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> _How 50 Men May
> Have Engineered 911_ (
http://www.rense. com/general73/ ow.htm)
> How 50 Men May Have Engineered 911
> Douglas Herman
> 9-12-6
> I've read a lot of commentary about the number of plotters it would have
> required to carry out an "Inside Job," black operation on September 11, 2001.
> One lively critic of
> the Truth Movement, Jan Burton, emailed me that 10,000 men would be needed.
> And all
> of them would have to keep their mouths shut forever.
> I think 50 top specialists might carry out an operation like 9-11
> successfully. Here's how
> it might be done.
> Four or five head plotters at the top might hatch a plan. Call our plan
> PNAC. Plan of a New Attack Conspiracy. This handful of top government
> would hold the true reins of power in the White House and the Pentagon. I
> could name three or four players right now, just as anyone could, but I'll
> their identities to the imagination of my readers.
> These powerful men, connected to banking, oil and the defense industry,
> would have a plan in place months in advance. They would then be joined by a
> dozen foreign political operatives from a small, tech-savvy country. This
> small tech-savvy country would, ironically, have top officials in place
> in the Pentagon. They would possess dual citizenship but be most loyal to
> one country. The small one.
> Now we have 10-12 plotters.
> The secretive, top operatives of the two countries would be joined by a few
> top honchos in the intelligence field. They would serve as a delaying force,
> delaying the warnings of loyal and patriotic Americans in the FBI, NSA and
> the FBI. Any whistleblowers that
> arose---like FBI translator Sibel Edmonds or the deceased FBI agent John
> O'Neill---would be marginalized later by a complicit mainstream media. This
> media would consist mostly of dupes and true believers. They would be
> the loop and not required to have insider information.
> Now we number 15-20 key plotters.
> These remarkable and clever men command huge numbers of SPECIAL FORCES.
> These special commandos resemble the Navy Seals. They possess certain
> skills and variety of disguises and genuine-looking yet fake identification.
> I suspect these key players pledged a loyalty to a certain tech-savvy country
> and have been highly trained to follow orders. Trained professional
> killers who ask no question. Ever. Additionally, with their identifications,
> are allowed ready access to key security points easily. Perhaps a dozen men
> altogether-- maybe as few as a half dozen-probably gained access to the
> WTC buildings 1,2, and 7 in the months prior to that "attack."
> How many conspirators do we number thus far? 30 or 35 maybe? Far cry from
> the "tens of thousands" the Bushco apologists suggest.
> Next, one would need the ability to control planes by remote control.
> Curiously, the head of a small, tech-savvy company that possessed that very
> technical electronic skill also enjoyed ready access to the Pentagon. He
> there in a high position as Comptroller, controlling the flow of money
(during a
> time when 2.6 trillion went unaccounted for).
> According to Wikipedia: "In 2001, _Dov Zakheim_
> (http://judicial- inc.biz/Dov_ zakheim.htm) was CEO of SPC International, a
subsidiary of System Planning
> Corporation, a defense contractor specializing in
> electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems.
> Coincidental?
> Perhaps-perhaps not.
> Now you would need two or three more top people, preferably very rich,
> connected to the New York real estate market to acquire control of a suitable
> target. Let us call this target the WTC complex, a suitable array of
> architectural white elephants and one very highly important US government
> (WTC-7) that could be insured for far more money than they cost.
> Now we number 38 insiders at the most. Almost all of our ducks are in
> place. The shooting gallery is just about to open.
> For the sake of simplicity, we'll require some skilled commandos to remain
> close to the targets. To remotely control the hijacked planes into the towers
> and Pentagon. How many skilled technicians would this require? Five thousand,
> you say? How about a dozen?
> Well, now we've reached the 50.
> Anyone else is a peripheral player. Any top US general, befuddled at the
> Pentagon or NORAD is simply a victim, as much as those bewildered FAA air
> traffic controllers or USAF pilots. By the way, whatever happened to those
> traffic control tapes? Guess we can add that fellow to our list of plotters,
> top official who ordered the tapes destroyed after the New York Massacre.
> That takes us to 51. Call it Area 51. A place that doesn't exist. Except in
> the twilight zone of our imagination. Except in the minds of "conspiracy
> nuts" like myself.
> Lastly, critics of an inside job, like my correspondent Jan Burton, claim
> that somebody, anybody, would have come forward by now and "blown" the plot
> wide open. Now why would they do that? Indeed, well-trained commandos from
> another country might feel compelled to drunkenly boast about their exploits
> I seriously doubt any commando would suffer any pangs of conscience.
> And suppose some top official already came forward? Sybil Edmonds already
> came forward about 911 and her revelations have amounted to exactly nothing.
> Any top US official would have to think twice before risking his neck to
> ridicule and probable recriminations- --and threats of harm to himself and
> his family. I'm reminded of those US Navy sailors who were threatened with
> simple military courts martials and demotions if they talked about the attack
> the USS Liberty. Now multiply the threat by, say, death.
> How many would talk then?
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