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Post by Michael »

Has anyone tried to solve any other mysteries out there? I think the back of the book Perpetual Motion History of an Obsession, lists seven. I've seen this on another book too. There are code breakers now trying to solve what some have said shows where the Holy Grail is. It is based on this;

The Shepherds of Arcadia

And a real grave site of a family reputed to be connecvted with the knight templar. A similar engraving is on that grave.


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re: Mystery

Post by Michael »

opps that link didn't work. Try here

Nicolas Poussin Open this result in new window
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re: Mystery

Post by Michael »

oopps that link didn't work try here ... a.jpg.html

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re: Mystery

Post by Jonathan »

I don't understand, how do you find the Holy Grail from a painting?
The seven impossible things are:
1. The Squaring of the Circle
2. The Duplication of the Cube
3. The Trisection of the Angle
4. Perpetual Motion
5. The Transmutation of Metals
6. The Fixation of Mercury
7. The Elixir of Life
I'm not going to try 5 and 7. I don't know what 1-3 and 6 are, though I'd probably try 1-3 if I did.
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re: Mystery

Post by Joel Wright »

I would use string to find the square of a circle.Place the string around the edge of the circle.Mark ends remove string ,arrange in square ,measure to square ,calculate area, or am I missing something.
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re: Mystery

Post by Stewart »

Hi Michael

As you know I've been researching alchemy and this has led me to other related topics such as The Knights Templar, The Holy Grail, The Rosicrucians, Freemasonry and many others. I'm very interested in these and other topics from history and love anything with codes, symbols and forgotten knowledge/technology. I haven't tried seriously tackling anything other than Bessler's Wheel, but I am gathering as much knowledge as I can to help with it and to get a better understanding of human history and of life itself. I was amazed to discovered the other day that my parents are also researching the same things completely independantly! They are researching The Holy Grail and recently paid a visit to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. It has strong links to the Templars and there are many theories about the place and about what holy relics may lie beneath it including: early gospels, the Ark of the Covenant, the Stone of Destiny, even the mummified head of Christ. My parents said it is an amazing place - I'm definately going to visit it soon. I'm planning a trip with them to France later this year to vist other important Templar places and buildings. At the same time we are going to go to German and visit some of the places where Bessler lived.
Aswell as the theories about The Holy Grail being Christ's head/body, there are other theories about it being Mary Magdelene and that she was pregnant with Christ's child and so carried His blood line. Theories like this seem to make more sense to me than The Holy Grail being just a cup. Anyway, there's loads of interesting stuff on the internet about all these topics. Also, if you're interested in this subject and like codes etc, a good book is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It's a fictional story but has lots of interesting factual and historical info aswell.
It's funny how The Knights Templar and The Holy Grail keep popping up in the news and other things I read. I read about the Shepard's Monument a few days ago - I might go and see it. Here's some interesting links about it: ... 703191.stm ... ument.html

Rosslyn Chapel link:

The Knights Templar website (yes they still exist!):

All the best
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re: Mystery

Post by Jonathan »

Hey Joel, your method is off by pi/4. What you've done there is make a square with the same perimeter as the circle, not area. It's side length will be s=C/4=pi*r/2, and so the area will be A=s^2=((pi*r)^2)/4. I just looked up squaring the circle, and I wouldn't seriously try it (it'd be fun coming up with new approximations though). I found a great site, here.
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re: Mystery

Post by Stewart »

Here's another interesting link:

The secret of the Vitruvian man

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re: Mystery

Post by MrTim »

I've nailed one 'mystery' (though I'm still tracking down corroborative material. See my www. link below.)

Holy Grail = Ark of the Covenant
It's supposedly located in the city of Axum, in Ethiopia. I found a really good book on it in the library, but I can't remember the title of it right now. (Sorry!)

