marketing of a free energy generator

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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by rlortie »


picked this up while visiting

03/03/06 - Switching to DC cuts down on waste heat and component failure
Everyone knows the alternating vs. direct current wars ended with Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. But now DC power is being seriously considered for data centers. DC advocates say that plugging servers into AC power is inefficient, and switching to DC cuts down on waste heat and component failure. The University of Florida has even bought 200 DC servers. With AC, the flow of electrons in a wire switches back and forth rapidly--60 times per second in the U.S. electricity grid. With DC, the same type of current that batteries supply, electrons travel only one direction. For physics reasons, it's easier to transmit AC over long distances; DC requires thick copper cables or bars, instead of comparatively lightweight wires. But DC becomes a more serious possibility for power once AC reaches a building. Distributing DC power throughout a data center is a difficult task, Sullivan said. The current travels through massive copper bus bars that are bolted together, but joints must be inspected regularly. Loose joints are a big problem. The newer efforts employ a much more local approach, distributing DC power via a copper bus bar placed within a rack of computing gear. "I think distributing DC power in a single rack or cabinet is a viable alternative," Sullivan said.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by fAtnhapy »

One would think they would use it at least in Washington DC.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by ken_behrendt »


The problem with using DC current for a national power distribution grid is that, in order to supply all of the power needed, one would have to have very high DC currents flowing through all of those tower supported power cables.

In electricity, the power dissipation (which usually is lost as waste heat) in a conductor which has current flowing through it is given by P = I x I x R where P is the power dissipated in watts, I is the current in Amperes, and R is the resistance in Ohms. So, for a given conducting cable, when we increase I by a factor of 10, the power that will be lost in the line increases by 100! The only way to compensate for this is to either keep the current as low as possible (which is done when AC current is used and "step up" transformers greatly raise the voltage while simultaneously lowering the current) or by using shorter conductors with larger cross sectional areas. Then, possibly, the day may come when we will have ambient temperature super conducting power lines available in which case the DC currents they carry could be a high as needed without any power dissipation taking place.

I have always kind of preferred DC current to AC current circuits because they are easier to understand. I think, when we finally have free energy based home power plants available, that DC power within a home may make a surprise return.

Interestingly, I currently am living in a town that was the first to have its streets illuminated by Thomas Edison with his newly invented lightbulb! The type of current he used? Why, DC current, of course.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by Wheeler »

Problem is
The maintenance is so high that it cost more in the long run.
We would also need extra heavy cables in home.
However if free energy was reliable, it would be worth it.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by rlortie »


I can appreciate you description of Ohms Law! but believe me I am very familiar with it.

Having spent over 20 years here on the Columbia river with the US Army Corps of Engineers controlled and maintained hydro electric dams has well educated me about power transmission.

For your Trivia knowledge part of the Bonneville Transmission Grid includes a high voltage DC line that runs un-interrupted from the Washington-Oregon border to South Central California where it is converted back to AC for dispersal.

E=IXR, I=E/R, R=E/I, ExI=W etc. It's a "pie" formula

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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by albente »

Back to my original idea of how to market a ZPE-device. Felix Wuerth works exactely on that premise. He claims to have developed a geer system that amplifies any input by factor 2. Here the link (unfortuenately only in German):

For those who read German another site which contains way more information than the one of the Wuerth AG itself, including plenty of downloads, patents etc.:

I tried to establish communication with the Wuerth company which failed. Since he looked for funds by forming a publicly traded company (AG) they went through a couple management changes not too long ago. To my information no overunity device has been built there so far.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by jim_mich »

For those of us who don't read German, go to and paste in the this link into the 'Translate a Web page' box then select 'German to English'. You can now read the web page translated into English. And the great thing is you can browse from link to link!. Which is what I'm doing right now.

Edit: Or just click this link...

