Another gravity wheel?

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Jon J Hutton
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by Jon J Hutton »

Here is a working wheel but only in the world of wm2d. I was searching for something in my old drawings and realized I hadn't thrown this one out on the board yet............have fun.

pair of weights with rim.wm2d
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by LustInBlack »

Wow !

Why wouldn't this work in the real world!? ..

I'm sure it can be done ..
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by jim_mich »

The wheel is a polygon made into a hollow circle. Polygons have a bug that makes objects bounce/collide incorrectly. This is a prime example of this bug. Sorry, this will NOT work in real life!

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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by LustInBlack »

Hmm .. If I make hollow circles in emachineshop, will they have the bug too !?
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by Tinhead »

Imported back into WM2D it will be a polygon again ... so, yes, handle with care.

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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by 1712 »

Since kelly's thread was "locked" due to his apparent lying about having a working wheel and among other things, I was wondering why he wasn't banned from the forum for violating the terms of service.

So lying is ok then, until the need arises to "fess up".


War Hammer
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by Wheeler »

Do you think It may be that James Kelly was indeed good at his game, and that it has not been realized.
JB Wheeler
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Re: re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by rlortie »

1712 wrote:Since kelly's thread was "locked" due to his apparent lying about having a working wheel and among other things, I was wondering why he wasn't banned from the forum for violating the terms of service.

So lying is ok then, until the need arises to "fess up".

War Hammer
Just cannot let it rest can you. I note that you always have to have the last say even if it means contaminating another thread.

You call it apparent lying, do you have any apparent substantiation to this claim? The thread was not locked due to anything other than by agreed request by James Kelly and myself. And I might add, acknowledged as such.

Please see my post in Scotts Paradox thread in "Off Topic"

If you wish to keep stirring the pot, please start your own thread and leave this one to John Collins.

Do you think It may be that James Kelly was indeed good at his game, and that it has not been realized.
Do not sell him short! since the day you brought us together, I have never had any reason to doubt what has transpired between us.

Your statement "good at his game" covers a lot of avenues. If you mean that he is good at building wheels and showing new innovation the answer is yes. If you mean keeping his integrity and promise of confidentiality even after personal flaming attacks, the answer is yes! If he had a running wheel he could not tell you how it works, so the simplest way to end it is to dismantle any possibilities and claim NO!

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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by Bessler007 »

I agree with Ralph. Liar is a strong term. Mr. Kelly said
My Working Machine is so simple, that if anyone sees the works of it. They would indeed be surprised. If anyone buys it they will feel cheated because it is so simple. jim kelly
It must have worked. He said
Ken T. ..... mine threw me clear over it. It is seven feet tall, and i weigh 250 lbs. It smarted.
and also
MY wheel funtions, does yours? My wooden model could drive a vehicle. can yours? I have no reason to put up with the likes of you. jim kelly
Then the wheel broke by throwing weights through the walls. He had a wheel that worked and it broke. Now he's fixing it. Considering the circumstances it makes sense. You should apologize, 1712. Mr. Kelly doesn't harbor any bad feelings toward you. He even offered to marry your parents if they wanted.
1712; I have a ministers card here that I will send you, in case your mother and father ever want to get married.
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by Fletcher »

Well, lets just say that with Steve in the mix there's little room for obfuscation. Now there are two building & one modeling. That's very good odds that between them they can come up with some independent & verifiable results. I'll look forward to that, as I've always said.

I must admit that I always thought that the principle a wheel worked on would be ... soooo ... obvious, once discovered. That is, plain as the nose on your face, no room for doubt, no grey areas etc etc.

I know Steve is being deliberately cautious by saying he's not sure if it will work or not but I hope the principle is in fact VERY clear to him & that's just a modest understatement of his abilities talking.

While we wait for the boys to sing off the same hymn sheet I'll try to get some other things done around the house & maybe read a few good books ;)
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by ken_behrendt »

Ralph wrote:
If he had a running wheel he could not tell you how it works, so the simplest way to end it is to dismantle any possibilities and claim NO!

I prefer, however, to hear it directly from James Kelly.


Did you, at anytime during that 50 page thread that just got locked up, have a continuously working wheel that you purposely disabled so that you would be able to tell the board members that you currently did not have a working wheel?

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by rlortie »

I prefer, however, to hear it directly from James Kelly.
And I prefer this to mean you wish Mr. Kelly to directly violate his oath of confidentiality, simply for your own satisfaction. which means that you disregard another members integrity for you own self made inquisitive desires.

I cannot believe a man of your standing on this forum would belittle themselves by making such a statement. Why can you not let it rest.

A formal announcement will be made when and not before decided upon by the involved party's. This will not happen until either
A. We have obtained notarized authentication and a patent is applied for.
B. We agree to abandon the design and move on. This option is not likely to happen in the near future.

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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by LustInBlack »

Moderator, please delete these off-topic posts..

I'm sick of this story, I'm sure I am not alone.
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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by BootCamp »

Good point, Lust.

The facts of this are making me dizzy and sick also.


It's hard to believe you would ask this question: 'Did you, at anytime during that 50 page thread that just got locked up, have a continuously working wheel that you purposely disabled so that you would be able to tell the board members that you currently did not have a working wheel?'

Its a paradox. The answer is 'yes' and 'no'. Depends on who you ask and when you ask them. Mr. Kelley has agreed not to talk about it and Ralph has explained the facts as they now are. The facts might change but you will have to wait and see.

There are some good design ideas in this thread. Now is a good time to look at them.

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re: Another gravity wheel?

Post by BootCamp »

You have found the infamous WM2D curved polygon glitch.
Can this glitch be minimized by using less sides in the polygon?

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