Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

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Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

Mystery of the Bessler Wheel completely solved. The source of energy is gravitational. The best explanation is via the swing or the pendulum. Working model which can generate 188 horse power has been produced.

I am an US Citizen born in Hong Kong, China. I, together with a number of Chinese Scientists, have solved the World Energy Crisis. Please get your experts to evaluate the following and help to bring World Peace and Prosperity to All. With your support and sponsorship, we hope to present this at the Renewable Energy Conference in St. Louis in October 10-12, 2006.

Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators
By: Lee Cheung Kin and Lawrence C.N. Tseung

The Challenge:
Can you look at the swing or the pendulum and deduce that you can draw Energy from Gravity directly? Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, a 70 years old rocket scientist, who was forced to wash toilets for 7 years during the Cultural Revolution, did it. Can you repeat it?

From a USA professor: “Almost every human being have seen the swing or the pendulum. Only the Number One Genius in the World can succeed in conceiving and designing the machine to extract energy from gravity. My colleagues and I could not do it. But once the answer is explained, it is obvious.”

Can you understand the theory? When the answer is revealed, is it obvious to you?

When the opportunity of infinite wealth and World Peace knocks on your door (or emailed to you). Can you and do you know how to use it?

The Theory
When a pendulum is pushed, there are TWO energy terms to consider. One is the energy supplied by the push or the pulse force (F). The other is the increased tension in the pendulum string that is responsible for lifting up the pendulum (weight Mg). This increased tension will do work against gravity. Both the Pulse Force Energy and the “lead out” energy is “stored and made available” in the pendulum system. This second energy term is not taught at Universities today.

For example, if you push a swing with a person weighting 60 kg using a horizontal pulse force of 10 kg, there are THREE force and TWO energy terms to consider. The first is the pulse force F. The second force is the weight Mg. The third is the tension of the string T in lifting the 60 kg person. These three forces must obey the Law of Parallelogram of Forces. In other words, Tcos(a)=Mg; Tsin(a)=F; F=Mgtan(a) where a is the angle of deflection. (10Kg F “leads out” >60KgT)

The pulse force energy is approximately the Pulse Force multiplied by the horizontal displacement. The way of applying the electromagnetic pulse force will influence this equation in practice. The tension energy or work done against gravity in lifting the weight is the Weight multiplied by the vertical displacement. Both energies are input and stored in the pendulum system as demanded by the Law of Conservation of Energy. However, we need to supply only the Pulse Force Energy! Tension Energy or work done by string against gravity is FREE. The mathematics is as follows:

Pulse Force Energy (Epulse)
= F x horizontal displacement ; F = pulse force
= Mgtan(a) x Lsin(a) ; L = pendulum length
Gravitational Energy(Egravity)
= MgL(1-cos(a)) ; a = angle of deflection

These two terms are NOT equal. Epulse leads out Egravity. We supply Epulse and Egravity comes FREE! (Egravity is approximately 50% of Epulse from above.) Once we understand the above, we can change the swinging of the pendulum into the rotation of a cylinder with pulse force to produce a much more efficient machine. Such a machine has been produced. See for details.
Email if you have comments; want to receive a CD or participate in this project.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ovyyus »

Hey there lucky 8, your website name should read www . moneyfromhotair . com

Where are photo's of the working machine? Where is video of the working machine? Well, Duh.

These scam websites pop up about as regularly as Nigerian 419 emails. A search at whois reveals the domain registration details for www . energyfromair . com...
Registrant: Make this info private
No Valid City, No Valid State


Administrative Contact , Technical Contact :
kin @
No Valid City, No Valid State
Phone: 999 999 9999
Fax: 999 999 9999
Oh look, isn't that interesting... Chinese... no valid contact details... no valid name... golly, maybe it's all just a scam?! Well, Duh again - LOL
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

You can look at the attached file first. It explains the theory in great detail suitable for the average high school student.

The attached file is too big. I am cutting it up into smaller pieces.

The English files are in the folder English. The summary English file is called english.doc. Some of the prototype photos are in this file.
The attached file is a result of the on going discussion with the PCT office.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

The attached file contains FAQ4-6. Enjoy it.

I know few of you in this forum can read or write in Chinese.

Do not worry. Read on and post your comments. We shall answer them in English.
This attached file contains FAQ4-6.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

I am trying to add two attachments in this same message.

That completes the first set of FAQs.

Your comments will start the next set of FAQs.
The experiments and prototypes are here
(254 KiB) Downloaded 3404 times
This attached file contains FAQ7.
The secret of the Bessler Wheel is here!
(47.5 KiB) Downloaded 1146 times
Last edited by ltseung888 on Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by digitaljez »

Can any one see the site ? I have tried Opera and Firefox and it just shows a menu but everything you select is blackness. Are there videos and photographs ? Where does the energy for the pulse come from ?
Air ? Cosmic energy ?

Edit - I can not view .doc files. Could you paste the text and post the images separately please ?
I am very interested in your ideas but can not see what you are presenting. Thank you.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

I am not too sure that the forum manager will think if I post everything as a message on this forum. Try to get Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser.

I am pasting the first part of the FAQ here.

