Elliptical Track

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Elliptical Track

Post by GraViTaR »

This should work:

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Weights on an elliptical track within a wheel.

Bessler mentions something about it being found in nature.

Orbiting bodies move in ellipses.

Think of a comet in it's highly elliptical orbit around the Sun. As it gets closer to the Sun, it's speed increases. It whips around the Sun. It then decelerates as it travels further away.

I'm thinking of cylinders, rather than balls, that are guided by an elliptical track on either side of the wheel. They roll within the spokes of the wheel.

The motion through the ellipse is smooth and graceful.
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re: Elliptical Track

Post by bluesgtr44 »

Hey Gravitar.....we have discussed that so many times before. Creating and maintaining an eccentric path within a concentric. A part of what Bessler had alluded to was that the weights were in an "enclosure or framework" and coordinated in such a way that they were unable to break from this path, so to speak....and thus could never reach equilibrium.

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re: Elliptical Track

Post by rlortie »


IMO You are quite correct in your above post. I would like to point out however, an eccentric wheel or disc is capable of imparting reciprocating motion. Thus setting something swinging,exchanging places etc.

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re: Elliptical Track

Post by GraViTaR »

The rolling weight would consist of three separate rollers; the two outer rollers would ride in the elliptical guidance tracks, and the center roller would ride in a spoke of the wheel. The rollers would all share the same axle, yet roll independently of each other. This would help minimize friction.
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Post by rmd3 »

...tried too many variations too many times in WM2D...

The problem is part of the weight would be supported by the track rollers and part by the spoke roller. You'll find that the 7:30 and 10:30 positions will have the track supporting the weight and it will come to rest.

But if you can overcome that hurtle... it will work. :)
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re: Elliptical Track

Post by bluesgtr44 »


IMO You are quite correct in your above post. I would like to point out however, an eccentric wheel or disc is capable of imparting reciprocating motion. Thus setting something swinging,exchanging places etc.
Yes it is, Ralph! And I stick by what I have said before, there must be an eccentric pattern somewhere within this system. We already know that it does not get it from the outside....so to speak, it happens inside the wheel. Now, we just have to find that eccentric path that works, the elements that make it work...and how to put it together....simple! LMAO!
...tried too many variations too many times in WM2D...

The problem is part of the weight would be supported by the track rollers and part by the spoke roller. You'll find that the 7:30 and 10:30 positions will have the track supporting the weight and it will come to rest.
rmd3...and you just wanted to see an over-balance....a simple over-balance. Besslers first two wheels ripped at 56 rpm's, and still had some left over to do other work....a small amount with these first two wheels, but work none the less. He did not find a simple over-balance system. He had much, much more!

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re: Elliptical Track

Post by daxwc »

Highly elliptical orbit plus vibration from oscillator or resonator... where is Tesla when you need him.
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re: Elliptical Track

Post by GraViTaR »

Here is an alternative to actual, continuous tracks:

Picture an umbrella frame only half opened. We have spokes emanating from the hub to form a cone.

The spokes from the partially opened umbrella hub would guide the weights, which are now balls, again, through the elliptical path.

The balls ride in the spokes of the main wheel. Each ball has a hole going straight through it to allow the umbrella spokes to pass through. The holes are slightly wider than the umbrella spokes to allow more free movement as the ball rides up and down the length of the main wheel spokes.

The conic section of the umbrella spokes created by the intersection of the main wheel provides the elliptical shape.
Conical array of spokes is positioned at an angle to create the elliptical path within the main wheel.
Conical array of spokes is positioned at an angle to create the elliptical path within the main wheel.
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re: Elliptical Track

Post by AB Hammer »

I have been looking at your drawing. I see you need in your umbrella spokes, a hinge and a slide for each one to keep it from binding or you will need a pivot on you wheels somehow.

I am not a fan of this type, for there have been so many non workers. Try to simplify it somehow, the less you need to use the better the chance.
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Re: re: Elliptical Track

Post by GraViTaR »

AB Hammer wrote:GraViTaR
I have been looking at your drawing. I see you need in your umbrella spokes, a hinge and a slide for each one to keep it from binding or you will need a pivot on you wheels somehow.

I am not a fan of this type, for there have been so many non workers. Try to simplify it somehow, the less you need to use the better the chance.
Apparently, you didn't see this in my description: "The holes are slightly wider than the umbrella spokes to allow more free movement"

The hole through the ball should be more hour-glass shaped. And with slightly flexible umbrella spokes, there would be no binding at all.

Is it true that Bessler refers to ellipses in his work? I was not aware of that. I came up with the elliptical track idea independently.
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re: Elliptical Track

Post by GraViTaR »

Another thought on the "umbrella spokes": The weight of the ball at the nine o'clock position on the main wheel is not only pushing the main wheel down, it is also pushing the umbrella spoke wheel down with more force since it is farthest away from the hub.

You are getting two for the price of one in terms of leverage.
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re: Elliptical Track

Post by bluesgtr44 »

Looking at it again, I see a bit of a Claudio effect going on here.

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re: Elliptical Track

Post by GraViTaR »

Here is a picture to better illustrate.

You can see that the ball at 9:00 has tremendous torque. In comparison, the other balls are so close to the axle of the main wheel, that they exert very little resistance to the counter-clockwise rotation.
ellipse wheel3.gif
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re: Elliptical Track

Post by evgwheel »

The 9 o’clock weight may not have extreme torque, as the weight is on a 35 degree decline. Just my thought, I’m more often wrong then right. EVG
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