What to do about Ken

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Re: re: What to do about Ken

Post by scott »

ken_behrendt wrote:I am not ashamed of this word count. I think it is a shining testament...
Whoa, then that plan sure backfired.
ken_behrendt wrote:[I'm] trying to help make this Discussion Board more interesting so that it can attract new members.

As I noted, of course you have some interesting things to say. But rehashes of the daily news and intimate details of your digestion are not interesting to most people.
ken_behrendt wrote:In fact, I have had many emails from people telling me that they find my various ravings, technical and otherwise, the most interesting part of this board!
That may be true but there are also some members who have left the forum entirely because of how you use it as a soap box and a bully pulpit.

I'm just asking you to take an objective look at the fact that nearly one out of every four words here has been posted by you. Jokes have even gone around that I should rename the site to "KensWheel.com." You may think that's funny, but to me it is a serious problem. My job is to moderate the forum. When one user is monopolizing the discussion, I have no choice but to try and even the playing field somehow. When one user has posted a quarter of all the words on a board with over 400 active members, he is not using the board as it was intended to be used, he is *abusing* it.

I'm not asking you to stop posting. I'm asking you to stop posting so many words, especially so many off-topic words in the forum. That's what a blog is for. A blog is owned and controlled by you and completely unlimited. And your audience is always receptive. Everyone wins.

When you use the forum as your own blog, you make my job harder.

I'm sorry, but if you will not reign in your posting on your own I will have no choice but to impose a limit. The distribution of words posted should be much closer to even than it is now. That would be the measure of a healthy discussion board, not one that has been hijacked by a single person.

Just take a look at the chart below:


You may not be ashamed but I am. That is the sign of an unwell forum. That is not a discussion, it is a lecture.


James wrote:this cheeky, contemptuous piece of outrage
This should *really* get James going now. :-)
Last edited by scott on Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by primemignonite »

Scott wrote:
James wrote:this cheeky, contemptuous piece of outrage
This should really get James going now. :-)
Aah! Got to ya, did it?

And fully deserved the skewer was.

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by scott »

Was that a skewer? I thought it was a stitch in my side from laughing.

How's that for "cheeky?"

Thanks for visiting BesslerWheel.com

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by primemignonite »

It's obvious. . . juvenile.

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by rlortie »

Do I have this right?

The top ten list accounts for 54 % of all posts.
There are 432 members
162 of these members have never posted!
Bringing the count down to 276 minus the accounted top ten.

Therefore 266 members out of 432 account for 46 % of words posted.

Some of these non-posters are what I would call charter members. Makes me wonder why Scott does not do a little house cleaning?

But then yes! I realize that member count is a critical issue for a popular forum. Especially one that sells advertising space. or has pop-ups.
Oops! theres that word "up" again.

EDIT! My stats are in error, I forgot that there has been members who made a sizable number of posts that are no longer with us! One of these gone members was running a close second to Ken, and admitted that he wa out to win the race!
Last edited by rlortie on Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by Bessler007 »


You either drink the kool-aid with the poison in it or you will be shot!

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by John Collins »

James alluded to a possible schism and while I don't think for a moment that he was serious nor do I believe there is one appearing, but what I have noticed is this apparent difference of opinion about Ken. Some seem to think he's harmless, interesting and entitled to write about anything and everything without consideration of other people's opinions. Others also think he's harmless but irritating, pompous, opinionated and careless of other's views.

I draw attention to the current popularity among some people, of media stars such as Simon Cowell of American Idol, Anne Robinson of the Weakest Link and Gordon Ramsay of Hell's Kitchen, who are famous for their brutal way of telling it like it is. They are known for expressing their opinions bluntly and sometimes almost cruelly in the search for truth. Or they are just plain rude. Here in the UK it is regarded as almost unbelievable that practically none of the recipients of this form of abuse ever responds in like terms. They are almost unanimous in their polite reactions to this painful practise.

As a frequent traveller to the USA I have been struck numerous times by the overwhelming politeness of all those I have met or spoken to. This is in stark contrast to the way people behave to each other here in the original home of polite society, England. I'm sure that most of you are aware that the three people mentioned above are British and originators of this popular form of impoliteness. The American way is much more to my liking and obviously originates from a well-ordered bringing up (there's that word again!). I wonder if the bland reaction to Ken's numerous, verbose and off-topic postings are due to the kindness and politeness of the US-based people here? Is this also why Ken always reacts in such a reasonable way?

I have reacted to Ken's excessive postings a few times when it got too irritating to hold my tongue but I still like the guy and I'm interested in his ever-varying designs. I just cannot take the news digests, the cinematic reminiscences, the health updates and what he ate for dinner last night and the constant repetition of his crackpot theories as if he thinks that if he says it often enough it will become a fact. KEN - can you hear me? If you want to write about these things USE THE BLOG feature.

I think maybe I sparked this thread with my reaction to his latest idea and now I am reacting just like Cowell et al. Sorry if I appear rude but I'm trying to tell it as I see it.

