Osama's Message to America!

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Re: re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »

ken_behrendt wrote:Scott...
* * * * *

It's really all so sad. Hopefully, after terrorism is finally defeated, the youth in these countries can have a real education that enables them to look at the various aspects of an issue and draw their own conclusions about them. Having freedom of expression to then express their own conclusions either verbally or in the printed or televised words would also be nice too.


"So sad" is right!

The youth as well as the rest of us would enjoy a "real education", if the twin horns of political terrorism in our lives, The Republican party apparatus, and The Democrat party apparatus, were to be eliminated from this earth, utterly and forthwith!

The collective damage done to "We the people . . ." by both, all achieved by means of most sly incrementalism and appeals to 'progress', is incalculable.

It is so horrible when viewed in-total and dispassionately, that most simply will not admit it to consciousness, this so as not to have to deal with it's sheer horror and scope, and actually even, identifying with the oppressive sewer system that it has crafted and runs, and still worse DEFENDS IT because so perfectly accommodated to it, and it's false lures.

WHY-OH-WHY do the people treason-so against themselves and their rational needs, which in fact are simple and few?

I shall proffer an answer:

It is because it seems the easy way out, when actually it is the hard way in to existences of eternal laboring for less, and less, and less, and for the exceeding enrichment as well as grand amusement of our money masters: the corporations; the government corporations, the banking corporations and . . . our dear, elected 'representatives'.

[They DO think we're quite funny for going along with this, you know.]

Apparently, I am the only one who objects to this infernally hatched plan for self-destruction, and frankly, am looking for 'THIS WAY OUT' of the nut house, even if that means 'horizontal', but best not.

racer wrote:* * * * *

. . . into one SUPER THIRD PARTY

* * * * *
Exactly, but such happiness will occur only if the system allows it. As the truly thinking mind should suggest, I believe, IT has a million and one ways of de-railing, co-opting, buying-out, killing-off ('accidenting', heart-attacking, etc..) anything or anyone who might meaningfully threaten it's anciently crafted, wicked status-quo of consumptive nonsense.

No, as I see it, first Mad Max, then Grand Reconstruction, and this along the precise lines as set out by the Anti-Federalist Founders. All else is doomed to failure, tragically. Check the record.

I am open to all reasoning and evidence standing to-the-contrary, but, with blinders off, and 'positivism' for it's own self-serving sake set aside for proper analysis, all prognoses imaginable by me for recovery from this thing that we have here, do not look good, "troops".

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by docfeelsgood »

James- chief cynic ; imo there are many who know the problem exists. a person would have to be a deaf blind fool not to know !! but few if any have the answer as to how to rectify the situation. if you have the answer please inform us . I have always had one question, Who is the man at the very top ??? some say rothchilds, some say the pope and his jesuits, some claimed the late david rockefeller and the world bank. there has to be a chain of command. Doc.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by Bessler007 »

I have always had one question, Who is the man at the very top ???
I know. If I told you I'd have to arrange for you to have an accident.

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by docfeelsgood »

Bessler007; by admitting to having this knowledge perhaps you are in much more danger than I ??? KEN; in all your worldly studying do you have a clue ?? anyone ?? or can the true answer be more evasive than Besslers wheel ???? Doc.
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Re: re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »

docfeelsgood wrote:James- chief cynic ; imo there are many who know the problem exists. a person would have to be a deaf blind fool not to know !! but few if any have the answer as to how to rectify the situation. if you have the answer please inform us .
* * * * *
I already did: complete dis-enfranchisement and dissection of the two on-going criminal monstrosities, the Democrat Party and the Republican Party.

That would constitute a darned good start, and would serve as a chilling wake-up-call to the rest of the sewer operators. [They don't refer to their charming creation as "the system" for nothing!]

The Founders WARNED, particularly Washington, that if ever we allowed party politicing to become the order-of-the-day, the Republic and the freedom over which it once stood guard, would soon enough come to total ruination!

Well, we did, and it did!

