Question for Bill

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Re: re: Question for Bill

Post by wikiwheel »

bluesgtr44 wrote:hey Mik....
Let's face it. The Ted of Chicago translation has a lot to be desired. I never really trusted this "Ted" anyway. Any relation to "JC" of "UK" maybe??

Don't know why there is this animosity towards John C., but I personally disagree with your distrust of he and the information he has provided. I hold Mr. Collins in high regard for the effort he has put forth and the information he has willingly divulged to the rest of us in the form of publications. Now, if the fact that he makes a few bucks off of his hard work and maintains some of the information for future publications.....nothing is stopping you from doing the leg work yourself.

I do agree that Teds version is a bit confusing....

Both of these translations, however...point out a containment for the weights....encased, framework....and it is this that helps keep them out of the center of gravity. I want to know that path....I think the path is planned and not a direct result of the is it's own mechanism, so to speak. The prime mover provides the impetus to the weights, the encasement/framework provides/maintains the path....I know i have said this before and it is just an opinion.....they can't get out! They're stuck in this monotonous repetition of cycle after cycle. Basically, it is a very controlled environment and it has to be.

There are various reasons for asking questions. A superficial thinker may believe there's animosity towards J.C.

I have no animosity towards J.C.

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Post by bluesgtr44 » apologies!

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re: Question for Bill

Post by winkle »

off hand i would say you have gotten a lot of value for that $30,000
you have engaged hundreds of people in this endeavor at no expense except for their time
gosh i wonder what the value of that is
oh i almost forgot so far it's value would be nata zilch zero nothing
but who knows about tomorrow and what spent time may be worth
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re: Question for Bill

Post by rlortie »


I have well over $30,000 in my machining and carpentry tools, not to mention 1580 square feet of shop space to house and work with it. This inventory has been used for profitable income and I consider that my investment has more than paid for itself. I purchased or procured it over a period of time with one goal in mind.

That goal was to work on clean energy and/or over-unity research and development upon retiring at age 65, I was forced to take early retirement at age 62 due to heart problems. I was told in October of 2002 that I had a 5% chance of living five months. I am still here and find that I am very happy and reasonably healthy considering. The challenge keeps my mind and body active and its the best damn therapeutic medication that I could prescribe. $30,000: heck man that wont even buy you a respectable motor home.

It is also very addictive, and I do not recommend any self-employed person to let themselves get to involved. It can and has caused severe repercussions to more than one. They ignored their source of income to work on wheel designs. I will not mention any names but you have seen it happen on this forum!

One such member owns a tool and die machine shop. He had is hourly paid employees making pieces for his wheel designs. Then one day he realized what he was doing. He packaged up his parts and pieces and shipped them to me. He has not visited this forum in over a year!

I find chasing Bessler's alleged perpetual motion wheel much more enjoyable and invigorating than sitting in a boat, fish pole in hand drinking warm beer. Which is usually the American image envisioned for a retiree of my background.

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Post by DrWhat »

Ralph, you are correct. We are attempting to achieve something that could potentially change the world, get headline media attention, make physicists and engineers pay attention, silence the critics once and for all.

It is the chance for a single individual to make history. And it is a hobby. The best part is that the work can be done in an individual's shed.

It gets the mind working, thinking, analysing, and that can only be a good thing.

The research leads us to look at history, past inventors, physics, mechanics/engineering.

I learnt (eg) about Harrison and I wish I had researched him before my visit to Greenwich a few years ago. I would have looked at his timepieces with much more awe.

I now (surprisingly) have an interest in antiques and I often watch the "Antiques Roadshow" on TV. Whenever an object is dated near the early 1700s, I am fascinated, imagining it's construction at the same time that Bessler was building his wheels.

So to me, regardless of anything else, Bessler has opened up a new world to me!
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re: Question for Bill

Post by docfeelsgood »

DrWhat ; I had to laugh !! A certain tv show has a couple dudes that look an awfull lot alike !!! what you dont know is that their great grandfather was heavily involved in PM and i ALLEDGE another person involved very heavily in the early 1700s !!! But trying to contact anyone about it will be totally ignored and denied !!! it has already been tried by a member of this forum !! so dont even think about it !!! i just grin !!!
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re: Question for Bill

Post by graham »

Doc, are you talking about twin brothers Leigh and Leslie Keno who appraise antiques on tv?
There's a connection to Bessler?

