YesAny way to get this program to use Autocad files.
I've downloaded this software to have a peek (still getting to grips with 2D at the moment!) and from the Tutorial Guide the following is taken:
CAD Integration and Associativity
The following exercises illustrate how you can add motion to a model that has been created in a CAD software package. You can create CAD assemblies in such a way that they map into your MSC.visualNastran Desktop application very cleanly. When you design assemblies with “motion in mind,” they can be imported easily and their motion simulated immediately.
In these exercises, you will add motion to an assembly that has been fitted together with no regard to motion. Although you will have to clean up a few constraints in the imported CAD model, MSC.visualNastran Desktop makes it easy to simulate the motion of the assembly.
You can follow the steps in this exercise using any of the supported CAD packages — Autodesk® Inventor, Autodesk Mechanical Desktop® , Pro/ENGINEER®, Solid EdgeTM , or SolidWorks®. Go to the section for your CAD package and follow the steps
However, it does not appear that one can save /load /import or export
from the evaluation copy.......not from first glances anyway.