What to do about Ken

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by Techstuf »

I was told that my exit had really produced a shock effect and that, mostly, it had apparently caused a great deal of depression in the members who had not yet had a chance to post during the buildup to my firey exit.
Narcissus is greener than his usual self, and spinning in his grave with envy!

Would that you all had tolerated more information about Bessler's God than Ken's bowel movement, size, color, frequency.....

When Bessler's God reveals Himself by sending His Son to return in the heavens, it is then that so many will come to awaken instantly from their largely self induced slumber. Recognizing too late the folly of grasping at false messiahs.....such as men and their infantile need to worship our Father's creation while rejecting He himself and the one whom He sent forth.

The TRUE savior is coming and will not be late.

As for mankind and his alignment with God's enemy, largely bedazzled by technological contrivance.....hoodwinked into worshipping his own mind....

He will come to see how desperate he truly was, to escape the reach of the only TRUE source of free energy.

Ken, get over yourself, you've little time to wake up and reject the antiChrist and it's falsities masquerading as light.

http://www.accordingtothescriptures.org ... ssing.html

http://www.missiontoisrael.org/gods-cov ... ntents.php


Earthly wisdom flees before the weakest idea among the heavenly host.
Remember that as events foretold begin to unfold.

No king but King Yahshua, Jesus Christ.

Yah bless all gathered here in Yahshua, Jesus Christ,

As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by graham »

Ken, I think you just "blew it" and that's a shame.


re: What to do about Ken

Post by coylo »

It's been a wee while....

There are certain members here that since they joined, have made besslerwheel.com not as attractive to me as it used to be. Putting all "flame" arguments aside that I may have been involved in, and possibly got a kick out of being involved in.....the basic problem that I have with these folk is one of basic communication, for example.... anyone whose ever had to deal with the likes of James Kelly. Tom Cruise got better feedback from the Rainman!

A few members here are highly ignorant, even by mobilist standards (before someone makes that point). Ken seems to never take anything on board. My irritation for Ken posts turned to one of slight admiration at the way he is able to shrug off attacks, even my best insults. He just plods on regardless, and he'll continue to bombard the board unless his posts are rationed.
It dosen't take Ken long to welcome every new promising member that comes along with his mass conversion theories, it dosen't make a good first impression for the forum as a whole.

I think you're all lucky to have Scott as a host, he must have a high tolerance for Ken's, Wheeler's and Jim Kelly's. Had I been running this site I would of trimmed the herd a long time ago.
I bet Stewart and Ed's promising new forum sounds like the original vision (hopes and dreams) Scott would of have had for this site, my only hope is that they don't take all the best minds (unintentionally of course), a "brain drain". Still, I believe that besslerwheel.com will be a stepping stone to greater things.
If I ever come across anything juicy I'll post it here.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by jim_mich »

Good grief, Ken's at it again. A 2,221 word post that basically says Ken will continue his deluge of posting as he has in the past until Scott sets limits.
Ken wrote:Rather than appreciating my exemplary effort for the sake of Bessler research...
Ken, don't break your arm patting yourself on your back.
Ken wrote:The reality of the situation, however, is that most of those words were accumulated during my first year here and that, in the last 6 months, my words per week have sharply declined. I used to post on my Community Buzz "...Updates" thread daily.
I've seen no decline in your postings. Scott can confirm if your word count has sharply declined.
Ken wrote:So, I find this bandwidth / words per week issue somewhat weak when it comes to using me as an example of what needs to be corrected on this board. In fact, and I hope I'm not sounding too egotistical about this, ...
Maybe without Ken's glut of posts the board might have grown even faster? Every word that must be read subtracts from time members might have spent posting their own thoughts, rather than reading a monolog by Ken.
Ken wrote:I suspect that this word usage issue will, in time, resolve itself automatically. My words per week will continue to decline while those used by the runnerups for first place will continue to increase IF they make a consistent effort to post.
It will only resolve itself if Ken quits replying to every active post every single day.
Ken wrote:my "...Updates" thread which, when one thinks about it, is a sort of sub-kingdom within the larger kingdom of the BW Discussion Board.
Ken wrote:I am very concerned about enhancing my creative abilities to keep my little subkingdom humming productively along.
Ken considers this his kingdom.
Ken wrote: I think its loss to this board would do far more harm to this board than the tolerance of its existence...
I guess we will never know. Without the glut of Ken's posting maybe others would post more and we would again have a community rather than Ken's kingdom.
Ken wrote:the opening chatter on the posts seems always to subtly relate to this issue of maintaining my creative abilities. For example, health problems ... So, from this viewpoint, such an introduction is something that I feel can only benefit the Bessler researcher and not harm him.
So Ken thinks posting his health related info is benificial and I assume he will continue.
Ken wrote:my "style" has enabled me to present myself as a three dimensional person ... I think this is important for new members who might just be starting their quests.
So we will continue to read about Ken's movie watching habits.
Ken wrote:I need to feel as comfortable as possible when I post. I do not want to have to worry about whether every word I type might take me over some arbitrary limit
Ken refuses to reduce his postings.
Ken wrote: whether my mentioning of a creativity stimulating or suppressing experience I had will be used as an excuse my another non-productive member to "justify" his leaving the board
Does Ken feel that only non-productive members are driven away by his incessant posting?
Ken wrote:I will not make any radical changes to the "...Updates" thread. The format that has evolved there seems to be working as evidenced by the fact that the thread is probably the most popular one on this site and, perhaps, on the entire internet! My philosophy is that "...if it ain't broke, then don't fix it".
That thread IS NOT the most popular, it's the longest one. Ken refuses to see the problems he is creating for Scott and this forum. He will not change unless forced to do so.
Ken wrote:could use about a dozen Ken-style "...Update" threads
Ken think everyone should post big long boring posts and reply to every active thread every day. That would increase bandwidth and bring the whole forum to a grinding halt.
Ken wrote:Scott is, ultimately, the decider of what goes and stays on this board since it is, afterall, HIS board. .. However, I do NOT intend on changing my basic approach to researching the Bessler mystery just so as to satisfy the whim of every self-appointed critic that comes down the pike.
There you have it folks, Ken's in you face refusal to change. In his eyes he sees nothing wrong.

