A strong dollar would be one that could buy a lot of gold. There was a time in the USA when $35 USD would purchase one troy ounce of pure gold. Now $35 USD will only purchase, depending on the latest spot market price of gold, about 0.054 troy ounces of gold! Now that is a weak dollar in my opinion.
The best way to strengthen the US dollar, in my opinion, is to start doing something about all of the debt we are drowning in. This debt is an indicator to the the rest of the world that Americans are no longer producing enough to meet their needs and, thus, must run up enormous debt to do so.
Just as soon as our Treasury issues more paper in the form of Treasury Notes for the Japanese and Chinese to buy up, our mints then proceed to also print up the currency equivalent of that promisory paper. So, while the supply of the world's gold does slowly increase over time due to ongoing gold mining operations, the supply of our paper (and coin) currency also increases at a far greater rate. This, of course, leads to a situation wherein gold begins to look scarce compared to all of the US currency out there. And, commodities which are perceived as scarcer than other things (like all of our currency) will usually tend to be traded for more of the other things. Thus, the price of gold is taking off while, alternately, the perceived value of the US dollar plummets.
Some favor the creation of a weak dollar because they have some foggy idea that it will lower the prices of our goods and services in overseas markets and, thus, eventually create a trade surplus that will erase all of the debt we are accumulating. Well, that made sense when the United States had a virtual monopoly on industrial production in the mid-19th century. Those days are, sadly, over now that the Third World is industrializing with China in the lead.
Today, no country has to buy from the US exclusively. That, of course, is one of the reasons for our outrageous trade imbalance and the escalation in the national debt that it leads to.
If something serious is not done about this problem SOON, we may find ourselves drowning in unservicable debt while the Chinese wind up sitting on top of a mountain of gold! Once that point is reached an acknowledged, then something will have to be done to erase all of that debt so that we can start the game all over again. The erasure will take place through a massive and unprecented financial meltdown that will make the Great Depression of the 1930's pale into insignificance. People will lose their life savings, banks will fail and shut their doors, homes will be sold off for pennies on the dollar, and the rate of mental illness and suicides will soar.
Of course, some President will emerge who, in an FDR style maneuver, will try to stablize the situation. Perhaps the government will issue "fiat" currency to replace our then worthless currency. It will only be good for use inside of the USA and might form the basis for a new currency as we start over and try to rebuild our shattered lives. However, I suspect that the people will be so traumatized by the total economic collapse of the US that they will only accept GOLD and ignore the fiat currency. At that time, those who were wise enough to hoard a small supply of the yellow metal will find their survival greatly enhanced...
Gordy wrote:
I think it has!if the dollar buys 50% less than it did four years ago........ gold had better double..... just to stay even.
True. But, if you don't get that farm, do get hungry, and then go to a farmer after the "Mother of all Crashes" for food, see how he reacts when you try to purchase a dozen eggs from him using the surviving US goverment's pretty colored fiat currency.You can't eat gold or IOU's.