Bessler's use of Gravity

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »


once again I thank you for your input and character reference.
Ralph is beyond reproach I think his attitude is rare and the temptation for another person (obviously there are none on this forum) to take advantage should be kept in mind before you start sharing ideas or signing NDAs.
I highly agree with this quote, for my protection all communication is correlated in a timely manner in a separate folder. For a forum member to delete all posts in his moderated private forum with subterfuge in mind is pointless. unless I may have been the only member allowed to register in said forum then others are aware of what transpired.

On the other hand if I was the only member allowed to read these deleted posts, his attempt is still thwarted as I have copies in his file. A file which he requested that I delete (funny man). I was not born yesterday nor did I fall off a turnup truck!

If believing that by deleting private forum posts in order to dispose of substantiating evidence as ammunition for a slander suit or a preconceived plan to ride on anothers shirt tail of success then you have committed PPP (piss poor planning)..

I am not sure but I bet the moderator. Scott can pull those posts up in the forum delete file.

Never sign an NDA, do not bother asking someone else to sign an NDA. In my generation of being raised and learning the facts of life, a good solid hand shake is as binding as any legal paper. It is a matter of earned respect for both the shaker and the shakee. Just make sure that that this verbal hand shake is for confidential comunicaiton regarding his concept only, not yours.

My perception and back ground info has already told me that I need not concern myself of James from hearing from said accuser until working hours on Monday August 21, Eastern USA time. Now if he has half his marbles in one bag, he should pick up on this statement, and realize that his livelihood may be put at risk if he continues to harass us!

Points to remember to avoid a slander suit: Never state that so and so is a liar, crook or scammer causing malicious intent, you may become liable for a civil tort violation, and possibly lose unless you can substantiate your statement. But if you say IMO so and so is a liar, crook, etc then you have only stated an opinion and not an acussation.

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »


On August 18, 15:06 GMT I wrote the following:
At my suggestion and discretion this information has been passed to one select trusted member (by Kelly) to act as third party witness just in case he should find himself in the present condition. Magnum for your sake I hope you are picking up on this fact!

To keep everything above board and true to the letter, this should state;

At my discretion I said yes to my partner, when asked if a third party could/should be be informed of the Kel-lor design. I then wrote third party, attempting to answer the questions that I felt I would be received shortly.


re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by coylo »

This all must make you wonder why you bother to go to the trouble to help others, Ralph.
A good deed never goes unpunished.....n'all that!

However, keep the faith!
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by 1712 »

I recommend that J.C. get rlortie to work on the deciphered wheel if J.C. cannot make it work.

One of the 12 ways to stay out of trouble is that if you can't do it yourself, put the tool in the hand of the man who can.

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »


That is why I throw my medication that is in Childproof bottles into my Great Grandchild's crib! Works every time!

You do make a point though. In theory John wishes to freely share the wheel. I wish to patent and have control, over patent usage. My thinking is that if one does not patent. even though public knowledge is made, the lobbyist for big money interests (OIL) would infuence congress to still put a clamp on it.

Monetary wise I guess a fee could be set and a rebate offered for Johns share! :-)

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by John Collins »

I'm going to get some help, but I have a friend here in the UK, who I hope will help me, so although I would be happy to ask Ralph for his assistance, it would be much easier for me to work with someone who only lives about 100 miles away . I haven't given up yet but if I don't get somewhere soon I shall speak to him.

So ... please don't worry!!! :-)

John Collins
james kelly
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by james kelly »

bro; You are going to have to get two or three banks for all your money if two or three pan out.One already has. 2 days wrk left on the big unit.JIMMY
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by Fletcher »

For the record, Tinhead & I don't have/use NDA's etc either nor will we sign them for all the reasons stated above. We never solicit for ideas or designs & we only help others privately when requested specifically & we have a general good feel about them. That may be naive but it works for us.


Magnum .. you should also consider that it is far from proven the Kelly has a working wheel so I think your current thoughts are very premature at best. If he fails to produce the goods then there is absolutely no basis to your claims of information swapping leading to a working wheel & its all been a storm in a tea cup.
james kelly
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by james kelly »

Fellows, may I remind you , that I am supposed to be the one with mental problems. lol
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by ovyyus »

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by rlortie »


I must complain of your lengthy posts. Can you not shorten them up a little. :-)

Now if you are thinking of posting a blank post, I am not surprised!

Have a good day and enjoy the on-going saga, it's going to get better Monday here in the old USA. LOL!

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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by bluesgtr44 »

I can't stop laughing....thanks Mr. Kelly...been a rough week and I needed this one.
Fellows, may I remind you , that I am supposed to be the one with mental problems. lol

Finding the right usually a function of asking the right questions. -A. Einstein
james kelly
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by james kelly »

THANKS! Steve; It goes without saying that you are one of my favorite people. Some on here do not know how funny they really are. Bill has an entellectual funny bone that really gets to a guy. Some people , when I say things like that, think I am serious. James L. Kelly
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re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by Magnum »


IÂ’m sorry. I lost my temper when you referred to my wheel design at our site. There were other posts you made referring to results such as a statement you made in another thread. It was something to the effect of: As for me it is reality. 52 degrees using two weights. This is not giving away info but did lend fuel to my fire. There are others that match my design or could match any for that fact.
This is close to what I was planning to post but you are now leading a campaign against me. I see torches at the castle door and no way out. The fact remains I was justified to air my concerns but it has gone to far. I will give you a chance to be the bigger man. We both need to write an apology statement. To give away someoneÂ’s life work and say I made a boo boo just turned me a deep shade of red.
Please forgive my anger fit as it made my bind to the truth. You are an honorable and trustworthy man Ralph. Also if you no longer plan to build my wheel hold onto the design and if you can use it in another build contact me and we will work something out.
ItÂ’s a shame that I know I have a working wheel and I pissed off the only man who would build it.
I do not care what the people on the forum think of me Ralph. The only thing on my mind now is how can I clear your name and save face at the same time. I plan to ask these people for help in the future and do not want a cloud hanging over you and I.

This is a copy of the last email I sent to Ralph. I crossed the line by saying he leaked information. Out of my anger I wronged a great man. I hope that Ralph and James can forgive my stupidity. For those of you who come here to watch us fight it out sorry but for me fights over.

Ken Toliver

I asked Scott to close my forum a while back. He said it was no problem keeping it open and I may need it in the future.
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Re: re: Bessler's use of Gravity

Post by 1712 »

John Collins wrote:I'm going to get some help, but I have a friend here in the UK, who I hope will help me, so although I would be happy to ask Ralph for his assistance, it would be much easier for me to work with someone who only lives about 100 miles away . I haven't given up yet but if I don't get somewhere soon I shall speak to him.

So ... please don't worry!!! :-)

John Collins
I also recommend Tinhead, Ken, Bluestra?, or jimmich for the job of putting the working touches on J.C.s deciphered wheel job. Coylo, would also be a good one.

Just going on what I've read. But rlortie may be the best bet.

Still, I think, nothing will work though. Hope yall's don't mind the contrarian opinion.
