Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by cw »

rlortie wrote:Sorry Wheeler, but he has, one incident is getting electricity from a copper wire suspended pendulum swinging between two magnets. Even the simplest form of a Faraday generator has to have a complete circuit.
Ralph, not to mention his claim that bamboo and pitch can be used to shield magnetism. Who would'a thunk it was so simple, eh?
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by Wheeler »

Here is on way of doing it.
See attached image
copper wire and magnets.JPG
JB Wheeler
it exists I think I found it.
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Re: re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by hartiberlin »

ltseung888 wrote:I have now got permission from the Company Yuen Fat Development Ltd. of Hong Kong to show pictures of the prototype that is already in USA.

This prototype will be tested by at least two famous USA universities well before October. If things go as planned, the prototype will be shown in St. Louis at the Renewable Energy Conference.

Here is the picture and my planned introduction speech.

Have fun.
Looks like the exact model from this company in Florida
which are called "Remaints" or something simular.
I still have it on my forum somewhere.

Seems he has stolen this picture just from the web..??
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Re: re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by hartiberlin »

Hi Ken,
you are exactly right.
Tseung is forgetting, that if he pushes the weight with a force
for a short duration, also during this duration,
there will be an antiforce , reacting into the opposing direction
slowing down the weight-speed and movement, cause the weight must be pushed up. So the speed of the weight and thus its kinetic horizontal energy is zero and his equatations are false and his COP will
just be 1 if you leave out the friction.

so he has forgotten to calculate in the opposing Force F, which is
into -F (minus F) direction in his drawing, which slows down the weight and let it come to a stillstand at the shown distance dx, so there is no horizontal energy !

ken_behrendt wrote:Mr. Tseung...

I understand how you got the horizontal distance that the weight is displaced in your diagram, which is:

Distance horizontal = Length x sin (a)

But, I think the problem is that you have mistakenly assumed that the horizontal force, F, can simply be multiplied by that horizontal distance to obtain the work being done on the swinging and, more importantly, rising pendulum.

Actually, if one slowly increases the horizontal force being applied to move the pendulum to the right, one will find that far less than a force of F is required to begin moving the pendulum. Then, the force must be slowly increased to finally bring it to any position at which its support rod makes an angle a with its starting position.

Thus, if one wants to use the horizontal displacement distance only to calculate the energy stored in the pendulum, one must use an average value for the changing horizontal displacement force and that average value will be a LOT less than F. As a result of this, the "horizontal energy" or work that must be done horizontally to move the pendulum will not be equal to the value you show, but would actually be equal to the far easier to calculate "vertical energy" of the pendulum

But, one must make a choice of talking either about the pendulum's horizontal or vertical energy. It can not have both! If one thinks it has both, then one is actually adding energy to the system which is not there. I think your "Coefficient of Over Unity" or COU of 1.5 is wrong. It should really be written as:

COU = total output energy / supplied energy =(0.819411)/0.819411 = 1.0 and this certainly is NOT "free" energy!

One would not have to do any work on the pendulum in a horizontal direction unless the pendulum was also rising as it moved. Thus, what you are calling "horizontal" energy is only the "vertical energy" being put into the rising weight. The two are the same and should only be counted once.


I have been using MS Word for a while now and discovered that whatever text formatting changes are most recently used by it while reading a .doc file I download will, somehow, show up in whatever .doc file I am currently working on. I think this could be a glitch in the program and I have tried everything I could think of to modify the current Template to correct it and, eventually, gave up. The template only shows the last four documents worked on and eventually the contaminted one moves off the Template list. But, while I'm waiting for it to leave, I'm forced to read, write, and edit pages in a formatting that I did not want and which can cause eye fatique. I now avoid this problem by NOT opening any .doc files while I'm in the middle of working on a file myself.

As far as the .pdf files are concerned, I have no problem opening such files off of the internet or, in the case of Mr. Tseung's "theory" .pdf, when someone emails me them as an attachment. I can not remember if I have been able to successfully open other .pdg files off of this board. I'm at a loss to explain what is happening in this case.

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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

The discussion forum at is worth looking at.

We are working with them for the benefit of the entire human race.

See you all at that forum. For an update of what we have been doing in the last few weeks - see

Regards to you all.

