From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

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From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Michael »

(that's me)

I've kept quiet about this for about eight years now, but have recently told someone else on the net about it so I thought I'd share this with the group. This was the content I was going to start a private thread on.

As I said, those many years ago I did some experiments with magnets, and a microwave. I took two 1/8 inch thick, by 1 inch circular shaped magnets (the black kind you can get anywhere), ripped a piece of duct tape, approximately 1/4 inch thick by 3 inches, and tapped two opposing sides together ie. north to north, or south to south. I then put them in the microwave and turned on. In about ten minutes the magnets began to glow, a dull orange red for most of the mass, and a bright amber-white in the center. The effect lasts about 20 minutes, when they then loose their magnetic field due to curie tempreture. Now, you don't have to tape them together. It can actually be a little toxic as the tape begins to burn. Interestingly when the tape does burn and melt away, the heat of the magnets seems to keep them together. If you do this remember you are playing with a low level type of nuclear energy. Although no more energy is being created, than what is already present by the microwave, I have absolutely no idea how the microwaves are/ if being transformed to other wave lengths. An easier, less toxic way to do it, I found out later, is just to have them attract side to side, so if you looked down on them you would see a north and a south side looking up at you. Amber-white. Now that's hot. I hadn't even able to get them to glow red with a blow torch. Basically what's happening is when an electromagnetic wave enters a magnetic field, it is repulsed at a 90 degree angle reletive to the entrance point. In this set up, one magnet is repulsing the wave against one magnet, while the other does the opposite. At least this is what I think is happening. The wave is getting caught between the two surfaces, and the surfaces heat up. This seems the most plausible, but there are other seemingly unique things that can occur, that I'll share later on. I'll say this much for now. When putting opposing face to face I've tried holding them together with a cloths pin, and a glass set on top. Nothing happens. It's as if those items distort the way the microwaves are interacting with the magnets. If you try this please post and I'll further my observations.

Now... I SWEAR this is absolutely true. Around the same period of time, maybe a little later, I went out for a walk at night time. Probably between 11.00 and 2.00 a.m. I had the choice of feeling down because no matter what experiment I thought I'd invest my time into towards free energy was failing, or just put it aside and feel good. I chose the later. I was walking down a hill and turned a corner, and in the sky, sitting about 5 feet above a house rooftop, was a ball of light, the size of a grapefruit. There was no flicker in the light, and it cast no light on anything else. It was solid, as solid as I've ever seen anything else. Keep in mind this was years before the media was putting out shows on people seeing balls of light. About a half a second after I saw it, it moved downwards behind the house. It dropped at a steady rate, not like it pulled by gravity. It gave me the impression of what it is like when you see a wild animal, and it sees you have noticed it, and it takes off. When it dropped, I felt a sharp pain at the base of my skull, like a needle being forced into it. In the area of where the spine meets the skull. Afterwards I tried to think of a rational explanation, like it was ball lightning, and the pain was accociated with the electrostatic field being distorted from the balls movement. I even phoned the radio station the next day to ask if anything was reported. Nothing was, and actually it was a clear night. And there's still the impression that whatever it was, it seemed aware of me noticing it. Lately I've been considering something else. I am wondering if my experiments with the magnets, and creating a small nuclear fire caused something "similar" to notice me. This might seem strange, but there are even numerous references in alchemy texts to reaching "god" (please keep in mind I am NOT saying that was god) through the inner fire. That which burns but does not consume like the fire of the monster. In otherwords regular fire heat. References to this are even in mystical references, as in burning fro the fire from within, pure awarness.

Anyway, enough for now.


re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by coylo »

I am wondering if my experiments with the magnets, and creating a small nuclear fire caused something "similar" to notice me.
Interesting. Are you implying that your experimenting with magnets in microwaves may have unleashed something detectable by either the goverment........extra terrestials........or some other heavenly force?

I wonder what would happen if I put two taped magnets with a Big Al Burger in my microwave........... Elvis would be knocking on my door.
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Lightwave »

sounds very much like ball lightning (my uncle hade one go thru his house during a lightning storm)
i work on submarines, and ball lightning has been created opening
a high voltage swtich under load, it makes quite a mess also.
how far from your experiment did this happen? your high energy experiment could have caused this ball? energy has to go somewhere
i belive ball lightning is an effect when energy is trapped.
as for you being noticed feeling it could be just a feeling :)
our mind makes things up to make sense to us. we see shadows and faces in clouds and your looking at dots on your screen right now but you mind assembled them into words...
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Michael »

Tommy K.

As to your private message to me. Respectively, I don't think you read my post too well. First circular magnets will not give the effect I posted on. Secondly, I am an aware enough individual to know the difference between a burn in in my eye, and something real. The ball I saw was weeks, possibly months after. (but in the same time frame ie summer) as the experiments I did. It was not burn in.

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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Michael »

To all, just to be claer on this. I do not think the experiment I did unleashed the energy of that ball. The microwave experiments have only the energy a typical microwave will give off. And, as I pointed out the two events were weeks, to months apart. I have been thinking however that yes, quite possibly the ball I saw was possibly an aware life form. Sounds strange, but it had cohesion, and solidity. It might be possible that there are things out there, that are not usually percieved. There are a lot of thoughts on these ball things by others, from them being natural forms of life here, to them, being people in their astral form, to aliens or even spiritual entities. Science apparently cannot duplicate ball lightning, yet these things have been reported thoughout history. There's even talk of them being asociated with crop circles. Do I believe any of this? I only have an open mind, and can only really believe what I experience. I do know it didn't move in a haphazard way, and only seemed to move after I noticed it. As well there was the very unpleasent pain I felt. I mean, it hurt alot. Very sharp. What I've been currently thinking is, as a possibility, imagine you were out somewhere and there was a person you didn't see. And this person flashed a mirror at you, so you saw a glint of light. Wouldn't you go and take a look? So what if the experiments I was performing had the quality of flashing a light at "something"? Something with the same type of potential? Maybe it was taking a look.