Read our authentic history and weep, all the while worshiping the vile legislative democracy that we now settle for, that beau ideal of our selected demagogues with their putty-faces of corruption and endless lying, lying, lying etched deeply into them.

But WHO knows or cares about any differences that might lay between 'the before' and 'the now' of it, right?

"History's a BORE!"

Jefferson provided the remedy to the predicament we now find ourselves in, and this to be possibly resorted-to "every twenty years or so", as I recall he wrote, so as to "teach them who is still boss", or words to that precise effect.

Was this sage advice EVER exercised even ONCE by "We . . .", the smart and the wise?

Not yet!

Will it ever be?

Probably not, as it would be a lot of trouble as well as unacceptably dangerous, because now illegal to advocate-for, much less do, and, after all, there ARE cell phone and video game bills to be paid, 'stuff' to be eaten, and endless 'entertainment' garbage to be 'consumed'.

Yep, the important things first . . . and so it goes, doesn't it, Doc?

'Utter contempt' FAILS, as a suitable response anymore.
docsfeelgood wrote:* * * * *
I have always had one question, Who is the man at the very top ??? some say rothchilds, some say the pope and his jesuits, some claimed the late david rockefeller and the world bank. there has to be a chain of command. Doc.
I shall endeavor to treat your query fairly:

I'd say, pretty obviously, that no individual is there yet, but they are surely working on it, witness the facts behind the Bank for International Settlements. This is a huge first stage already accomplished.

Moving forward, how does "Global Amalgamated Incorporated" sound to you? About right? Let's put David Rockefeller in that top spot, I think he is well suited to it by both birth and general superiority, don't you? [I'll bet he would not object. ]

Let's see now . . . there would be but one Grand Chairman of the Corporation's General Board [Rockefeller], the corporation that finally ate all other corporations of the earth [meaning the one that won the merchantilist/capitalist game.]; twenty five Vice Chairmen, and under each one of them, one hundred Sub-Chairmen. One of the Vice-Chairmen would be over earthly Government matters, the rest for lesser duties; fill-in the blanks and extend on out for yourself.

Another possible scenario would be the Orwellinan nightmare vision of perpetual war and upset, the beginnings of which we see occurring right now, before our eyes; but, that might be but prefatory action to the later stage, the essential objective being the eventual elimination of many billions of us teeming "We's . . ." with our endless grousing about supposed 'rights' and latter-day 'privileges', neither of which really never existed except for a very short while. [see: "ancient history']

I think that's a fair beginning to looking at what kind of "UTOPIA" 'they' have in mind for us. A further hint as to it's ordering and composition might be had by considering the fact that the illustrious "We . . ." will never get to vote on any single aspect of it!

Well? Have "We . . ." so-far ever gotten to, I ask? Think back upon NAFTA!

So much for our legislative democracy, it's no-law tribunals and those who pose as 'our re-presentatives'.

"We . . ." have been HAD!


P.S. And, let us do remember this when contemplating their suitability to rule over us: "Competition is a sin." - John D. Rockefeller Sr.
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by docfeelsgood »