Lawrence Tseung and Lee Cheung Kin
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

Dear All,

How can I not believe in angels. Thank you all at

I just managed to upload AVSEQ003.DAT to youtube

You can view it at:

This particular inventions uses the technique of floatation to extract gravitational energy. It works in the following fashion:

(1) A Weight W of density 0.6 falls down to generate electricity.
(2) The Weight W then goes into a water tank with a vertical tubel full of water.
(3) There are two doors in this vertical tube. When the Weight W starts to float upwards, the top door closes and the bottom door opens. The atmospheric pressure will keep the water in the tube.
(4) After the Weight W floats to the top, the bottom door closes. The upper door opens. The closed bottom door will prevent the water in the tube from flowing out.
(5) When the Weight W is at the top, a mechanism is used to move it to the chain so that it drops down to generate electricity. (The mechanism is not shown in this video as it was under development.)

I hope this video shows the basic theory. Extracting Gravitational Energy via Floatation is a piece of cake in theory but extremely inefficient in practice. Is this an OU device?
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ken_behrendt »

A few of the members here have some interest in hydraulic type devices. Here's a design I came up with a few months ago. It uses "ferro fluid" as a seal at the bottom of the container to hold the water in. However, it allows the rising floats to pass through and float to the top of the container and out of it.

The big problem with devices such as this occurs when the float first enters the water and must over come the pressure resisting its entrance. In this design, I was hoping that the buoyancy of the rest of the floats in the container would help "pull" additional floats into the water at the bottom of the container.

Here's my solution the problem of hydraulic PM...
Here's my solution the problem of hydraulic PM...
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

In short, I posted a wanted ad for an OU device, offering the maximum price I could comfortably afford, £100,000.

I know it's not a lot of money, but I think it's a reasonable price for just one working device - I'm not asking to buy the rights to production.

ltseung888 is the only person to have responded to my wanted ad. He says he and his coolleagues can sell me such a device. I'm very excited about this prospect.
At least, you got one fish there, good for you.

.. And you sound fishier than ever.. Good for you !
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by M »

This tube idea is worthless !

As soon as you take out the weight you have less water in the tube.
Exactly as much water is missing as the volume of the weight replaced.

After some cycles the tube will be empty !

Work to refill the tube equals kinetic energy won. ( But only under ideal conditions )

If this is a piece of your OU-cake-theory,
how tastes the rest of it ?
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by graham »

Lib wrote :
ltseung888 is the only person to have responded to my wanted ad. He says he and his coolleagues can sell me such a device. I'm very excited about this prospect.
Where did this quote come from ?

I would be VERY cautious if I were you .
100 000 quid is about $18500.00 !!! Crikey !!

You must be quite wealthy to consider this to be not a lot of money

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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

This came from the links Tseung gave .

And it's clear, in my opinion, that he is just interested in stealing money from believers.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by rlortie »

As soon as you take out the weight you have less water in the tube.
Exactly as much water is missing as the volume of the weight replaced. After some cycles the tube will be empty!

Under ideal conditions, only the displaced water from the first weight would be missing. All other weight would just displace that which the first one expelled.

This means that the second weight (which is less dense than water) will never reach the top of the tube. Being less dense than water at one cubic inch =.57798 of an ounce, how much power will this create after friction loss of the chain drive.

He does not show the means of returning the float to the chain Which I am sure will take more energy than gained if any!

And why is he off on another tangent when his earlier concepts are still in question to some ??

When are we going to "Red dot" this guy out of here?

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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

To hartiberlin,
Hi Ken,
you are exactly right.
Tseung is forgetting, that if he pushes the weight with a force
for a short duration, also during this duration,
there will be an antiforce , reacting into the opposing direction
slowing down the weight-speed and movement, cause the weight must be pushed up. So the speed of the weight and thus its kinetic horizontal energy is zero and his equatations are false and his COP will
just be 1 if you leave out the friction.

so he has forgotten to calculate in the opposing Force F, which is
into -F (minus F) direction in his drawing, which slows down the weight and let it come to a stillstand at the shown distance dx, so there is no horizontal energy !
You raised a similar question as the Patent Examiner. We already successfully answered that. We used the case of the Pulse Force applied at an angle at the end of a swing. See the attached file.
Theory and experiments to conclusively demonstrate that gravitation energy is extracted
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

Tseung :

Ok, objectively speaking :

What you are saying is,

Let's say Mass (MG mass) is 5 Lbs, then, a pulse force, less than that mass should be enough to lift that same weight.

So a Mass of say, 3 lbs can be tied to the end of rope F after the pulley ..

This mass should be able to give just enough energy to the system to lift MG.

Right ?!
Figure A2 shows the Pendulum System pulled to a mid-point position. In such a position, the Tension in the String will do about the same work as that of the Pulse Force!
So mass of 3 lbs should be able to lift mass of 5 lbs since it's doubled.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by Tinhead »

The 3lb in that arrangement will be able to lift the 5lb weight, but not the same distance as it drops. The 5lb would follow an arc (with radius 'T') .. nothing gained there.

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