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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by Wheeler »

Hello everyone
I think this is real.
They are using the flip of magnetic attraction on a cam.
This I believe is possible as I have studied this myself.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by ken_behrendt »

Here's a translation of some of the introductory text on the link provided:
The power amplification transmission

The new achievement-strengthening transmission Felix Wuerth AG is doubled a purely mechanical unit, into any machine with turning wave to be integrated can and the achievement without outside energy input. The additional achievement is won from centrifugal force (mass inertia gravitation).

At continuous number of revolutions at in and output wave the double torque can be used at the output wave.

The achievement-strengthening transmission came out from the development to the new gravity field conversion technology of Felix Wuerth.
It's a bumpy translation, but the general idea is that the device somehow harnesses CF to increase the power output of any machine that the system is attached to. Sounds like they are claiming Over Unity here. Well, I'll believe it when it has been independently verified by some reputable testing company.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by Wheeler »

Thanks for this post.
I too wait proof, but someone is working words in this and it may not be trickery this time.
For some reason, the wording in seems to of been carefully chosen to reflect what they have without total reveal of design.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by Fletcher »

IIRC Goerg used some of Felix Wuerth's ideas/research as supporting theory for his blue drum 'gravity converter' design, as they were based on the same principle of extracting energy from CF's ?!
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by albente »

Felix Wuerth and Fred Evert worked on some concepts together during the end 90's. Here a brief review on Everts' site: (sorry for the English speakers, guess you have to do the babelfish thing once more, this particular page Evert did not translate).

Just got an e-mail in today from one of the last managers there at Wuerths company over which he obviously lost control due to privatisation. The company filed for bancrupcy a couple months ago and Felix Wuerth ended up in a mental hospital so he says.

I am cautious to confirm that this is really what happened since the fellow that wrote to me (Karsten Schalitz) came on board not even a year ago and started to send out pyramid scheme style money multiplying promising mails. In other words he probably was NEVER truly in tune with what Felix Wuerth is or was after all these years and just was brought on with the function as the hangman (to multiply money out of nothing as a farce in the face of those that had invested money in the Wuerth AG by buying shares).

There was supposedly another CEO taking over after it became clear that this Schalitz guy was a spoiler but probably it was already too late by then. Fact is that Felix Wuerth dedicated his complete live to the subject matter and he for sure was no nut case. He also wrote a book (159 pages) that gives inview in his thinking which can be downloaded on the site (probably too painful to read that many pages for a native English speaker through babelfish translation - you'd run the risk too loose your ability to talk a straight sentence there after). Similarly a native speaker should volunteer to polish Everts english translated texts, which would be a great opportunity to get in touch with the man.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by albente »

Just received an e-mail from Kilian Keil this morning who runs the site who states that Karsten Schalitz indeed was a short lived phenomena and the current CEO has the name Heinke. He did not hear anything about Felix Wuerth having ended up in a mental institution. Welcome to my experience in dealing with this firm, I doubt that any of you will have more luck to get a clear picture there, but that in the first place has to do with the subject nature and the claims of Felix Wuerth to having developed overunity devices. Once you go ahead and start a company (with money from outside sources on top of it) the pressure starts to rise. I sure would not have done it which brings us once more back to the marketing of such devices, should you have one. 'Stealth marketing' would be the best. Give the idea away for free in multiple markets of the world so that they would gain momentum and couldn't be stopped. Once the appear on the radar screen find a wealthy investor and start production and competition. That's what Bessler should have done. He would have spared us the outlook that we now have with PeakOil.
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by Wheeler »

albente wrote
Stealth marketing' would be the best. Give the idea away for free in multiple markets of the world so that they would gain momentum and couldn't be stopped. Once the appear on the radar screen find a wealthy investor and start production and competition.

Sounds like a good idea.

Can you give us some idea who has used this idea before and were successful?
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re: marketing of a free energy generator

Post by rlortie »


The man that is alledged to have said "There is a sucker born every moment" P. T. Barnum

Go to ... %2E+Barnum

There you will learn how to post a Latin derived sign reading "This way to the Eggress" and charge people to enter. Which we now know better as "pay as you exit"

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