wrote that he allowed his friends to "grope" the internal axle of his wheels. I do not believe that he would have done so if he had some sort of mechanism there that would move weights through or immediately around the axle.
And why not, if they could grope the axle then they did not find anything to prevent them from doing so. If they could stick their arm in and touch the axle what is to prevent a weight from following the same path.
The only approach that I think is viable is the one that seeks to find a mechanism that manages to chronically maintain the CG of a system of rotating weights to one side of the wheel's axle. That system will benefit from a motion smoothing "flywheel effect" by keeping the weights as close to the wheel's rim as possible.
And that is exactly what we have debated on above.

Last edited by rlortie on Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: The Bessler Curse

Post by John Collins »

I think you are complicating things Ken. It seems clear to me that if we can accept that Bessler was genuine and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics cannot be violated, then you have to accept that gravity provided the energy. I have always maintained that gravity wheels are not closed systems - they can't be! Gravity is therefore an external source and as Gene said 'the idea that gravity is a conservative force isn't a sound idea', and I have formulated a long argument which demonstrates analogously how gravity does not always act as a conservative force.

John Collins
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