Bessler's use of Gravity

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by winkle »

i had to check out the five monkeys and found that someone tried this at home with a twist

in their own words

their experiment

I tried this experiment at my house. But I gave the first replacement monkey a copy of the constitution and model 1911 .45 cal pistol. After he shot dead one of the other monkeys, the rest decided it was OK for him to climb the stairs for the banana.
the uneducated

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »

Ok! winkle,

It is 11:45 pm my time and now that you have supplied a good laugh for the day I am now going to bed. :0)

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by winkle »

Winkle: This is my last post about this
thank you i am tired of reading them
You made assumptions that were false and based on nothing; they made me mad because I am NOT a thief and wouldn't use the property of others to "profit". Like Ralph, I believe in my reputation level ..
It doesn't run my life, but I believe it's a good way to have an idea over someone .
i made no assumptions at all just i ask a question
Your rep status is low in my opinion, and that should spark a question in your mind.
let me state one more time i don't give a tinkers dam about a green dot rep system

Now, without offending you this time, if I did in fact steal from a patent (as you describe it) I would deserve punishment. But, yet, it's not the case and you know very little on me to make such assumptions.
listen up
again i made no assumption just ask a question
did not refer to patents in fact, nor did I say I would steal. I simply said, that if the information was available on the net for example [I thought this was clear enough; since we are here on this forum, I believe the information would be here], I would build instead of buying if the mechanism wasn't too complicated to replicate.
nor did you say anything about the net or public domain
For my part, I do not intend making any money out of the bessler wheel, if it's found [maybe a little, to be able to build and buy material]. I will freely distribute the idea and I guarantee I will be happy with that; I may even give away some prototypes I would build..
the quote below don't really work with the one above

I am just scared that if I give away a machine, people will want more and more and more and more, being once again, selfish.

Don't you think it overcome the amount of money you would make out of this?! ..
friend i'm not here for the money if i was i would already have it
the uneducated

if your gona be dumb you gota be tough

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by docfeelsgood »

wasn't it within the last couple months that pepsi cola and coca cola got inta a confrontation ?? fbi arrested some bozos and threw em in the slammer . copy rights or patents or sumthin . great rock fight goin !! dont slow down now !!!!! years ago an old italian gentleman asked me if i knew how to say F--- You in italian ? i said no and he replied "Trustaa Me" !!!!! now back at it kids !! git sum 2 or 3 pounders in the air !! dont worry bout no dots of any color !!!
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by ken_behrendt »


I vaguely recall that story. Apparently some former disgruntled employees of Coca Cola approached Pepsi Cola and offered to sell them the "secret" formula for the flavor used in Coca Cola. The people over at Pepsi Cola then contacted the people at Coca Cola and some sort of "sting" operation involving the FBI was set up and the individuals that were trying to sell the "secret" were arrested.

Pepsi Cola then said that they were quite happy with the flavor of Pepsi and did not need to steal the secret of Coca Cola. (Actually, I prefer the favor of Coca Cola to Pepsi myself).

Anyway, with modern analytical techniques, any company could easily analyze the ingredients in Coca Cola and make a near perfect duplicate. However, all that would prove is that they were incapable of coming up with their own unique flavor. Like PM research, it's good to have a variety of approaches to problems in life. Let the best solution struggle its way to the top of the popularity charts...a form of artificial natural selection in progress!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by Fletcher »

Well said Ken. Culling the weakest from the herd in order that others might thrive.
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by james kelly »

All of you seem to have strayed away to monkeys. Coca Cola & Pepsi. None of you seem able to maintain a subject.
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »

Be patient big brother, It's a union shop and it is time for a coffee break!

I have been out pulling and spraying goat heads. There just something about then that does not agree with carpet and bare feet. For those that are not familiar with the term 'goat heads" it is also referred to as puncture vine. capable of wiping out a lawn mower or bicycle tire.

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »

Ok! coffee break is over, Winkle and LIB come out of your corners, I have not yet decided which one is in the barrel. LOL

re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by Sevich »

james Kelly wrote:
All of you seem to have strayed to monkeys
how can you be so sure you have'nt ?

Five monkeys

Start with a cage containing five monkeys (winkle, LustInBlack, rlortie, Jim_mich and Sevich)

Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it.

Before long, a monkey (winkle) will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, Scott sprays all of the other monkeys (LustInBlack, rlortie, Jim_mich and sevich) with cold water.

After a while, another monkey (LustInBlack) makes an attempt with the same result - all the other monkeys (winkle, rlortie, Jim_mich and Sevich) are sprayed with cold water. pretty soon, when another monkey (rlortie) tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys (winkle, LustInBlack, Jim_mich and Sevich) will try to prevent it.

Now, Scott puts away the cold water and removes one monkey (Sevich) from the cage and replaces it with a new one (james Kelly).

The new monkey (james kelly) sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys (winkle, LustInBlack, rlortie and Jim_mich) attack him. After another attempt and attack, he (james kelly) knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove (Jim_mich) of the original five monkeys and repace it with a new one (Ken_behrendt) . The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer (james Kelly) takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey (rlortie) with a new one (ovyyus), then a fourth one (winkle) with (coylo), then a fifth one (LustInBlack) with (Michael). Every time the newest monkey (Michael) takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys (james Kelly, Ken_behrendt, ovyyus, coylo) that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing all the original monkeys (winkle, LustInBlack, rlortie, Jim_mich and Sevich), none of the remaining monkeys (ovyyus, Michael, james Kelly, coylo and Ken_behrendt) have ever been sprayed with cold water by Scott. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana.

