Is an O/U wheel possible with out moving weights?

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Is an O/U wheel possible with out moving weights?

Post by Gravmaster2000 »

My first instinct says no, but weight can be mounted in many ways, with the forces to the wheel split between 2 or more points through levers....I keep thinking there has to be a combination. My mian idea is this:you cannot control a weight if not moved, but if you can control its torque sent to the wheel through multiple paths (and not cancel out!) to something have something. At least I think so...thoughts, please.....

BTW, 'not moving' means moving a tiny bit, just to change how the forces rest within the wheel. Not to 'overbalance'
I hope to see something work soon-by someone!!

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re: Is an O/U wheel possible with out moving weights?

Post by leehweht »

i would say that regardless what type of set-up one has, the problem is, the distance of the weight from the center (axis) remains the same unless you move the weight away or toward it.
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