Sometime surgery a solution to a growing cancer.

Just my opinions.

Last edited by jim_mich on Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by LustInBlack »

"God" said :
For the sake of my many fans and Bessler research, in general, I will endeavor to continue here as long as it is bearable for me and does not cramp my "style" too much. If he decides that I must go, then fine, I will and he can then he responsible for whatever the aftermath of losing the most popular thread on his board (and perhaps the internet) would be, and of course, I would then definitely not be coming back again.
Wow Ken, you couldn't annoy me more than with your last post..

You describe yourself as a semi-god then say you are not selfish ?!

A real joke ..

Btw, it's probably your longest post ever, I think you didn't understand anything and you don't deserve my respect for now on.

Sorry buddy, but I'm not gonna scream of joy for your resurrection .

In fact, I wish you will be banned for your extremely selfish behavior.
Last edited by LustInBlack on Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by bluesgtr44 »


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re: What to do about Ken

Post by Stewart »

Shocking! Absolutely shocking!
If anyone reading Ken's last post still thinks he is any sort of asset to this board then they are out of their mind. He has a swollen ego the size of a planet and is the most selfish person I've ever had the misfortune to meet! No matter what you say Ken you're only interested in promoting yourself, and the contents of your last post gives everyone all the evidence they need to come to this conclusion. One only needs to look at your choice of avatar to understand your personality. Quite frankly I think it's extremely rude for someone to come barging onto a forum and take it over as if it is their own and to think that that is what everyone wants. For every one of your so called "fans", I bet I have an equal number of people who have contacted me asking me to start a new forum and citing you as the reason they've left besslerwheel.com. It's only your long winded politician-style spin that attracts people to you, they believe the rubbish you keep spouting, but ultimately you have nothing to offer. I've been away from this site for over a year, and I notice in that time that you've made absolutely no progress whatsoever, and you're still rehashing the same old designs. You say I was a non-productive member, and I wonder how you could possible know who is productive and who is not when you drown out everyone else's topics with your drivel. What you don't seem capable of grasping is that it's quality not quantity that is important. I'd like to think that in my meagre 400 odd posts I've contributed more to getting to the facts of Bessler's wheels than you have in your thousands, but unlike you I would never be so arrogant as to suggest it. There's over a years worth of my (and Ed's) research that this board has missed out on, and we've missed out on having our fellow members help us with it. We've got stacks of information and it is almost impossible to share it all on here now, but it will all eventually come out on our website and in our books. To give you some idea of how unproductive I am, I've:

1) transcribed and translated all of MT, GB, AP, plus many other Bessler documents and letters and travelled to the British Library in London on a number of occasions to look at original documents;
2) built up my own dictionary of old German words and English translations (currently at 2600) and written software so that people will be able to use the dictionary to check words and translations themselves
3) studied MT in depth and understand nearly every image it contains
4) made countless WM2D sims, many of which are interesting
5) built a number of experiments and wheel designs in my garage
6) made 3D models of the Merseburg and Kassel wheel set-ups
7) made 3D models of Bessler's designs for a Glockenspiel tower, and of his designs for his horizontal windmill
8) recreated the music for his "Te Deum Laudamus" Glockenspiel from his handwritten notation.
9) and have been working on a website and books so that I can share all this information with others

And that was off the top of my head. But I guess none of this would be of interest to you anyway, as you've admitted before that you see no value in studying MT etc, and you never listen or take on board anything anyone else says. And just out of interest, what exactly have you done in the field of Bessler research over the last year Ken?

