Energy from Still Air

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Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

This new topic will focus on the extraction of Energy from Still Air. It is an indirect way of extracting energy from gravity.

Men knew how to use energy from moving air (wind) for centuries. Examples are sails and windmills.

However, if there were no wind, the existing engineers will fold their arms and wait.

We know how to get Energy from Still Air now. We already applied for patents and have the basic prototypes to demonstrate the theory.
1. Scientists and Patent Examiners have misapplied the Law of Conservation of Energy for Centuries in certain cases of “perpetual motion machine inventions”.
l First Example is Ignoring Energy from Air. Air is not a fuel but an energy carrier. Energy of Air In can be different from Energy of Air Out.
Details to follow.
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

The theory:
The Law of Conservation of Energy is correct. But it has been misapplied for Centuries in certain situations. The Law states that the Energy Entering an isolated system (or sometimes referred to as a Black Box System) must be equal to the Energy Leaving such a system. Energy must be conserved. Energy may change from one form to another but it cannot be created from nothing nor disappeared into nothing. The following figure (Figure 2.1) shows the basic relationship.
..... The figures do not display correctly. Please go to the attached file to complete the reading.

Previously, Scientists ignored Energy of Air In and Energy of Air Out. In reality, they misapplied the Law of Conservation of Energy! The formula in calculating Energy of Air In and the formula in calculating Energy of Air Out assuming same temperature are as follows:
Energy carried In by air = Pressure In x Volume In
Energy carried Out by air = Pressure Out x Volume Out
The difference can be very large. In particular, if a machine is built so that the Energy carried In by air is Greater Than the Energy carried Out by Air, that difference in Energy can be used to do work without violating the Law of Conservation of Energy. (Such a machine has been built by us and is the subject of another patent pending invention.)
See figures 2.1 and 2.2
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

In compressible fluids such as air, the energy carried obeys the equation:

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Energy of Air Carried  In 
= Volume of Air carried In x Pressure of Air In
This energy term was NOT taught in universities. The simple proof is as follows (There are complicated proofs yielding the same result.):

Consider a very long tube with area A1 with an imaginary piston. The force acting on this piston is Air Pressure x Area A1.

In unit time, the work done by the imaginary piston is equal to the force x displacement (or the velocity of the air "vel")

In other words, the work done by the imaginary piston per unit time is
= Energy of Air In
= Force x velocity "vel"
= (Air Pressure x Area A1) x velocity "vel"
= Air Pressure x (Area A1 x velocity "vel")
= Air Pressure x (Volume of Air In)

Thus, we can simplify the Energy Carried Term (assuming no temperature change) as:

Energy of Air In = Pressure In x Volume In
Energy of Air Out = Pressure Out x Volume Out

These two terms can be very different. If Energy of Air In can be made to be greater than Energy of Air Out, the difference can be used to do work.

Once you understand the theory, you can build dozens of Energy from Still Air machines.

The Chinese Patent Office told us that they rejected at least 300 such applications because the inventors did not know the above theory. The China Patent Office automatically classified them as impossible perpetual motion machines. These applications were not even given the chance of examination. We almost met the same fate except that we went up to Beijing with the full theory and demonstations of the whole range of Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators.

One of our recent granted patents (China Patent Application 200410015341.2 with application date Feb 16, 2004 by Mr. Sung Tim Fat, translated title "Self supporting Magnetic Electricity Generators") won the Gold Patent Award from the China Patent Office.

In other words, the China Patent Office already accepted the basic theory behind the Cosmic Energy Electrcity Generators. The PCT patent office is expect to follow. One of the biggest headache all the Patent Offices worldwide will face is - how to deal with the rejected perpetual motion machine patent applications. Many of them are workable solutions!

We shall discuss 10 such workable solutions in this thread. There are at least 290 that we shall not cover. If you think of one yourself, you might have hit on a known rejected invention.

Time to learn Chinese or get to make a Chinese friend!
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

1 of 10 implementations

There is no need to stick to air.

Any compressible fluid will do.

(1) Any gas

(2) Any gas and liquid combination (most commonly air and water)

(3) Any gas and solid powder

(4) Any gas, liquid and solid powder

This is an extremely important concept.
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

2 OF 10

This invention was done at least 10 years before our theory. It is used to unblock the frozen pipes in cold places. It uses hot air and cold water as input and results in a powerful jet of air and water mixture.

If cold air and hot water were used as input, the resulting jet is much less powerful.

This was a puzzle to the inventors and manufacturers for years. The total heat content of the cold air and hot water setup was HIGHER than that of hot air and cold water.

Once the inventors applied our theory, the answer was obvious. The Energy of fluid In = Volume In x Pressure In
Energy of fluid Out = Volume Out x Pressure Out

Volume of Hot Air (Volume In) can be compressed more. The difference in these two terms (Energy of Fluid In - Energy of Fluid Out) can be much higher. Such energy went into the jet!