"Fermat's Last Theorem" was supposed to have been solved, but I haven't seen the solution to it.
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Re: Mystery

Post by MrTim »

Michael wrote:There are code breakers now trying to solve what some have said shows where the Holy Grail is. It is based on this;

The Shepherds of Arcadia

And a real grave site of a family reputed to be connecvted with the knight templar. A similar engraving is on that grave.
This the one? ... 03,00.html
"....the mechanism is so simple that even a wheel may be too small to contain it...."
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found at a yahoo group [energy]

Post by epistemologicide »

found this at an energy yahoo group

The Ark of the Covenant [Part 1]

The Ark was powerful, because it served a powerful purpose. Understanding its relevance and its purpose is probably the only way to ascertain its usefulness. It is probably the only piece of 'technology' that God allowed, since God provided the entire 'creation' as sustenance. Mankind was meant to glorify the Creator as a crowning monument to the greatness and supremacy of the Creator's Lordship.

The Ark has been lost, and presumably hidden, from wrongful intent and wrongful purpose Those that dismiss the Ark as fairtales shouild analyze more closely its design.

So what is God's technology as revealed within the Ark of the Covenant and what makes this technology significant?

How does one begin to describe technology designed by the Creator especially technology only God created via 'covenant?' Without solid 'evidence' one can only ... ctive.html speculate.Speculation is the first stage of investigation.
Recognizing its significant external engineering, may provide interesting ... lark9.html clues regarding its powers and ultimate uses. Such High Technology ... bible.html

may have stimulated Nikola Tesla, and again one can only speculate. Indeed the technology of the 'Creator is greater than
we can imagine. And it will probably forever remain a mystery beyond our ... venan.html absolute comprehension. In order to ascertain some modicum of truth, one must ... nology.htm
go back in time to analyze ancient technologies, thereby providing a milieu and a frame work as well as a reference guide as a launching point into the unknown.

Leslie R. Pastor

Research: The Ark of the Covenant
Sources: ... enant.html ... e_covenant

re: Mystery

Post by coylo »

I remember watching a documentary based on a UFO phenomenon known as Roswell Rods and being totally fascinated.
Here is one explanation of what they could be from the site; ... l_rods.htm
Here is a bizarre new life form for cryptozoologists and skeptics to fight about - Rods! What are rods you ask? Rods are thin, unidentified organic life forms that fly (or ride air currents) in the sky. They range from 4 inches to over 100 feet long, some having short appendages. They fly rapidly and are almost impossible to see with the untrained eye. There are three distinct types of rods: centipede rods, white rods, and spears. They have been reported throughout the United States, Canada, and worldwide, and are visible in all seasons. They appear to be living, breathing organisms playing among the clouds.
Here is a site based on the work of Jose Escamilla

Basically what interests me is that there is what looks like some kind of thread (like that of a screw) propelling their motion. So could this duplicated.......was what I was thinking?
Some one from the US Military told Escamilla that they know what rods are. They could be the ultimate mini spy planes....or the ultimate alien invasion.....or maybe just a very fast bug.

The cave base jump footage was the best evidence ever caught on camera. See below. The manoeveres these things pulled was amazing.
body_roswell_rods_2.jpg (2.76 KiB) Viewed 21968 times
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re: Mystery

Post by Jonathan »

Knife fish have the long undulating fin propulsion you mentioned.
Now though I bet some are just normal bugs and debri, I think there is a good chance that many aren't. I've seen that film from the Mexican cavern, I don't know how long it is but I doubt I've seen all the interesting parts, only a few seconds on TV. But in those few seconds there are 15 or twenty of them.
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re: Mystery

Post by AlanR »

Hi all

I thought the mystery of rods was solved.

From the URL below...

They ARE insects--perfectly ordinary insects. As you correctly observe, they are a videographic artifact based on the frame capture rate of the videocam versus the wingbeat frequency of the insects. Essentially what you see is several wingbeat cycles of the insect on each frame of the video, creating the illusion of a "rod" with bulges along its length. The blurred body of the insect as it moves forward forms the "rod," and the oscillation of the wings up and down form the bulges. Anyone with a video camera can duplicate the effect, if you shoot enough footage of flying insects from the right distance.

I think theres a demonstration at that site... I know i saw one which "created" rods using tiny insects, etc...
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re: Mystery

Post by AlanR »

actually just re-read the stuff there and I for one, am convinced that rods are 100% bull. Check out the wasps, which turn into "rods".

I challenge anyone to still believe in the existence of rods having viewed the demo's at the site in my previous post.
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