Anyway, as much as I'd like to, I just can't spend much more of my time defending this forum against what I see as a real threat to it. I'm sorry that I've had to be so blunt as I'm not normally an aggressive or confrontational person by nature, but sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in or watch it be destroyed. I have no idea how this situation can be resolved, but if Ken carries on the way he has been then you might just as well rename this site kenswheel.com and be done with it. I'll start a new forum for those serious Bessler Wheel researchers on Ed's and my website in the New Year.

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by scott »

When I read Ken's last post I nearly banned him on the spot. When I calmed down I decided to try one more thing before taking that step. Tonight I will add a feature that limits Ken to 2 post per day, with each post limited to a maximum of 100 words. That's still 1400 words per week, so I may end up having to ratchet it down even more.

Graham is right, Ken. You blew it.


P.S. The proposed limits are just off the top of my head, I'm open to comments and suggestions. Are they still too lenient? Also I wonder if he should only be allowed to post in his "updates" thread from now on and nowhere else.
Last edited by scott on Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by John Collins »

Ken, in my opinion you're an egotistical, self-obsessed, patronizing, pompous self-opinionated prig and you're completely blind to your own defects. I find your much self-vaunted ideas are stale rehashes of old designs replete with variations on the same old theme. Take offence if you wish I could care less.

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by ovyyus »

Well Ken, judging from your last post I think it's obvious, dare I say predictable, that there can only be one outcome here. That's a pity, but that's life sometimes too.

I'd like to wish you every success in your future Bessler wheel research. Perhaps you can report back should you ever achieve your goal - certainly you will hear from us when a solution is finally found. Good luck, stay well.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by rlortie »

well that does it!

I always attempted to debate Ken in a open none personal basic friendly fashion.

Where as his input is/was always repetitive then thus was my debate.

I was told that some were also tired of my repetition to the point of being repetitious, so I quit debating him.

Although Scott has explained that hitting a red button will effect ones own standing, I am sacrificing my own reputation profile and changing Ken's reputation vote from a "no vote" to a Red hit!

I invited him to this forum with the impression that he was not aware of it. This I now regret. I am now asking him to either change his self egotism (conceit) and stick to the point or please leave. If he does neither then we have no choice but to "Red dot" him out. I believe in doing so would show once and for all the consensus of the majority.

Those wish him to stay can always hit his "Green dot"

IMO he is full of self egotism and and displays an inferior complex. Showing compelling pattens of feeling and behavior as a driving force for personal recognition.

Ken you have been asked kindly and then more bluntly! Start your own damm forum or Blog and see exactly how many will join it!

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by jim_mich »

Good call, Scott.

I think 100 words per post is a little tight.

Maybe just a 300 words total per day limit would work.

Any limit that stops Ken's forum abuse would be an improvement.

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re: What to do about Ken

Post by Michael »

You know, every one is talking to and about Ken as if he is quite oblivious to his own actions and needs to wake up to then. This, from a guy who is quite adept at deconstructing anyone's ideas that won't work, save his own. Take a look, check the history. Some people's posted idea's are quite complex and Ken easily states why they won't work, yet with his simple ideas he goes on and on without seemingly getting it for a long time. And then he continues! I propose that Ken is quite aware of what he is doing and is really having a good laugh. Or he is quite insane.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by LustInBlack »

Ken don't understand anything, as is proven by his last post.

Ken don't understand other's designs, simply, because he doesn't want to, because he can't accept the fact that others have better ideas than his own.

Ken can't admit being wrong.

Ken will never listen/try to understand someone with a different opinion.

Ken thinks he deserves to find the wheel.

Ken is on a straight highway trying to take an exit, but his car don't have a steering wheel. The car is drove by his mind, but the mind don't have the ability to steer the car.

Ken wheels don't turn.

Ken is a ufo wanna be believer..

Well, these are the reasons why I voted a Red Dot to Ken, even if my own reputation drop.
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re: What to do about Ken

Post by rlortie »

You know, every one is talking to and about Ken as if he is quite oblivious to his own actions and needs to wake up to then. This, from a guy who is quite adept at deconstructing anyone's ideas that won't work, save his own.
Benefit of the doubt! "oblivious" Lacking memory, forgetful, unaware.

Mercury is acutely hazardous as a vapor and in the form of its water-soluble salts, which corrode membranes of the body. Chronic mercury poisoning, which occurs when small amounts of the metal or its fat-soluble salts, particularly methyl-mercury, are repeatedly ingested over long periods of time, causes irreversible brain, liver, and kidney damage. (Minamata disease, caused by food contaminated with mercury). which refers to emotional identification with a failed hero,
