"Energy cannot be created"?

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re: "Energy cannot be created"?

Post by Bessler007 »

Note very well there was an expenditure of energy that caused the creation of the information of the position of the wheel.

The knowledge of that information is going to require the expenditure of energy also. Any attempt to 'know' the tension of the spring requires that some of it be relieved.

In that change of force there is the expenditure of energy.

This spring analogy somewhat describes what happens at the quantum level as we try to know what in the heck is going on. There's not much to look at, and merely looking at it to know changes what there is to look at.

The potential energy of a mass within the gravitational field is information also. The information is one of position. The doctrine 'energy can't be created' explains 'if you would want to change the information of the position of a mass you are going to change energy'.

This is a simplistic description. When you reduce mass to the finely divided state of particles you can see there is an expenditure of energy to just extract the knowledge of 'what the potential energy is'.

The premise 'gravity alone can cause mass to self rotate' could be said in other words.
There is a lot of information in a rotating mass. The timing of when to look and when not to is a critical matter. Sometimes you take a peek and at other times you let the axle peek.
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re: "Energy cannot be created"?

Post by Clarkie »

Thanks Fletcher, and others, but the only one of you on my wave length is Jim_mich. I didn't really get the rest as I couldn't see the relevance to what I'm working on.

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re: "Energy cannot be created"?

Post by Fletcher »

More power to your elbow Pete, keep at it, as I know you will - each one of us with a theory is in the same boat as you, wrestling with the build to prove proof of concept, to finally see if the ideas were soundly based & practical - one day someone [probably a member here] will provide the break through & show the way forward to FE - whether it breaks or tweaks Newtonian physics or fits nicely inside the known laws, a self sustaining wheel able to do work will be a sight to behold.

The good thing about this forum is that although we don't all share the same enthusiasm for designs or even agree on the physics at times, it is a place to share some ideas with like minded individuals & find a little camaraderie in what would otherwise be like working alone in the soundlessness of space.
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