Georg Künstler's Ideas...

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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by ovyyus »

2 1/2 years of these silly soap opera episodes and still there is nothing. IMO, anyone who repeatedly claims to have a working wheel when they clearly do not has some serious reality issues. Get help Georg.

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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Wheeler »

The thriller Thread Part 3 will by out in the fall!
Stay tuned.
It will deliver!
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Wheeler »

LustInBlack wrote
Well, if he has or not said that it's running, it's not that important .

Are you saying it matters not what people claim on the forum?
I thought the reason you were here was to try to find truth.
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by LustInBlack »

You quote a part of the message which explain that HE SAID it's not working; that is not important..

Claiming is something, testing is everything.

I said that it helps other seek out new path .. You did not understand.

It's important to have a working concept. But when it's not working, it's important to learn from it.. That's what I meant.

I cannot care less what people claim.. I just seek out the truth when they claim something by pretending that I believe what they say .. But I'll keep my brain and work on their idea to verify if it's working.

You did not understand.

I think this forum is not about claiming anything, it's about learning and sharing .

Please read carefully, so we do not fall out of subject again .
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Wheeler »

You will have to say what you mean more clearly.
We all already know that testing and experimentation is good.
However no one wants to hear that someone has a working model if they do not.
This is common sense and you should restate your post if you want it to be clear.
Did you read where Georg said he has the model running in front of him.
If this was true, why would we need to experiment more? Wouldn't he want us all to enjoy the victory?
Something is wrong that he will not come forward.
Georg simply got himself into a rut of claiming he has it.
Is asking him to come out of hiding to address the forum out of line?

Btw did you look at Georgs animations?
I did not as I knew it would be a waste of time as usual.
I waited and others posted what I thought would be true.
He will never go beyond artificial simulations.
He is very good at deception and use of entanglement. This feeds his mind.
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by docfeelsgood »

wheeler ; in my honest opinion you got mouth enough for two sets of teeth !!!!!!!
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by LustInBlack »

Wheeler : ???


Wheeler Wrote :
Are you saying it matters not what people claim on the forum?
I thought the reason you were here was to try to find truth.
Wheeler Wrote :
Btw did you look at Georgs animations?
I did not as I knew it would be a waste of time as usual.

You knew . . ..
You didn't TEST ..

Well, is that clear ?!

I think, that it's not everybody that know this place is about experimenting after all ..

So PLEASE let me state it and stop wasting my time.

re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »

I feel it does not really matter anymore. Georg's time and money wasting as well as keeping everyone on the hop is unforgiveable. Even if he'd show his actual working PM blueprints tomorrow I feel he would never wash off his sh_t off the forum. The way he's going about it is deserving of nothing short of a public flogging.

Sad part is, Georg has turned me off from all that is German!!
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Fletcher »

My Heineken still tastes Stella %)

re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by Sevich »


I believe Heineken is Dutch (Netherlands)

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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by bluesgtr44 »

I believe Heineken is Dutch (Netherlands)

...and all this time, I thought it was a beer!

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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by ken_behrendt »

Well, it is obvious from the images that Georg posted that he must have put a LOT of work into constructing his two wheel and rolling weight device. If I had to install 80 wooden dowels, each exactly 4.5° from its adjacent neighbors, along the rim of the outer wheel, then I can not even begin to imagine how long that would take using powered equipment let alone with the hand tools that I usually use!

One does not expend that kind of effort unless one is firmly convinced that the design will work. far, everything that we have seen could have been faked. However, no one on this board has actually been able to directly view the device. From the video showing 90&$176; of rotation of outer wheel, one realizes that would mean that the center wheel would have had "fallenover" to fresh set of dowels at least 20 times.

Now the question I have is what kind of motion did the steel rolling cyliner inside the central cavity of the center wheel have during that quarter of a rotation of the outer wheel? Could it be possible that Georg found the exact masses and sizes of the parts involved that would allow such a system to continuously shift the CG of the parts over onto the descending side of the devices axle?

Some have said that they can detect the motion of the quarter turn of the outer wheel as decreasing during its motion which would indicate that the device was actually slowing down. But, we know that Georg made a loop out of the 90° of rotation to give the impression of continous rotation. Is it possible that the order of the individual frames in this loop was somehow reversed and that what we think was a deceleration was actually an acceleration?!

Anyway, I think it is still too early to be able to confidently proclaim that what we have seen is a hoax. And, I look forward to seeing some more material provided by Georg that will support his claim...which I believe are that he does, in fact, have a continuously running device.

So, Georg...its up to you now. Can you provide us with something that would be more convincing then what you have provided so far?

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by rlortie »


I am not defending Georg, but wish to clarify a point.

The original animation you speak of did make a quarter of a turn. But the one he downloaded to the Google sight appears to be making 1-1/3 turns. This is what it appears to me and I have played it many times.

I can appreciate the fact that with dial-up IP service this is not what you were able to see.

As for the time spent building it, I look at some of my own efforts. With the proper tooling and patience, it need not be a firmly convincing design. I have a shop full of them!

The act of drilling 80 evenly spaced holes in a wheel rim or disk can be accomplished in less than 20 minutes with a drill press and pattern peg. and the fun part is, you can drill both sides at the same time.

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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by ken_behrendt »

Ralph wrote:
The original animation you speak of did make a quarter of a turn. But the one he downloaded to the Google sight appears to be making 1-1/3 turns. This is what it appears to me and I have played it many times.
Okay, so now there is a video clip showing 1 and 1/3 rotations of the outer wheel. Can you tell if the outer wheel appears to be decelerating, accelerating, or maintaining its rotation rate in that longer clip? Is the motion of the central steel rolling weight visible in that clip? Does the steel rolling weight appear to be up against the descending side of the center wheel central chamber?

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Georg Künstler's Ideas...

Post by LustInBlack »

Is there a motor ?!

Is there someone that starts the wheel with a push !?
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