Not very intelligent

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Not very intelligent

Post by evgwheel »

I love my simple thoughts. I'm so old, that my brain has gone back to my childhood.
Pivot 12 would act similar than a swing set. If swing set is not grounded it will tip over in the direction of highest point reached.
Last edited by evgwheel on Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by evgwheel »

This would have been my first unanswered post. (Horror)
But seriously, like Bessler said weight gains energy from its swing (at the pivot) (or similar) I feel it does that. And the release and locking in of the lever is really simple but I’m sure you already knew that.
As for the lever extending to lock onto the outer rim for 80 degrees, I have about 3 ways of doing that, and other members may have an 100 ideas.
So why didn’t I get an answer? A simple; go and play with your xxxxxxxxx would have done
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Post by Deven »


I think, evgwheel, why you often don't get an immediate answer is because it sometimes takes a little while to discern what you are getting at with the concept. The hard thing about it is that others don't always see things exactly how you do; everyone has this problem to some degree. Try describing your concept a little more when you present an idea.

Anyway, I was actually looking it over while you posted this. :)

I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding as to what you mean by "tip over". In a swingset, it will only tip over when its center of gravity is further out than its base points (due to the position and inertial force of the person swinging). How is this happening in your wheel? Is this one of the 3 things you are talking about?

And don't be so negative on yourself! Its always a pleasure for people to share their ideas. Even if they don't work, a concept in your idea could possibly inspire the next person who might make a working wheel.
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re: Not very intelligent

Post by evgwheel »

Deven, thanks for the reply
Tip over part is how I see it as follows: Firstly, you have to except for now that the weight on the ascending is where it is (rightly or wrongly).
If that weight is 10 kilos and released, it will swing to the descending side, to the same height less normal losses. Just before its peak the weight will give X amount of energy to the wheel through the distance of pivot to the axle (just like any lever)
Therefore, apart from the lever just using excepted energy by swinging it will release energy obtained by its swing to the pivot (weight in motion etc) EVG
Simple riddle: The last part of my second name is in intelligent (Belgium) First part of my second name (Dutch) means from in English, First name whirlpool. EVG CIA will never be able to work it out.
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Post by Clarkie »

Try waiting for the rest of the world to wake up. Between 3am and 7am BST I'm normalay asleep.

Pete :-)
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re: Not very intelligent

Post by Fletcher »

Eddy Van Genius ;) or van gent ?
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re: Not very intelligent

Post by evgwheel »

Fletcher you're "the brains" 151.44023E 33.34706S
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Post by GadgetGeek »

From what I see looking at the weights, the wheel will balance. At the point where the weights at 6 and 9 will counter each other, you'll still have two weights on the right side of the axle.
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re: Not very intelligent

Post by evgwheel »

Gadgetgeek wrote
From what I see looking at the weights, the wheel will balance. At the point where the weights at 6 and 9 will counter each other, you'll still have two weights on the right side of the axle.
At that time weight at 12 (A) will have been released and should be somewhere down near the axle, going up to “B�. “B� in turn will have moved slightly down. Descending side will be further from the axle always. Plus the extra energy gained from swing.
Weights at RHS ascending will be closer to the axle and lower. Any weight lower than the opposite weight, will have to travel up to find balance with its opposite mate.
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re: Not very intelligent

Post by Patrick »

Hello evgwheel;
Thank you for sharing your design. The inner yellow portion is a very old OOB (out-of-balance) wheel design. It does not produce any net torque. The outer portion would simply be an additional drag on the entire structure, so, yes the entire design does not work. Search 'museum of unworkable devices' for similar designs.
best regards--
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re: Not very intelligent

Post by evgwheel »

Patrick. Thanks for your input, much appreciated.
The colour differences are only one wheel. But it does show how hard it is to decipher Besslers information on presumptions we all make. EVG
Addition: One of my favourite quotes of the day.
"Perhaps the only thing that saves science from invalid conventional wisdom that becomes effectively permanent is the presence of mavericks in every generation - people who keep challenging convention and thinking up new ideas for the sheer hell of it or from an innate contrariness."
Addition to addition;
How come that if you believe in UFO’s you can join a club in almost every City?
Likewise, if you believe in homosexuals you can flaunt it with street parties.
If you belief in a God there are plenty of places to meet.
If you belief that free energy is possible, you hide? (I only belief in one of the above)
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