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re: Question for Bill

Post by docfeelsgood »

Graham ; very astute of you !! But as i mentioned , dont even bother opening that can of worms again !!!!! there is no information forthcoming !! NO one is going to admit to being related to a man who some thought was crazy and was an ole cannibal ta boot !!! its a CLOSED chapter there !! i mean rock solid tight !!! throwed that skeleton right outa the closet !!!!!!
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re: Question for Bill

Post by graham »

OK Doc, a dead end huh. They do seem to have the Bessler lip and nose though. Maybe there's something to it.

Keep smilin

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re: Question for Bill

Post by Fletcher »

To late Ralph - when you become self employed & work from home you think that you will have the discipline to do the undistracted hard yards everyday earning a crust & hobby's come second, or so you think until your resolve turns to jelly - I find that this quest reminds me of my days at school etc - at exam time I would do anything to avoid swatting, even my bedroom suddenly needed a major spring clean the night before the exam.

The trouble is, that while this mystery really needs to be cracked & has enormous worldly potential for good, it is a huge consumer of time & brain space, especially for addictive type personalities, which I'm sure many of us are - sometimes I think going to an office would be a good thing [as long as it didn't have a computer] - hey, whose complaining, I only work half days anyway, 12 hours ;)
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re: Question for Bill

Post by winkle »

Ralph wrote
I find chasing Bessler's alleged perpetual motion wheel much more enjoyable and invigorating than sitting in a boat, fish pole in hand drinking warm beer. Which is usually the American image envisioned for a retiree of my background.
yes that and all that you wrote piror to that

but it still remains except for John doing what he has done not any of us would be here

and even beyond that had Scott not taken up the banner we still would not be

thanks guys it's a pleasure to be visiting this site on a regular basiess

Ralph the above quote reminds me of the saying about give a man a fish and he will eat for a day or teach a man to fish and he will eat for a life time

my own experience has taught me that if you teach a man to fish he will set in a boat and drink beer all day
the uneducated

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re: Question for Bill

Post by coylo »

Hmmm.... what we need if some sort of billionaire philanthropist with a concern for the state the planet, to employ us as a team to work on this full time - research and development. What if, eh.... where your passion just happens to be your job!

I can relate to the latter of this discussion. When building 'a contender' your mind has just gotta know if it's a goer!... and it overrides everything else in life, they can wait till' later... jobs, marriages, responsibilities etc.

How many men here think about gravity wheel designs more than.... procreational, reproductive activities? lol
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re: Question for Bill

Post by AB Hammer »


You know that is not fair. When it comes to procreational, reproductive activities, it proves that the mind is the most powerfull thing, that it can rase 4 oz of meat with a single thought. LOL

May be we need to see what our wheels can lift with a single thought.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

Old and future wheel videos


re: Question for Bill

Post by coylo »

You know that is not fair. When it comes to procreational, reproductive activities, it proves that the mind is the most powerfull thing, that it can rase 4 oz of meat with a single thought. LOL
LMAO!... AB Hammer. lol

Excellent post!
"A great craftsman would be that man who can "lightly" cause a heavy weight to fly upwards! Who can make a pound-weight rise as 4 ounces fall, or 4 pounds rise as 16 ounces fall." - AP, pg 295-296...J. Collins
That's where we've been failing, our gravity wheels 'just can't get it up'!
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Re: re: Question for Bill

Post by winkle »

coylo wrote:Hmmm.... what we need if some sort of billionaire philanthropist with a concern for the state the planet, to employ us as a team to work on this full time - research and development. What if, eh.... where your passion just happens to be your job!
these folks have three hundred years of accomplishing nothing

lets put them on the payroll

i'm not real sure that's logical
the uneducated

if your gona be dumb you gota be tough

Who need drugs when you can have fatigue toxins and caffeine
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