video of PM machine

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re: video of PM machine

Post by alfilmx »

Well Kirk, as you you advanced to me when it was going to put the Link of the video of a device p.m. I do not have left but that to put the Link of the second part jajaja
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re: video of PM machine

Post by LustInBlack »

ITseung, are you here ..
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Nothing hidden...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Scott!An "old" style simple,open and naturally design requires no "hidden" made our ancestors,with their elementary tools pen and paper,only.Are we living a "Jurassic Park Age" of simulators?So,if you take a look at and click on New!New Drafts! you can find more or less alike attempts(a "minimal' wheel/first class lever~pulsatory pendular lever...) .These ones are based on mechanical concepts, nothing to hide.Being in the last time a visiting person,not a "garage people" ,I have no possbility to test them.But,you know a fit question is one-half of a solution.Take my designs,please,in that way.All the Bests!/Alex
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re: video of PM machine

Post by rlortie »

I wrote a lengthy response to this thread on page one and then pulled it.

Second thoughts told me to wait and see what developed.

NO the red and black twisted wires do not have to be connected or "Looped" at the top. Any magnetic field cutting a conductor will create potential even though it is an open circuit. The only way to test or measurer this potential is to connect a measuring device. When you do you complete the circuit and read nothing.

Radio waves as suggested in the second video is not responsible.
The so called "thick chip board is 3/4" MDO which is nother more than MDF with a plastic or vinyl overlay. I do not believe there is anything hidden inside it.

If I were to make such a video on a glass outdoor table with a hole in it for an umbrella, I too would sit the device over it for artistic sake and as not to draw the eye from the machine.

This device is not new to me, the solenoid coil can be activated by "Reed" switch or "Hall" type. It is obvious to me that as he states, this is operated with a reed switch. It closes as the magnetic spoke comes near and and is of the same polarity of the building coil . It then opens after inertia has carried the magnet past center. It is the opening of the switch causing a fast collapse of the coil charge with the reverse polarity that pushes the spoke on. Just like an ignition coil in an auto, it is the collapsing field that provides the high voltage output to fire the spark plug.

The secondary capacitor shown is simply dampening the coil collapse and serves the same purpose as the capacitor in your auto distributor.

I believe this inventor is for real and I believe his machine works as stated. It is hard to substantiate a potential on an open circuit, but not impossible. Two coils connected in series by one leg only then wave a magnet over them will prove that even though it is an open circuit, there is a charge present.

Another example is the "show and Tell" version of Lenz Law. Drop a magnet into any non ferrous conductive tube, pipe or flat plate and you will see that potential is built with no place to go.

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re: video of PM machine

Post by LustInBlack »

Ralph, if you believe it's possible, I'll take another look on the machine.. ;]

Well if someone have a contact with this guy, maybe it would be a good idea to tell him to demonstrate the machine without the tripod screws !
Or use plastic screws for that matter.

Everything in his machine was quite trivial I think except for the "antenna" ..
Thinking about it, yes a charge will create into the antenna and trapping that charge becomes the apparent problem !? .. I believed at first he trapped the charge directly in the capacitor.

Maybe the way it works is opposite to what I think, maybe the antenna pulls the magnet down and the big coil receives a pulse that charges the capacitor and capacitor discharges slowly into the antenna ..

Maybe it could be even more efficient as a pendulum system, where gravity would help it going !?

Ralph seem to have the knowledge to reproduce such a machine..
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re: video of PM machine

Post by LustInBlack »

I'll keep an open mind on this, I reviewed the first part of the video and when he lifts the device, it wants to run until he tilt it too much .

Btw, I think the big capacitor next to the coil is 270 uf .

I don't know the number of turns in the coil, maybe it would be a number of turns that match the capacitor as to produce resonance.. in that case an electronics guy could be of some help here, I don't have all the knowledge necessary to reverse engineer this thing.

Looks to me as this is the principle of the Testatika machine, used differently (if the two machines are real) .

Testatika seems to use static electricity, this one is using magnetism .

The testatika have 2 big capacitors and coils and 2 big horse shoe magnet.

Looks to me that they figured out a way to not move the magnets and produce the same effect. .!? . (Again, if real)
I tried sometimes ago to go to methernita in switzerland since I often go in that region and they didn't reply to my mails.

Back to the unusual motor.
After thinking about it, looks to me that the guy changes temporarily the property of the magnets when they fall near the antenna as to remove their tendency to create a current into the coil (if that makes sense) ..