Why not?

Because as far as they know that's the way it's always been done around here. And that, my friends, is how departmental policy begins.

(Source unknown)
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by LustInBlack »

Heheheh ..

Can I replace Scott !?

Ralph, take my place, it's your turn !
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »

Now that I have referred to the "Five Monkeys" and Sevich being the one to bring it to the surface for all (I wondered who it would be) its time to talk wheels. Thank you Sevich, I have been counting the hours.

You can learn a lot from the five monkeys if you thinking about designing a wheel.

Why does the majority believe that weights must always end up on the ascending side. Because that is the way it has always been done.

Why is Besslers canvas covered drum always looked upon as the wheel? Because that is the way it has always been done.

Why do we concern ourselves with depictions showing pendulums hanging on supports that suspend a canvas covered drum, when eye witnessess did not mention such things as pendulums hanging from supports? Because that is the way___________.

Why does no one use gravity to an advantage to raise a weight. Because that is not the way it has always been done. (Raise a weight relative to wheel position, not the viewer)

Why has Bessler's parables never been considered as the wheel is rising in relation to the weight instead of vice versa. Because that is the way it has always been done.

Why is"Lazy fat horses wondering aimlessly never thought of as weights that are not attached or pinned to the wheel? Because that is not the____

Why do we keep discussing the same concepts in different clothing over and over as new members join. Because____________

Why can't we spend more time attempting to be innovative and perceptive rather than armchair philosophy aimed at topics such as "would you patent" or "what is gravity" Or make sure some one who attempted to climb the ladder, is in the barrel? Because that is _________

Why does the mechanism that causes the mechanical transference hiding in a canvas drum have to look like a wheel? Did not Bessler say that what is inside is the device that makes the drum turn, and that it is empty on one side heavy on the other and spreads like a peacocks tail. That is not a very good description for a wheel. But that is the way____________

Why would a cat chase fat juicy mice around and axis when it is smart enough to know when to take a short cut? Because______________

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by Michael »

LOL, Sevich that gave me a good laugh. So true of bully mentality.
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by Fletcher »

Ralph .. I agree that we need a new approach, if that's what your suggesting.

The monkey thing shows we all have learned responses to certain situations. I've seen yours, when things get inflammatory you want to debate with a lawyer taking notes ;) We can only try to rise above it when we recognize it.

No personal slight intended here to anybody, but do you know how many people have come here in the last 3 years claiming to have the solution to a gravity wheel. Far to many, I'm sad to say. Of those about half have had a half baked idea that they are just so sure & cocky about that they just had to taunt & drop hints to the poor little dimwits from their lofty, self indulgent, endorphin stimulated heights.

The other half actually claimed to have working wheels & were prepared to swear on their sons grave that they were religious & honest men of integrity who would never dream of hoodwinking a soul. Some even attempted to provided some sort of lame proof that they were totally sincere about their claim. Yes, they all wanted to make money (each & every one of them from memory), but not one came thru with anything like providing a shred of credible evidence or even a patent application number, although many said they had applied.

Interestingly enough, I can't remember even one claimant of a physical working wheel who wanted to disclose it for the good of mankind & the environment (with the exception of Techstuf/Mitch Robinson I think & even he was a fake).

Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to fortune & fame if that is their need but if even one came out of the woodwork who said I just want the credit & I'm not interested in the fortune per se, then silly ole me thinks just maybe there might be a chance that they could actually have a wheel that works. They'd just release the details or follow a plan to secure & release the details they would outline here & we could follow with interest.

I hope that one day a sincere person will actually come along who doesn't pray on, for their own sick gratification & deluded need to be a somebody for a day, the neediness of this group to find an answer & rather than drop endless hints, taunts, engage in meaningless rhetoric etc etc etc actually lays out their plan to secure & release the information, then - here's the big one - follows thru & does it.
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by Michael »

That's not a completly accurate Fletcher, but let me be quick to say I get your point of course. My point though is you only have two halves and I as well as a few others don't fit into either catagory. I think I have the answer, I'm sure you think you do as well. I've thought I had the answer before and I was wrong. Well partially wrong from my perspective. I've never thought myself above anyone else nor tried to taunt anyone and the same goes for the few others I indicated.

Now, it seems to be that you think that if a person is doing it out of the integrity of just to do it without the idea of a reward, then the karma gods should reward that person.
Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to fortune & fame if that is their need but if even one came out of the woodwork who said I just want the credit & I'm not interested in the fortune per se, then silly ole me thinks just maybe there might be a chance that they could actually have a wheel that works. They'd just release the details or follow a plan to secure & release the details they would outline here & we could follow with interest.
How soon after working on the idea in this way...weeks? Months? I say, taking rewarding personality out of it, ( personality is the road to hell ), a person who has spent years at it, mostly for the sake of being driven just to do it, regardless if they want or are hoping for a reward (which helps the motivation at times), has just as much integrity as a person who doesn't care about a reward. It's effort that is the true measure of what counts.
Last edited by Michael on Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.