I don't see a substantial difference in the definition for blog that you posted and what I had posted twice previously. When you asked...
Perhaps your definition of "blog" needs... well... defining.I dunno buddy, maybe I've got you all wrong - again.
I took the trouble to do that. Is there something in the definition that I posted you don't think is accurate?
don't understand your convoluted French lesson, perhaps you're trying to say that the English language presents difficulties for you in determining precise interpretations? I think you'll find that switching to French will present even greater difficulties, I guess you wouldn't be any worse off though.
Yes, very convoluted and quite understandable you'd miss the point. Let me clarify it for you.
I just deleted quite a lengthy post after reading it. That deserves an explanation. The crux of the matter was one single word One word can change everything. If you're in Paris and you say to the waiter, 'me donner le poisson' you'll be fine. Yet if you say, 'me donner le poison' you're going to get some strange looks. You might just get 'le poison' by way of 'le poisson' and ptomaine but you shouldn't ask for it. All this because of a little 's'. A letter can change a word and a single word can change everything. That's one of the reasons I'm so particular about meaning.
I think what threw you off the point was too many words. I think by making all those other words smaller you could actually see the point. Hope that helps.
I think the few measly cents that might possibly be generated by a blog that includes advertising content is insignificant,
I can make a very strong case for the power of a few measly cents that if you could be persuade would benefit you greatly. Since all I could hope to do is help you out by taking the time to do that I'd rather not.
Perhaps you just didn't think before you posted - again.
Or perhaps not yet as I just said I'm not interested in persuading you otherwise.
I'm a one-chick kind of guy and if you're going to cheat behind my back, well - it's over between us buddy! Coylo, you can have him - bitch - lmao
To call someone a bitch in the open forum is rather hateful, Bill, yet not too surprising for someone of your character.
Gene, I don't need to define what a blog
is - it has already been defined and the definition is
easily found at many online dictionaries - for your
Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological
log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called
Weblog, Web log
Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect
the personality of the author.
Etymology: shortened form of Weblog
Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n
I don't understand your convoluted French lesson,
perhaps you're trying to say that the English language
presents difficulties for you in determining precise
interpretations? I think you'll find that switching to
French will present even greater difficulties, I guess
you wouldn't be any worse off though.
I think the few measly cents that might possibly be
generated by a blog that includes advertising content
is insignificant, certainly in terms of "paying the
rent", compared to the possible member benefits of the
new add-free service offered by Scott here at the
forum. Perhaps the prospect of a few cents is
meaningful enough to you that you would encourage
members away from this new BW forum service in favour
of your recommendation? I really doubt it,
and therefore your recommendation doesn't make sense
to me. Perhaps you just didn't think before you posted
- again.
I see you must be trying to develope a relationship
with Coylo, otherwise why bait him with your
"processed chicken feed manner of Coylo's character"
comment. Does that mean it's over between you and I?
I'd just like to say that I'm pretty disappointed in
you again. I'm a one-chick kind of guy and if you're
going to cheat behind my back, well - it's over
between us buddy! Coylo, you can have him - bitch - lmao