James- Chief Cynic ; I must agree with you on your observations ! And that you would have "set a fine saddle" upon your un-cloven hoofed snorter brandishing your saber leading the charge in the jeffersonian era !!! political power comes straight from the barrell of a gun !! and from what i've seen they have an awsome arsenal !!! the government sets the learning curriculum of schools, only teaching the youth the bare essentials which will make them employable and better able to serve their masters the establishment . the church is loved by the establishment as it teaches people to "be content with your lot in life", dont make waves !! of course they all have their hands out looking to drain your pockets some more !! "keep em poor to keep em working" !! if people accumulate too much just create a depression and knock em down !! and no i myself do not indulge in the frivolus trash of video games and sech !! i maintain a good sized library of non fiction and reference that i find very entertaining . my philosophy is that if you have good health and you and your family are well fed then you have about all there is to life !! anything else is a waste and i wasn't born with a suitcase chained to my wrist so that i might take it with me !! i have a copy of a will dated 1790 by my great grandfather 10 generations back. it it he lists a new house {huge, still standing}, 350 acres of good land, a water powered sawmill, barns and cattle including 3 teams of "snorters", ten children and four servants also various farm implements and cash money . so i guess that is a prime example of what can be accomplished before "big brother" came along and got his hands in your pocket !!! ps, he signed the document with an "X" . really strange how this country was able to prosper thrive for two hundred years before "big brother" took total controll !!! as one old mafia "don" once said, "this is the greatest country in the world, you are free to go where you want, live where you want, start your own business and we hope you are successful because the more you can make the more we can take". "you can do anything you want EXCEPT have money" "WE controll the money"!! "and if you find a way to make money we will find a way to take it away from you"!! "you want schools, roads etc. we will build them". historic places preserved, parks for recreation, we don't want the people to go un entertained". "but it will be at your expense". "we realize that in order for this system to work we have to give back and we do, but we keep the lions share"!! "when we first came to this country [about 1900] we had no power, gradually we were able to make inroads, our crowning glory came when we were able to impose income tax on every individual, thats when we took total controll"!!!!! true story folks !! whether you agree or not, it goes on, but i'm sick of typing and relating things that i don't seem to have controll over !! thanks for the reply James, i will see if i can find a copy of orwell to add to my shelves . Doc.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

USA PATRIOT Act - the enabling law for tyranny
The text of the USA Patriot Act is found at:
Read a discussion at:
http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/2002/ ... erican.htm
and at:
http://www.thenewamerican.com/artman/pu ... _863.shtml
William F. Jasper, "Rise of the Garrison State,"

Citizens and Residents Of The United States and U.S Persons ;

You are hereby notified that under the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act, you may be placed under electronic surveillance while viewing this or any other similar website/email by intelligence or law enforcement agencies at any time or for any purpose for which they may deem fit, without your knowledge or permission and without the order or supervision of any court of law, regardless of the provisions of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. As the provisions of the Act strictly prohibit, with fines and imprisonment, the managers of this site from disclosing such surveillance should it be known to us, you should assume that you are under surveillance while viewing this or any other similar web site, electronic mail or any other form of electronic communication related thereto. Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency (NSA) and FISA laws may have been ignored, and this email read and placed in your file without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse, nor protection from this intrusion on your personal freedoms.
You may not review your file which is secret. The President reserves the right to use "signing statements" to give himself permission to ignore the law, as he is above accountability. As Nixon said, "If the president does it, it is not illegal." If you are not with us, you are for the terrorists; be aware that dissent is considered sedition: resistance to lawful authority. It may be considered treason to question authority; as it is un-American and unpatriotic to criticize the actions of your President. Your only recourse is to remove the entire presidential cabinet thru impeachment proceedings.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by Bessler007 »

It may be considered treason to question authority
I'm going to have to put that in your file.

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »


I wish to thank you very much for your outstanding compliment, and, I am gratified that you found some of what I wrote to be of interest or a little use, even.

Also much appreciated, was your reflective essay on that better pre-madness past, as well as the less-so.

For a really good start on 'seer' Orwell, I could not recommend a better one than Jackie Jura's right here: http://www.orwelltoday.com/

She provides big-scaled guidance to the masterpiece, which nicely sets the stage for the whole.

The two films, one from the early Fifties, I believe, and, of course, the 1984-made Burton/Hurt color one from England, would both provide visual imagery, other than your mind's.

All three, in differing ways, are each supplementary to the others.

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Wow...some really good ideas and opinions expressed here. Yes, this whole "war" on terrorism is slowly managing to undermine the "faith" of the average western citizen in his national government. But, then again, we must remember that is precisely why terrorists do what they do. Their goal is to create as much angst as possible which the minimum amount of equipment and personnel. A demoralized enemy is a defeated enemy and a defeated, withdrawing enemy will leave the core of the muslim word vulnerable for a form of Islam that is actually over a 1000 years old and long ago outgrew its usefulness.

