Good grief, Ken's at it again. A 2,221 word post that basically says Ken will continue his deluge of posting as he has in the past until Scott sets limits.
Ken wrote:Rather than appreciating my exemplary effort for the sake of Bessler research...
Ken, don't break your arm patting yourself on your back.
Ken wrote:The reality of the situation, however, is that most of those words were accumulated during my first year here and that, in the last 6 months, my words per week have sharply declined. I used to post on my Community Buzz "...Updates" thread daily.
I've seen no decline in your postings. Scott can confirm if your word count has sharply declined.
Ken wrote:So, I find this bandwidth / words per week issue somewhat weak when it comes to using me as an example of what needs to be corrected on this board. In fact, and I hope I'm not sounding too egotistical about this, ...
Maybe without Ken's glut of posts the board might have grown even faster? Every word that must be read subtracts from time members might have spent posting their own thoughts, rather than reading a monolog by Ken.
Ken wrote:I suspect that this word usage issue will, in time, resolve itself automatically. My words per week will continue to decline while those used by the runnerups for first place will continue to increase IF they make a consistent effort to post.
It will only resolve itself if Ken quits replying to every active post every single day.
Ken wrote:my "...Updates" thread which, when one thinks about it, is a sort of sub-kingdom within the larger kingdom of the BW Discussion Board.
Ken wrote:I am very concerned about enhancing my creative abilities to keep my little subkingdom humming productively along.
Ken considers this his kingdom.
Ken wrote: I think its loss to this board would do far more harm to this board than the tolerance of its existence...
I guess we will never know. Without the glut of Ken's posting maybe others would post more and we would again have a community rather than Ken's kingdom.
Ken wrote:the opening chatter on the posts seems always to subtly relate to this issue of maintaining my creative abilities. For example, health problems ... So, from this viewpoint, such an introduction is something that I feel can only benefit the Bessler researcher and not harm him.
So Ken thinks posting his health related info is benificial and I assume he will continue.
Ken wrote:my "style" has enabled me to present myself as a three dimensional person ... I think this is important for new members who might just be starting their quests.
So we will continue to read about Ken's movie watching habits.
Ken wrote:I need to feel as comfortable as possible when I post. I do not want to have to worry about whether every word I type might take me over some arbitrary limit
Ken refuses to reduce his postings.
Ken wrote: whether my mentioning of a creativity stimulating or suppressing experience I had will be used as an excuse my another non-productive member to "justify" his leaving the board
Does Ken feel that only non-productive members are driven away by his
incessant posting?
Ken wrote:I will not make any radical changes to the "...Updates" thread. The format that has evolved there seems to be working as evidenced by the fact that the thread is probably the most popular one on this site and, perhaps, on the entire internet! My philosophy is that "...if it ain't broke, then don't fix it".
That thread IS NOT the most popular, it's the longest one. Ken refuses to see the problems he is creating for Scott and this forum. He will not change unless forced to do so.
Ken wrote:could use about a dozen Ken-style "...Update" threads
Ken think everyone should post big long boring posts and reply to every active thread every day. That would increase bandwidth and bring the whole forum to a grinding halt.
Ken wrote:Scott is, ultimately, the decider of what goes and stays on this board since it is, afterall, HIS board. .. However, I do NOT intend on changing my basic approach to researching the Bessler mystery just so as to satisfy the whim of every self-appointed critic that comes down the pike.
There you have it folks, Ken's in you face refusal to change. In his eyes he sees nothing wrong.
Sometime surgery a solution to a growing cancer.
Just my opinions.