9/11 conspiracy

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9/11 conspiracy

Post by trevie »

loose Change 2nd Edition

After watching this, it make you wonder what the government(s) are really upto?

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... ose+change
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by racer270 »

I watched the whole video and I agree with it.
I think the video is pretty clear, after we had a cue-day-ta for the presidency of this country every things possible.......!
it's scandalous greed, it's how they keep their phony baloney jobs,..... make themselves important and rich and enslaved the general population to the everyday working lives.............

when the executive branch of the government is under fire,..... thay just create a diversion.

I have been trying to share these issues, in" Osama's message to America" .... for quite some time.
It probably will not be well received and my rating will probably drop///
but I don't care....... the power struggle has got the country in well over its head,......:(
but please remember the people in the United States don't really have a say over what's going on.
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by trevie »

Everything you have said gordy is probably true. The Americans and the British have been brain washed by both governments, just so they can line their pockets and their pension and have an excuse to start a war for oil and thus hide behind a dictator and other potential terrorists that were never any real threat to the west to cover up the real truth, To stay in power and get very rich on the back of gullible voters.
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by ken_behrendt »

If any part of these 9/11 conspiracies could ever be proven to be true, then that would, most highly probably, lead to the downfall of the government involved! The internet is filled with conspiracies concerning practically every world event...so far, to my knowledge, none of them has ever been verified. I think I found one website once that claimed that the assasination of President Abraham Lincoln was actually a secret plot carried out by the Roman Catholic Church!

Yes, I believe in "connecting the dots", but before one does, he should make sure those dots are real!

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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by Vic Hays »

While everyone was watching the buildings fall, the fed was arranging a $50 billion loan to shore up the Euro. The Euro is now higher than the dollar by quite a bit. Where is the loan to shore up the dollar?
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by terry5732 »

I had thought I should start my own conspiracy theory just for the hell of it. But then I realized there is all these idiots that would take it as gospel. I couldn't even get those kind to believe me later if I said I was just kidding. These junior high kids making this stuff don't realise the effect they have on these weak minded people.
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by Joel Wright »

Ken wrote:I think I found one website once that claimed that the assasination of President Abraham Lincoln was actually a secret plot carried out by the Roman Catholic Church!
John Wilks Booth was a actor,if there was any group involved in a conspiracy to manipulate or inflence goverment it would point to the stage.
Hmmm, the main purpose of TV ,movies and the media is to influence.
Its their best trick.Excuse me ,I've this irrestible urge to purchase this new improved ,the best ever by far product I saw on TV and Dr Phil has CONvinced me my wife is a cheating slut ,that horrible bitch.Set your mind free, kill your TV.
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by racer270 »

So Terry you buy into the government's explanation that these jumbo jets were vaporized by kerosene.... That burns at about 1000°....? and that the whole of the Pentagon that was only 16 feet in diameter was made by jumbo jet..?
Have you never seen the effects of a jumbo jet plane crash firsthand...?
The FAA gathers the parts and pieces of every other plane crash and reconstructs the wreckage except for the planes that were used in the 911 incident. Why did they not have to work for months to remove the parts and pieces of the jumbo jet that allegedly hit the Pentagon, or the plane went down in Pennsylvania...? o that's right they were vaporized...!
\somebody's got their head in the sand, the documentary video was deftly not made by junior high kids.
Terry do you believe everything the government tells the people?
Or do you work for them in the propaganda department
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by rlortie »

If kerosene can vaporize a complete airplane, then please explain why the exhaust turbines that drive the engine compressor blades do not disappear with the whole interior of the engine on start up!
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by Oxygon »

I have looked thru the web and I just cant belive that a 269,434 lb "757" would just vaporize and the hole comparision at the pentagon just adds to the impossibilty of such a huge flying object to make such a little hole...?


A little way down you'll see a size comparision of a 757 next to the hole at the pentagon... No engine holes???????????

Wouldnt the engines and wings be the heaviest parts...?

Also the debris seems to have appeared from nowhere... in later pictures?

surrounding camera footage confiscated within minutes?

The blue tarped box carried out in secrecy...?

fishy... to say the least.
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by racer270 »

look terry, here's some more school kids at play........:)

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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by Trev »

BYU Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples, Building Collapses an Inside Job.

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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by ken_behrendt »


I sure that if one sifted through the debris of the Pentagon after the jet impacted it, then one would find plenty of bits and pieces of the plane and its passengers that had survived both the impact and the resulting explosion / fire. Extreme heat will incinerate organic materials and bodies and even melt and, to a certain extent, vaporize metals like aluminum. But, there will be a lot still left over.

Just because the government has not collected every piece of debris and identified it and then had it televised to the nation does not mean that such material was not collected and identified. When something like this happens there is always an effort by the government and the media to try to spare the feelings of the survivors of those who lost their lives. Yes, it is technically possible to show all the burned, mangled, headless, and limbless torsos found after a plane wreck along with a pile of body parts. But, to do so just to satisfy a handful of conspiracy buffs would result in massive public outrage and, most likely, a lot of expensive litigation against the government and the media.

History has shown that corrupt or desperate governments can go to great lengths to create plausible scenarios designed to "sell" their populaces on the need for some expensive or risky undertaking. But, in my opinion, trying to explain the 9/11 attack as such is just too much to accept.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by rmd3 »

two words: project northwoods

They've planned stuff like it before. It's not out of the realm of possibility or probability. Any eighth grader could figure that out.
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re: 9/11 conspiracy

Post by terry5732 »

There are things that would be best kept secret by the government. That the public does not need to know. But it will never happen.
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