In a sense, what is happening now, this decades long war that the western world has committed itself, IS a religious war...make no mistake about this. It is a war between Christendom and a particular branch of Islam known as Wahabbism, a sect that hungers to swallow moderate, modern muslims everywhere.

Well, the dissatisfaction with Bush's foreign policies in the Middle East soared to new heights this week with the release of the NIE or "National Intelligence Estimate" a document prepared by the US Senate that condenses the opinion of dozens of spy agencies about, for this report, the ongoing war in Iraq. The assessment? Just that the continuing presence of the West's military forces in Iraq is actually creating highly trained terrorists faster than they are being killed off! In other words, the West has turned Iraq into a kind of University for terrorists! They will now use the training they received there to foment terror in other parts of the world that will, eventually, if Osama's vision is realized, form the backbone of his new "Caliphate".

Of course, the Bush administration is dismissing the estimate as not being "in touch" with the whole reality in Iraq. His administration claims that a defeat for the West there would so embolden the terrorists that it would make the job of defeating them globally even more difficult and expensive in terms of lives and money in the long run.

Oddly, I find myself in agreement with this view. Many in the West believe that if we leave the terrorists alone that they, in turn will leave us alone. Please do not believe that for a moment. The real war between the terrorists and the West began long before 9/11. In fact, I think it may actually have started with the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy back in the '60's!

How much further the war on terrorism will continue will depend, in large measure, upon what happens during the mid-term election this coming November in the USA. If the Republican Party loses its control of both houses of Congress, then I think that will, eventually, hasten the departure of the West from the Middle East. I expect there to be an unusual escalation in terrorists acts throughout Iraq and Afghanistan during the month of October to give voters something very distressing to carry with them into those voting booths.

Doc asked with reference to who was really controlling the world:
KEN; in all your worldly studying do you have a clue ??
Yes, Doc, the answer is very simple. The world is, has, and will continue to be controlled by the collective fear and greed of the human race. It, ultimately, and not specific individuals is the cause for everything of a social and psychological nature that humans experience. To have a better world, we need to replace these twin evils by love and compassion. But, then again, a carpenter about two millenia ago had already figured that out...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by trevie »

Racer : it is un-American and unpatriotic to criticize the actions of your President. Your only recourse is to remove the entire presidential cabinet thru impeachment proceedings.
I thought that your vote also counted to remove current or replace presidents. Voting = criticise the actions of your president.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »

And now, not only my 'imaginings', but those of another's as well, so it would appear:
http://baltimorechronicle.com/2006/092706CARMICHAEL.html wrote:This pathetic regime has been unmasked as the spitting image of the dystopian tyranny in George OrwellÂ’s prophetic novel, 1984, a fascist dictatorship organized under three sacred dictums:

Ignorance is strength.

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery
[Click on the link to access his full page.]

The undercurrents contributing to real causes and effects are vast, deep and necessarily invisible.

Best it would be to pay attention to signs of them here, there and everywhere, rather than turning away.

This highly popular latter approach is the sure, easy way out for they who employ it, but is the hard way down for all the rest of us.

It is this fact that gives us - those who object to the Orwellian plan - STANDING to do so, and object we will right into all faces now embracing cowardly denial, denial, denial to continuation of the pathetic false cause, of simpleton ease-of-mind. This is worse than useless, it is deadly dangerous to all, and enough of it has been had.

[Do you know WHO and WHAT you are?]

Well, good times of 'ease' for doing whatever nonsense, is fast approaching cut-off, for soon enough the Piper SHALL be paid, either in gold, or in blood!

Sadly, most now posses only ink and paper, zinc [or aluminum], and book-keeping entries, so it will most likely be the "blood", i.e. "substance", i.e. YOUR LIFE, that will be the medium of exchange, for continued limited existence.

The time was foolishly wasted by us, and has now practically all run-out . . .