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by rlortie »

I agree that this whole issue is not worthy of a division into factions.

I admit that I had Ken on my ignore list for some time and then I removed him.

I was tired of shooting down his designs in the same repetitive manner he would post them. Others took up the plight to no avail.

IMO my continued debate was in good cause and I saw it as using the forum for it's real purpose. I did not wish to see new members influenced by designs that obviously would not work.

That did not sit well with some of the top ten, as they made it very clear that they were as tired of my never ending debate as they were of Kens input. I believe I stated that it was like beating my head against a wall.

I still speed read his progress reports intermittently, but pass over the personal. I wish he was more reticent and more to the point of subject matter. All I can say is; one must consider the source about such matters and look at it with a perceptive insightful mind.

Also I must readily admit and live up to the fact that it was I, who first invited Ken to join this forum. I had previous communication with him via his web page. No I am not stating this to sound like I am regretful, as I am not. We all must experience the yin in life to appreciate the yang!

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by ken_behrendt »

Scott wrote:
But a consensus is building that there is a *very* weak correlation between the number of words he posts and the number of new or interesting things he has to to say. In fact his posting habits have driven a few *very valued* members away from the board entirely, which is a crying shame.
When one user is monopolizing the discussion, I have no choice but to try and even the playing field somehow. When one user has posted a quarter of all the words on a board with over 400 active members, he is not using the board as it was intended to be used, he is *abusing* it.

Well, it has become apparent to me after reading the above that it is time for me to leave the BW Discussion Board.

I certainly do not want to be perceived as "monopolizing" or "abusing" this board or of driving "very valued" members away. I think however, that any "very valued" members that have left most likely did so because they got frustrated with the continuing failue of their "quest" and, rather than admit that, just decided to use my particular style of research and posting as a convenient scapegoat for their exit from the field.

There...my voluntary unilateral action should assist you with your efforts to "even the playing field".

I will, of course, miss the board and the many members here with whom I have looked forward to interacting with. However, I will never again consider either visiting this site or posting any additional results of my research here until and unless I can be assured that my presence here and style of expression / research is welcomed and not subject to the dictates of a very small minority of the membership.

It is a pity that it has had to come to this, but so be it...I part by wishing everybody here the best of luck with their future efforts to resolve the Bessler mystery. I personally am convinced that the solution is very near at hand.

Never give up, never surrender!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by bluesgtr44 »

WOW! I'm number 10! Don't have a problem with Ken...if I want to read it, I do....honestly, I just look at the pictures for the most part anymore. I respect Ken and think he is probably a good guy. Just long winded.

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by John Collins »

Ken you're flouncing out in a fit of pique. You could easily have taken up Scott's suggestion for a proper blog, but instead you want to jump on your high horse and high-tail it out of here. I said I liked you and I enjoyed your posted designs - why not stick to that and use the blog feature for those who are interested in reading your thoughts and interests. Don't just leave, fight back!

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by Mac »

Lol, what did you guys expect? Ya can eventually ride any horse to death, no matter how long-winded he may be (no pun intended).

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by ovyyus »

I think it would be a real shame for you to leave Ken, and I think you should seriously reconsider. Personally, I don't enjoy scanning your long rehashed 6 0'clock news posts. Also, I'm strangely disinterested in long and detailed blow-by-blow descriptions of ongoing personal health issues.

But Ken, these off-topics surely aren't pivotal to your search for a solution to Bessler's wheel - are they? Would you spite your own research because the moderator of our forum insists that you - everyone - takes their blogging to a blog page - which has been created and provided for their FREE use. Is it really so much to ask when nothing else is asked at all?

Interestingly, I seem to disagree with most on the subject of your mass/energy conversion theory. Finding and implementing a legitimate energy source is my preferred approach to solving this problem. I do not accept that gravity alone can drive a wheel - gravity is clearly not an energy source. IMO, that leaves very few options and a mass/energy conversion theory has to beat magic forces and deity deals hands down any day. Of course my own preferred option is so mundane as to not really be worth mentioning.

Good luck Ken, whatever you finally decide. Hopefully you will decide to embrace change, stay, and help find a solution that works - the wheel that is ;)
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by John Collins »

Don't go ken, I'd prefer you to stay, even if you continued to write at length - better that than to lose your presence here.

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by trevie »

Ken, Normally I just read what I want from your writings and normally don't tire myself out from reading from word to word, just pick out the interesting bits. I think its selfish of scott to even bring this thread up, I would be more than welcome to have many writers as possible on my forum, since that is what forums are for, otherwise why have a forum in the first place if you are limited to a page a day. My guess is that this forum will now lose even more members not because they are writing to the thread, but because they are just interested in what Ken has to write, I would think of it as a free Book to read every week, without even visiting a book shop. Ken I can only suggest if you feel that you are not welcome, please find another forum, let me know where you end up and I will follow, so I can continue to read your threads from there. You may be even more appreciated and welcome.