I also had a lucid dream in this time frame where in the dream I knew I was dreaming. But it started out by me waking up in the dream state to a spherical whitish yellow ball pulsing at my forhead. I didn't like it, got angry, and tried to mentally tell it where to go. I then looked at the carpet on the floor and my hands, and everything was twinkling-glowing with light. I knew I was dreaming and I could do things at this point, so I flew up through the ceiling to the living room above. There were two Christmas trees in this room. (it wasn't Christmas in reality). One tree was lopsided. I pointed my finger at it and commanded that it right itself. It didn't. So I again commanded it to do this, only I did so with more intent. This time it did. End of dream. Just interesting that the ball of light was there again.

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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by MrTim »

I'm not one to doubt that you saw something unexplainable. One night, just before going to bed, I entered the darkened hallway and a small green glowing light (around an inch in diameter, and at about chest level) moved toward me, then made a 90 degree turn into another bedroom and disappeared.
It wasn't a trick of the eye because I could see the green glow reflecting off surrounding surfaces (including me.) I remember thinking at the time that I could have reached out and touched it, but another part of me told me to leave it alone and let it go on it's way.
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Oxygon »

Question: How close did you observe the experiment?

Microwaves on the brain can mess you up man... :P

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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by coylo »

One night, just before going to bed, I entered the darkened hallway and a small green glowing light (around an inch in diameter, and at about chest level) moved toward me, then made a 90 degree turn into another bedroom and disappeared.
These glowing lights are known in the paranormal world as "orbs". They are considered to be the first stage of the manifestation of a ghost. They are often captured on camera in the UK living TV show "Most Haunted".
Take a look at these pictures:
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Oxygon »


What is wrong with those people...

Some of those (Most of those) are so obvious...

Some are dirty lenses, others are dust particles and other still are just things like fingers and fabric, etc. hanging off the hand or objects just near by interfering with the line of sight. I saw a picture with the capture "ectoplasm" and you could see the cigarette in the persons hand... Come-On!

Wierdos ;P
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by ovyyus »

Hi Michael,

Interesting microwave experiment to say the least.

On the matter of the ball of light you saw... You said that the ball of light cast no illumination on surrounding objects and that it's disappearance was accompanied by a sharp pain at the base of your scull. These are suspicous coincidences don't you think.

Could it be that what you saw was not in fact an external physical manifestation but perhaps a temporary physiologocal anomaly occuring within your own body? I have heard of reports of balls, streaks, fuzzy blobs, etc, of light resulting from various brain aberrations, sometimes resulting from blows to the head or spine, chemical exposure/imbalance, stress, radiation, etc. Sometimes similar aberrations are accompanied by feelings such as dread, being watched, hyper reality, the sense of a presence, and so on.

Being the finely tuned critters that we are, it doesn't take much to upset the apple cart, so to speak. Just another point of view, for what it's worth to you.
Last edited by ovyyus on Sun May 02, 2004 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Jonathan »

I think ovyyus might have something there. The visual cortex is in the back of the brain you know. And it was in this vague region of time that you were exposing yourself to who knows what when playing with microwaves. Also, if I were you I would be wary about using that microwave for food preparation after having had burning duct tape in it. :)
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Gravmaster2000 »

I too had an experience with an odd light flash, although it was so fast
I had no time to see it's source, and was facing in the wrong direction.
In the early 90's I was just pulling in to my apartment and parking my car in the evening,
when a VERY bright light flash occured in the sky somewhere
above and behind me, outside my car. The dashboard lit up brightly
in that moment, and trees outside cast very strong, sharp shadows.
All shadows were VERY sharp, as it a very small light source,
or far away. Of course, I thought 'lightning-wait for the noise'
but there was no noise, booms or anything for some minutes afterwards.
The sky was pretty clear, not what I would call a storm sky by
any stretch...I cannont express how much the whole parking lot lit
up in that instant...with really dark shadows....


re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by coylo »

Some of those (Most of those) are so obvious...

Some are dirty lenses, others are dust particles and other still are just things like fingers and fabric, etc. hanging off the hand or objects just near by interfering with the line of sight.
I agree Oxygon, some of them could have natural explanations. Although in the TV show I mentioned, they go to the most haunted places in Britain with night vision TV cameras and they often capture these spontaneous appearing pulsing balls of light that don't hang in the air like dust particles, they're able to zig zag in 90 degree turns with no apparent draughts fuelling their motion. All I'm saying is, I keep an open mind to everything.
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re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Kirk »

I assumed most people had heard about the researcher in Switzerland that had been gagged by court order and has been reversed by apellate court. He did a study with animals showing food heated by microwaves was altered and the alteration affected the animals in the study in a negative way. Causes cancer, destroys vitamins etc.
Just google microwave food switzerland - over 36,000 hits

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Re: re: From the x files experiments of Michael Olson

Post by Oxygon »

There was a lawsuit in 1991 in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had hip surgery, but was killed by a simple blood transfusion when a nurse "warmed the blood for the transfusion in a microwave oven!"
Most people dont know how microwaves work... but that "was" just stupid ignorant mistake.
Microwave cooking is one of the most important causes of ill health
I can understand the migration of bad chemicals into the food or air... I have thought about this before and I think there is a lawsuit pending for a bunch of health risks associated with workers at a microwave factory or something like that I heard about in the paper a week or so ago.

Plus this never helps credibilty:
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