THIS JUST IN: "Former Governor Jesse Ventura Questions 9/11 Story"
http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/september2006/260906venturaquestions.htm wrote:At a press conference yesterday Ventura said that the Republicans and Democrats were "destroying our country" and its political process.
[Underscoring for emphasis, mine. Click on the link to access the full story.]

Yes, precisely as I wrote about above. What a coincidence, huh? He is supporting good ole boy "Kinky Friedman" for governor of Texas. Yeah, the people there had better try something other than the same old Demo/Repub suicide routine, IF they want to survive this rotten deal, seemingly planned.

And in closing, BEWARE the army of 'nay-sayers', 'negativists', crack-pot 'there is no conspiracy' theorists, and supporters of the rotted-out 'status-quo', in-general. They are but smarmy aiders and abettors, whether knowingly or not, of our coming collective doom. Watch also, for brains encased in cement. A sign sure of contrarist trouble afoot, veritable 'agents of denial' of the deadly-obvious.

It is, in fact, mostly conspiracy we have here, that mixed up with a great deal that is dis-informational, this so as to give both really bad reps popularly. It works! Perfect cover for deviousness. This is the way things are efficiently done, to positive effect, by true, ruthless pragmatists and enemies of life, and what remains of what was clean and worthwhile.
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Well, in the last few days, yet another faith in leadership undermining tidbit has emerged in the US' national news.

Bob Woodward's soon to be released book, State of Denial, has been causing quite a stir during its pre-release promotion. This is the third book in a series by Woodward about the Bush Administration and the war on terrorism. His first two books were generally supportive of Bush and the war's planning and execution, but this book charges the administration with failing to report the actual number of attacks being launched against American troops in Iraq for a long time now. There is the suggestion that this is being done to qwell the growing distaste for the Iraq "adventure" in voters and, hopefully, minimize the "hit" that the Republican Party will take come this November.

Not being a Bush "apologist", I think that if these charges prove to be true, then I do not think it would surprise me in the least. During the Vietnam "Conflict", the Pentagon issued weekly body counts for both our troops and the enemy forces. While we were losing about 150 per week, it always seemed that the enemy body count was 3 to 4 times that. It turned out that, after the smoke cleared, our guys were ordered to count the enemy fatalities as "liberally" as possible. Thus, if one found three severed limbs, they were counted as coming from three enemy soldiers rather than one. A limb that looked like it came from a water buffalo was counted as one from an enemy that had been horribly mutilated. In this way, the American public could be kept in a statistical fog and convinced that we were "winning".

