simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

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Georg Künstler
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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by Georg Künstler »

I have attached 2 additional pictures. One showing the excenterweight on a supporting frame and supported with a stick at 3 o'clock position.

In the other a drilling machine and the excenter weight. What must I do, to achive with the drilling machine the same, 3 o'clock position ?

I like to achive the 3 o'clock position, permanent, not powering the wheel to make complete turns. Only keep the 3 o'clock position.

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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by 10x »

Are you saying to start at the right angle and get it back to the same position?
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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by rlortie »

I like to achive the 3 o'clock position, permanent, not powering the wheel to make complete turns. Only keep the 3 o'clock position.
Got to be more to this than what I interpret, if you want to keep it in that position permanent, then drive a nail through it and the support stand.

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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by Wheeler »

Good call Ralph
Georg never comes to a conclusion.

No endings like---- This is the wheel in motion!

Then again everyone still awaits the ending to

The Voyage of The HMS Bessler part 2, so I have no room to talk.
JB Wheeler
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Georg Künstler
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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by Georg Künstler »

yes I like to hold it in the 3 o'clock position, but not with a nail, not with a stick, I like to hold it with the running drilling machine.

The point is, the law of conservative energy. If I need energy to hold the excenterweight in the 3 o'clock position with the drilling machine, the gravitational energy is identical to the energy which I am using in the drilling machine.

Now we can measure the energy from gravity. And we can prove Bessler words, energy which can be extracted is rising with the diameter of the wheel.

We have a constant falling of the weight which is catched by the drilling machine. For the shown construction: Energy from gravity = energy from the drilling machine.
So gravity is an energy source. Can we agree to this ?

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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by Wheeler »

We have a constant falling of the weight which is catched by the drilling machine. For the shown construction: Energy from gravity = energy from the drilling machine.
So gravity is an energy source. Can we agree to this ?

No Georg
The motor holding a weight at 3 o'clock is no different than if you put a nail in it.
If in your image you are simply applying some motor power to hold the weight at 3, you are just using the drill as a post.

As far as energy from gravity=energy from a drill motor, this is not true.
energy from a drill comes from electricity flowing in a special arrangement that includes a magnetic and electrical interaction.

And as far as Gravity being an energy source. This is what has not been determined yet. Until you can show what gravity (as we have named this pulling, or pushing to the center point of earth) we can not say if it is energy.
I have said it is an energy source in my posts, but we must now have a physical device to show it.
I think it is time for you to fast forward your dream,and let it out or keep it for yourself.
Do you fear you might be wrong?
By now you must know fear of being wrong is not a sign of weakness, but simply the way of life.
JB Wheeler
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Georg Künstler
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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by Georg Künstler »

A nail, doesn't allow that the system can spin or move. A nail fixes the forces with friction.
Like in chess, illegal move.
Nails allow no move for free energy.

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Post by DrWhat »

I was just thinking about a sailing boat: a sailing boat can move forward into the wind by having the wind shear past the sail and the sideways force, although awkward, results in that motion INTO the wind. I wonder if we can do this with gravity somehow. Just a recent passing thought perhaps with a sudden dead end!
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Post by fatspidr »

DrWhat......thanks. Now you've ruined my day (week? month?). All I'm gonna be thinking about now is ways to find a path to tack mass against the flow of gravity.
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Post by DrWhat »

My pleasure!!
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Re: re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by arthur »

Georg Künstler wrote:yes I like to hold it in the 3 o'clock position, but not with a nail, not with a stick, I like to hold it with the running drilling machine.

The point is, the law of conservative energy. If I need energy to hold the excenterweight in the 3 o'clock position with the drilling machine, the gravitational energy is identical to the energy which I am using in the drilling machine.

Now we can measure the energy from gravity. And we can prove Bessler words, energy which can be extracted is rising with the diameter of the wheel.

We have a constant falling of the weight which is catched by the drilling machine. For the shown construction: Energy from gravity = energy from the drilling machine.
So gravity is an energy source. Can we agree to this ?
I agree, georg.

force is needed to suspend the weight at 3:00 (against gravity).
and gravity is source of energy.

and so.....
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re: simple logic tells me gravity is not conservative!

Post by LustInBlack »

Hey just passing by..

Wow, this thread is still useless, I'll come back later!

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Post by DrWhat »

Lust, you make me laugh!
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