Misleading the kings of the earth

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Misleading the kings of the earth

Post by Techstuf »

Thanks to John Walson for helping to answer an itching question on the minds of many......

"Gee, I wonder what those peculiar lights in the sky really are!?"


It looks as though the stage is set for the fulfillment of bible prophecy. According to the Bible war takes place in Heaven and the 1/3rd of the Angels who've rebelled are thrown down to the "Vicinity of the earth" knowing they have but a short time. We are also informed that when the "sign of the coming of the Son of man" is seen in the heavens, the kings, military commanders and many others will beat themselves in grief, seeking to hide themselves under the rocks away from His wrath. Watch the movie 'Transformers' and see how it's sub-plot mirrors what is now taking place. They use movies to help them program many a hapless minion. These fallen ones are "misleading the kings of the earth", gathering them together for the great day of war with Yahshua and the Heavenly host. Yes, it is written that they will actually attempt to fight Christ and His angels! It is also written that in our day, knowledge would be greatly increased, flying to and fro across the globe. It also says that man would master flight and even try and reach God's throne! I have witnessed many of these craft up close and am convinced that many of them are manmade craft of startling capability.....


Ready yourselves, you are being faced with a choice! To be dazzled by tech toys and carnal enticements into becoming arrogant and warlike, a "member of the so called elite"..... or be meek and humble, acceptable as a child belonging to the Prince of Peace. Yahshua says of those in our day: "He that would seek to save his life, shall lose it. He that would give up his life for my sake, shall preserve it alive." All who take up the 'sword' will die by it. "Be cautious as the serpent and harmless as doves".

So, which truly takes more courage? To join the stubborn and foolish ones in an an 'hour' long tantrum of defiance to God's greater wisdom, or speak the truth and suffer a short while at the hands of misguided men, led by the wicked one.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

And in a time of global decadence, It is the courageous and strong....those meek, humble and peacable ones who must resist temptation to fall away from Christ, saying: "my master is delaying".....to join those children of a far lesser god. It is the peacable ones who are themselves seen as weak and cowardly by those rebellious men and women who, while themselves being the truly weak and cowardly, have been taught to think they are acting otherwise.

Although it is interesting to receive visual verification of the war machines that have been placed high above our heads....we must be ever more mindful of that which the wicked one attempts to place in our minds and hearts!

God bless us all in Yahshua, Jesus Christ


One more time, I remind all who view this message that it is not by the spirited work of men and their machines that the enslaved peoples of the world will be set free. But by the word of God. Yahweh even now prepares to send His Son, Yahshua, and His holy Angels in our direction.
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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Post by MrTim »

"They use movies to help them program many a hapless minion. "

You'll have to find a better example than that! Haven't you seen all the remakes they've been putting out...?
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