This FAQ file is aimed at those who would like to thoroughly understand the theory and the experiments behind Extracting Energy from Gravity and other Energy Fields. It is the result of questions from the PCT patent application in May 2006. The first piece of information is the CD presented to the Central Chinese Government on March 18, 2006. That CD contains a summary file (English.doc) in the folder English. It also contains three videos showing the First and Second Generation Electricity Generators, a Car that runs on Gravity and a Floatation Invention. These files are AVSEQ02.DAT, AVSEQ01.DAT and AVSEQ03.DAT in the folder HongKong. They can be viewed with Microsoft Windows Media Player. Information from that CD can also be found on

The reasons for providing the full information are:

1. Scientists and Patent Examiners have misapplied the Law of Conservation of Energy for Centuries in certain cases of “perpetual motion machine inventions”.
First Example is Ignoring Energy from Air. Air is not a fuel but an energy carrier. Energy of Air In can be different from Energy of Air Out.
Second Example is not knowing the use of “Pulse Force to lead out” Gravitational or Magnetic Energies in oscillating systems. When a pendulum is pushed, there are TWO energy terms to consider. One is the energy supplied by the push or the pulse force (F). The other is the increased tension in the pendulum string that is responsible for lifting up the pendulum. This increased tension will do work against gravity and such “lead out” energy is “stored and made available” in the pendulum system. This second energy term is not taught at Universities today.

2. Permanent Magnets act like mirrors. They are not sources of energy. However, they affect changes in the Electron Orbits of the material in the Demonstration Machines. This is a new theory not taught at Universities. It helps to explain why that swinging or rotating “partially shielded magnets” can continuously lead out magnetic energy from the magnetic field of permanent magnets. It is the key to understanding our Claim 6 and the prototypes in the videos.

The prototypes in the videos show that we can indeed extract energy directly from Gravity without violating the Law of Conservation of Energy. In particular, the file AVSEQ02.DAT was produced in February 2000. Thus we have prototypes that support the theories and the claims in our PCT and China Patent Application. You are welcome to freely copy and circulate the CD as copies of it were distributed to the Public at the 2006 China Venture Forum on April 6-8 in Shenzhen, China. Please email if you want to get a copy of the CD.

re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by Sevich »


When downloading I encounted spyware........not sure if it is from you or someone else, but I had to reboot my system?

you had a pop-up which I had trouble getting rid off ??
Vic Hays
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by Vic Hays »

I didn't have any problem with the faq3 and faq4 documents. At least I don't think so. The generator appears to be similar to a bedini pulse generator except they are claiming that it works and works well.

I am not sure that the explanation of the pulse driving a pendulum with an elastic attachment is a viable one, but if it actually works, great.
Vic Hays

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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

I will not waste time reading another set of theories and explanation ..

Just put a link with a video, then I'll read those "documents".

Why do people always formulate big fatty incomprehensible theories and sci-fi explanation of everything when it's so simple ..

example : Tom Bearden, that's the lamest guy in that domain...

Anyways, just put a video with a load ...
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

The video is in Chinese. Most of you in this forum will have trouble reading it.

We have presented the theory and the demonstration prototypes in the International Venture Capital Forum in Shenzhen, China on April 6-8, 2006. The result was gaining the number 1 venture in 2006 by the voting participants.

We plan to present the theory and prototypes again in English at the USA Renewable Energy Forum in St. Louis in Oct 10-12.

The reason for disclosing the information in this forum is to have "dry runs" and see the possible questions.

We have applied for patents via PCT and the China Patent Office. Thus we do not mind sharing the joy and tears with you all. You may be able to think of better inventions once you understand the theory.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

To LustInBlack,

You do not have to read the theories.

Just look at the swing with a 60kg person sitting on it. You cannot lift him with a 10 kg force. But if you use the 10 kg force to push him periodically and horizontally, he will be lifted (or swung) up vertically.

Once you understand the above, the rest is simple physics and mathematics. We explained the above to many high school students and they understood it immediately.

(They also have the advantage of seeing the video with the Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators and understanding the Chinese.)

One of the evaluators happened to be an US University Professor who spoke no Chinese. He understood it before we finished our lunch. He helped to explain the theory to others on the same day. Are you of the same calibre?
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

What prevent you from achieving a second movie with an actual weight/pendulum system. ?
Last edited by LustInBlack on Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vic Hays
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by Vic Hays »

I have some questions:

Is this generator gravity powered or magnetic powered? Both of these seem to be mingled together as an explanation of where the excess energy comes from.

If this generator is powered by the earth's magnetic field we have not seen any devastation yet like would occur when we deplete the magnetic field around the earth. The radiation from the sun would wipe out almost every living thing.

If this generator is powered by gravity, what would the long term effects be from multi mega watts of generators using it?
Vic Hays

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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

To Vic Hays,

So you actually got to the website and downloaded the videos. Good job.

There are many prototypes of Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators described at the website. I shall briefly explain some here.

The first one is the swing with a periodic push - this is the simplest and easiest to understand. The horizontal push will increase the tension in the string. That increased tension will do work against gravity - effectively extracting gravitational energy.

The second one is the pendulum with a shielded magnet in a magnetic field. We also apply a periodic electromagnetic pulse force. This pulse force energy will increase the tension in the string. That increased tension will do work against gravity and the magnetic field. This effectively extracts both gravitational and magnetic energy.

The third is the changing of the swinging or oscillation motion to rotational motion. Read FAQa3. With pulse force on rotational systems, the amount of gravitational or magnetic energy extracted will depend on the speed of rotation, the radius of the wheel and the frequency of the pulse force (in step with the interacting points). This is the useful application. The first generation yields 400 watts, the second 20,000 watts and the third over 188 horse power. The fifth is expected to be > 100 times the third.

The technical problem we still have to overcome is preventing overload and burning of the generator. The generator must pass a 6 month continuous running period before we can get a product license in China.
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