What hints me on that, is that his video is a response to a "magnetic gate" ..

Again, Ralph have better knowledge than me on these things.

Btw, Ralph, your mail provider isn't working well these days, do you receive my mails?!
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re: video of PM machine

Post by LustInBlack »

Oh deception, it turned out the motor is driven by a CB radio.
The antenna is really an antenna ..

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re: video of PM machine

Post by rlortie »


The last post I received from you was on 11/13/06
my last reply was on 11/13/06.

If you have written since this date then You should have received an undeliverable message or you wrote it to the wrong address.

NO! I do not believe a CB radio has anything to do with the operation of the device in question. He pretty will covers that issue in his second film. I have watched both films more than once and read all the related posts at

Now if there was quartz or quartzite with a "Cats's Whisker" I would reconsider the possibility, but there is not. Sorry but I tend to believe the man and his machine is for real!

We have or did have a College member aboard this forum that is on My private mail list specializing in research regarding the capturing and efficiency of radio and natural transmitted radio waves. He is far beyond the concept shown here and has yet to achieve the energy to activate a coil under these conditions.

Last edited by rlortie on Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: video of PM machine

Post by LustInBlack »

Ralph, I sent you a message and it didn't pass, the answer from the smtp server was undeliverable because of configuration problem .

It retried two times but failed.

The comments of the inventor was that like an AM radio it's the same principle.. Maybe it is more than that actually.. I hope so!
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re: video of PM machine

Post by graham »

I think it may just be a fake because I did a few quick tests and got no output.

I twisted a pair of non stranded insulated wires together in the same fashion as was shown on the video. The wires were about 12" long.
Connected my digital multimeter to the ends of each wire and then ran a magnet back and forth over the wires.
I tried different orientations of the magnet and varying distances from the wires. No output was observed.

The meter was set at its lowest DC range of 2000mv.

I also checked for an AC voltage but unfortunately my meters lowest AC range is 1.5 V so it is possible that there might have been a small output undetected by the meter.

An oscilloscope would have been a better tool to use to look for low amplitude outputs from the twisted pair, but I don't have one.

So there is still a question here but to me it smells a lot like a fake.

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re: video of PM machine

Post by Tinhead »

Maybe you should also connect the capacitor and the coil. On its own that 'antenna' wouldn't make much sense. But your right, you would need an oscilloscope to see exactly what is going on.

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re: video of PM machine

Post by Gravmaster2000 »

There could be a diode under the capacitor....but I still don't get this- the 2 wire ends on the top are not connected?! If he was really close to a AM radio station, that might be the power source-I went on a service call to home like this, the tv/vcr cable connection could strike little blue SPARKS when touched lightly! Of course, I felt nothing, but there was a lot of energy there.
Hey, another thing, that is an polarized capacitor, and there is no diode, how does he know its not in backwards? Polarized caps can develop charge on their own, there are chemicals in there, but I can't imagine enough to drive that huge coil. Could the magnet going by the capacitor itself contribute, maybe the antenna is a resonator for this?!! Can the antenna be longer?
If this is can on 'charges' hooking up a multimeter to the screws should stop fast does it stop just spinning with no 'drive'? it cant be 'static' electricity, the screws into the base would short it out!

Check this out:
More stuff made with 'no connection' (I give points off for the 'frog eye' remote though, 'not shown' right....)

I wish my PM was so simple...
I hope to see something work soon-by someone!!

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re: video of PM machine

Post by bluesgtr44 »

This kind of tweaked my memory about something I had researched a good while back. Magnetism creating a current within coiled copper. Check it out....

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re: video of PM machine

Post by rlortie »

You cannot connect any measuring device to read a potential in an open circuit! I do not care whether it is a scope or micro digital meter. The second you connect it you are completing the circuit.

The only way I know to measure such a device is to wire two coils in series by one leg only, wave your magnet over it, and then connect your meter in series with the two open ends. You should get a recognition of both coil fields collapsing. look fast because it will only show for a micro second.

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re: video of PM machine

Post by LustInBlack »


Tesla is one of my only heroes in this life.. And I believe that resonance have everything to do with tapping energy from a distant source.. I believe it's the case here..

Maybe he is only tapping into the background noise to make his device run..

There is a coil and a capacitor.. Therefore, there is an oscillating circuit there.. Maybe this circuit have two functions, recharge from the antenna or stator..
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