New MT idea

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New MT idea

Post by Knight »

Regarding Besslers MTÂ…

Everyone has noticed that “A” is missing from MT13, right?

I keep looking at MT13 because Bessler has provided a hanging weight to support a roller at the top of the wheel. The hanging weight can be concealed inside the wheel, hiding it from inquisitive eyes if the wheel was covered with stretched cloth. In every other Bessler sketch, any component that needs to be stationary is either fixed to the floor or wall and can been seen outside the wheel. E.g. MT6, 12, 23, 28, etc.

I have noticed that the centre of Bessler’s “and do you still not understand” sketch matches MT13.

MT54 and 55 have a component, “A” whose centres seem to match the centres of MT13 and “and do you still not understand”. If you overlay component “A” from MT54 & 55 onto the “and do you still not understand” sketch the centres seem to match (small white centre, thick black ring, thin white ring, black outside ring) and the angle of the components match the angles of 2 out of the 3 arrows on the “and do you still not understand” wheel. I haven’t yet tried very hard to find the third component “A” amongst the other sketches, but I am sure it is hidden there somewhere.

I refer above to the white triangles in the “and do you still not understand” sketch as arrows because I think they point to the centre where the ‘small white centre, thick black ring, thin white ring, black outside ring’ combination provides a key to Bessler’s mechanism…

Anyhow, seeing as I hadnÂ’t posted a thought for a while I thought I would share the above idea for comment. Can anyone add to my ideaÂ…?

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John Collins
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re: New MT idea

Post by John Collins »

There is an 'A' in MT13 just below the centre of the wheel on the lower part of the hanging weight. It's almost invisible but it is there on my copy and is slightly easier to see if you look at it as a negative.

John Collins
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re: New MT idea

Post by ovyyus »

John is correct...
MT13 - negative.jpg
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re: New MT idea

Post by Knight »

Thanks guys, next time I will wear my reading glasses...
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