This is regarded as one of the experimental evidence supporting our theory.
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

3 of 10

A simple beach pump was used as water pump. The highest point the water reached was about 6 meters. The 6 meters of water exerted enough pressure to demand great effort from the person operating the beach pump. Greater height will break the beach pump.

The same beach pump was used as an air pump. The highest point the water and air column reached was over 30 meters. One way valves were used at 2 meter intervals. If the beach pump were replaced by an electric pump of less than 0.5 horse power, the water and air column reached was over 50 meters. The height could be higher if we could get a higher building to do the experiment.

The initial thought was that water and air column had much lower density than water alone. Thus the height reached could be higher. But the operators of the beach pump (myself included) found that the force used to raise water from the 10th to the 11th floor was about the same as that used to raise water from the 3rd to the 4th floor.

Additional experiments and calculations indicated that if we used the additional (Energy from Air In - Energy of Air Out) term, the result could be explained easily. Some of the energy used to raise water comes from STILL AIR.
Some researchers suggested that we should
(1) raise the water and air column to a great height
(2) allow them to separate
(3) allow the water to flow down to power a hydroelectic pump
(4) if the power is sufficient to drive the air pump and more, we would essentially have an Electricity Generator needing NO fuel.

We were seriously considering it when Mr. Lee Cheung Kin discovered that we could get Gravitational or Magnetic Energy directly. (See the thread on Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators.)

We then left this project for the research students to further investigate.

If there is sufficient interest, I shall provide the pictures of this experiment.
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by Madmax »

I think I have better solution: Energy From Stinking Air :)
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Jon J Hutton
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by Jon J Hutton »

Cute Max,

Ok show the pictures. I am in an area trying to supply water to 5000 Guatemalans that have no drinking water....I am open to try anything at this point. I am tired of burrying their dead.

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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by rlortie »

I am in an area trying to supply water to 5000 Guatemalans that have no drinking water....I am open to try anything at this point.
This caught my eye! Being an old retired Civil Service Corps of Engineers employee, and a FEMA disaster volunteer, I have access to a lot off hydraulic technology.

Tell me more of your water supply problems, such as source, topography, water purity and transfer methods. Are you familiar with pitman wheels and mining monitors, trading pressure for velocity ETC. For example, if you have no water source, what is your average dew point? How far down is the area water table?

EDIT! I forgot to run this one through the spell check! my clerical aptitude was showing.

Last edited by rlortie on Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

How high are you able to raise the water using this method



Description: Many here have said that the height one can raise water is 27 feet. What are you able to raise water to using this method.

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The particular picture you showed could send the water and air column up 4 to 11 floors. The reason for the difference is how the human operator functions. The use of two beach pumps was to try to produce a smooth operation. If a single beach pump were used, the water and air column would have a "flow back" period. Once the "flow back" occurred, much greater force was required to get back to the smooth flow again.

One of the researchers got tired of the human effort and spent US$35 to get a 300watt rating air pump.
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by Michael »

These two terms can be very different. If Energy of Air In can be made to be greater than Energy of Air Out, the difference can be used to do work.

Once you understand the theory, you can build dozens of Energy from Still Air machines.
Yes it's called a vacuum. DUH!
How are you going to maintain that difference?
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by jim_mich »

Jon, I agree with Ralph. Open an off topic thread and tell us more about your communities water problems. I'm sure we can point to possible solutions.

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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by ltseung888 »

4 of 10

In the figure, 1 is water tank. 2 is a water pump. 3 is an air pump. 4 are one way valves. 5 is the exit at great height.

The water in tank 1 is pumped up with the water pump 2 and also the air pump 3. In other words, the mixture going through the one way valves 4 is not just water. It is a mixture of water and air.

Such an arrangement will send a given amount of water to a greater height with less energy than from a water pump alone.

An authorative paper from one of the top universities will thoroughly discuss and prove this. (It is also part of our patent.)
Both air and water pump used to get water+air up
Both air and water pump used to get water+air up
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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by jim_mich »

This is only half true! It's like saying that someone can cause a 2 pound weight to lift 10 pounds. We all here know that it can be done by leverage. But the smaller weight must move a greater distance. Pumping a water and air mixture causes a leverage affect. The pressure can be much lower but the air volume is much higher. I seriously doubt that is takes less energy to raise an equal amount of water to a particular height. Adding check valves will affect any backflow but I doubt it would affect a steady flow situation. If you can prove that less energy is needed to produce a steady volume and flow to a particular height than with a conventional pump then you might have something of interest. Otherwise you are just another hypester.

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re: Energy from Still Air

Post by rlortie »

For those who have recently joined this forum or are new at the thought of a perpetual motion machine, I recommed some deep study in the folowing web page and it's related links.

This will help you to understand what ltseung888 is trying to sell you. Take your time and absorb all!

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