As far as Iraq and other terrorist "hot spots" are concerned, I will consider the "war" on terrorism finished and won when we can withdraw all of our military forces from the region and what we leave behind will be able to survive on its own. It will survive because the average muslim in the street will want it to survive and will fight to defend it. He will do this because he will see no hope or future in what Osama and his cronies have to offer him...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========
> _How 50 Men May
> Have Engineered 911_ (http://www.rense. com/general73/ ow.htm)
> How 50 Men May Have Engineered 911
> Douglas Herman
> 9-12-6
> I've read a lot of commentary about the number of plotters it would have
> required to carry out an "Inside Job," black operation on September 11, 2001.
> One lively critic of
> the Truth Movement, Jan Burton, emailed me that 10,000 men would be needed.
> And all
> of them would have to keep their mouths shut forever.
> I think 50 top specialists might carry out an operation like 9-11
> successfully. Here's how
> it might be done.
> Four or five head plotters at the top might hatch a plan. Call our plan
> PNAC. Plan of a New Attack Conspiracy. This handful of top government
> would hold the true reins of power in the White House and the Pentagon. I
> could name three or four players right now, just as anyone could, but I'll
> their identities to the imagination of my readers.
> These powerful men, connected to banking, oil and the defense industry,
> would have a plan in place months in advance. They would then be joined by a
> dozen foreign political operatives from a small, tech-savvy country. This
> small tech-savvy country would, ironically, have top officials in place
> in the Pentagon. They would possess dual citizenship but be most loyal to
> one country. The small one.
> Now we have 10-12 plotters.
> The secretive, top operatives of the two countries would be joined by a few
> top honchos in the intelligence field. They would serve as a delaying force,
> delaying the warnings of loyal and patriotic Americans in the FBI, NSA and
> the FBI. Any whistleblowers that
> arose---like FBI translator Sibel Edmonds or the deceased FBI agent John
> O'Neill---would be marginalized later by a complicit mainstream media. This
> media would consist mostly of dupes and true believers. They would be
> the loop and not required to have insider information.
> Now we number 15-20 key plotters.
> These remarkable and clever men command huge numbers of SPECIAL FORCES.
> These special commandos resemble the Navy Seals. They possess certain
> skills and variety of disguises and genuine-looking yet fake identification.
> I suspect these key players pledged a loyalty to a certain tech-savvy country
> and have been highly trained to follow orders. Trained professional
> killers who ask no question. Ever. Additionally, with their identifications,
> are allowed ready access to key security points easily. Perhaps a dozen men
> altogether-- maybe as few as a half dozen-probably gained access to the
> WTC buildings 1,2, and 7 in the months prior to that "attack."
> How many conspirators do we number thus far? 30 or 35 maybe? Far cry from
> the "tens of thousands" the Bushco apologists suggest.
> Next, one would need the ability to control planes by remote control.
> Curiously, the head of a small, tech-savvy company that possessed that very
> technical electronic skill also enjoyed ready access to the Pentagon. He
> there in a high position as Comptroller, controlling the flow of money
(during a
> time when 2.6 trillion went unaccounted for).
> According to Wikipedia: "In 2001, _Dov Zakheim_
> (http://judicial- inc.biz/Dov_ zakheim.htm) was CEO of SPC International, a
subsidiary of System Planning
> Corporation, a defense contractor specializing in
> electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems.
> Coincidental?
> Perhaps-perhaps not.
> Now you would need two or three more top people, preferably very rich,
> connected to the New York real estate market to acquire control of a suitable
> target. Let us call this target the WTC complex, a suitable array of
> architectural white elephants and one very highly important US government
> (WTC-7) that could be insured for far more money than they cost.
> Now we number 38 insiders at the most. Almost all of our ducks are in
> place. The shooting gallery is just about to open.
> For the sake of simplicity, we'll require some skilled commandos to remain
> close to the targets. To remotely control the hijacked planes into the towers
> and Pentagon. How many skilled technicians would this require? Five thousand,
> you say? How about a dozen?
> Well, now we've reached the 50.
> Anyone else is a peripheral player. Any top US general, befuddled at the
> Pentagon or NORAD is simply a victim, as much as those bewildered FAA air
> traffic controllers or USAF pilots. By the way, whatever happened to those
> traffic control tapes? Guess we can add that fellow to our list of plotters,
> top official who ordered the tapes destroyed after the New York Massacre.
> That takes us to 51. Call it Area 51. A place that doesn't exist. Except in
> the twilight zone of our imagination. Except in the minds of "conspiracy
> nuts" like myself.
> Lastly, critics of an inside job, like my correspondent Jan Burton, claim
> that somebody, anybody, would have come forward by now and "blown" the plot
> wide open. Now why would they do that? Indeed, well-trained commandos from
> another country might feel compelled to drunkenly boast about their exploits
> I seriously doubt any commando would suffer any pangs of conscience.
> And suppose some top official already came forward? Sybil Edmonds already
> came forward about 911 and her revelations have amounted to exactly nothing.
> Any top US official would have to think twice before risking his neck to
> ridicule and probable recriminations- --and threats of harm to himself and
> his family. I'm reminded of those US Navy sailors who were threatened with
> simple military courts martials and demotions if they talked about the attack
> the USS Liberty. Now multiply the threat by, say, death.
> How many would talk then?
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ======
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