The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

By now you must be fully aware of how you are going to publish your invention.
1. Is it still going to be a post on
2. Private emails to selected members?
3. Is it before the last day of January 2008?
4. In text only?
5. Formulas included?
6. Drawings included?
7. As image, with date stamp and your name. (harder to alter)
8. Community Forum?
9. Dave’s Blog?
10. Request to members to pass on to as many people as they know?
11. Any other information appreciated

Dave wrote: "I am not a dabbler with no scientic knowledge, I was a Research Engineer for years with a major corporation".....Meaning???

Don’t know why, but I felt this is appropriate (not just for this thread)
I should probably be proud of my humility." - Benjamin Franklin (part of quote)
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Appreciate others more--you will be humbler.
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Dave Roberts
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by Dave Roberts »

This gets more interesting all of the time. I am in a quandary as John and I are working in different directions toward the solution. Of mine I am certain. I have had people email me to reveal the solution and then change their minds and advise me to patent. Almost everyone insists I make a working model.

I understand the importance of this decision and now that I have had a lot of feedback, I want to take a few days away and determine the path I want to take. Sorry to disappoint some at this point but this is a major decision.

Please be patient.
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by Michael »

Lol, Damien's underneath techstuff's Jesus. That's ironically funny.
meChANical Man.
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by ovyyus »

Greed - 99.99% infection rate :D
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Post by DrWhat »

Good decision Dave.

I am dying to know the workings of the wheel, but many of us (especially yourself) have dedicated too much time on this to simply throw it out the door without a patent. And hence to let the "crowd of starlings squabble angrily over the supersized crumbs".

I am sure many of us would rather see the invention under some sort of control rather than be exploited financially by many people/companies who failed to believe in what we believed. Who denied Bessler's authenticity. Who laughed and mocked us, all the while as we persisted in our belief. They will receive credit for having done nothing.

Yet you have done much (assuming this works) and I am sure like many I am happy to wait (painfully) for the wheel to be patented so that it can be released in all its glory.

Just don't take too long, as this is in some ways a race to the finish line, although you may be the only runner actually on the track!!
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

Anything you can clarify about Dave’s statement?
Dave: “I am in a quandary as John and I are working in different directions�
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by AB Hammer »


The only one on the track? Who knows, and I can't help but to wonder how many designs would have worked if the builders had the proper skills needed to build that type of machine and the eye to see any possible corrections.

This is meant only as a general thought.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

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Re: re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by axel »

Dave Roberts wrote:This gets more interesting all of the time. I am in a quandary as John and I are working in different directions toward the solution. Of mine I am certain. I have had people email me to reveal the solution and then change their minds and advise me to patent. Almost everyone insists I make a working model.

I understand the importance of this decision and now that I have had a lot of feedback, I want to take a few days away and determine the path I want to take. Sorry to disappoint some at this point but this is a major decision.

Please be patient.
Just use the wheel for yourself. That's what I'm doing. The Chinese will just steal it and build all they want in their country. I want to protect my country so won't reveal it unless someone else does and tries to get all the glory. I would rather my designed wheel to be sold by Walmart than somebody elses.

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

Clever statement by Axel
Just use the wheel for yourself. That's what I'm doing. The Chinese will just steal it and build all they want in their country. I want to protect my country so won't reveal it unless someone else does and tries to get all the glory. I would rather my designed wheel to be sold by Walmart than somebody elses.
The way I read this you have this working wheel in your garage, saving you a possible $1000 per annum, so the Chinese won’t steal it and you prefer Walmart to sell it.
If it doesn’t come from china, Walmart probable won’t sell it. But then again anything is possible, I think! Or not! America needs more citizens like you.

re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by coylo »

What clever statement?

OMG, it's like the Bush Administration has taken over this thread.... God, gullible patriotism and a total lack of common sense!

Without China there'd be no Walmart!
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

What clever statement? (T.I.C.)
God, gullible patriotism and a total lack of common sense: Just bush?
Compared to some Americans the Irish are clever (Tongue in cheek)
Got to go now and oil my working wheel (T.I.C.)
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by John Collins »

evgwheel asked if I can clarify Dave' post. Not really - my understanding of the solution is different to Dave's and yet maybe its not that different. He didn't share it with me and I didn't want him to because in the end as soon as he tells anybody how he thinks it will work that person cannot procede with their own idea if it's the same.

My advice remains the same - build a working model first before you give the game away.

The truth is that if this device is so simple, everyone will be making their own versions and hooking them up to to generators and just supplying their own electricity - regardless of patents. Explanatory web sites will abound with details of how to build your own wheel and get free electricity. Some people will find a way to evade the patents and supply kits and other parts. Patents will be ignored in China and other eastern countries and less fastidious importers will bring illegal machines into the country and sell them cheap.

Patent it first and you give them a head start.

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by KAS »


If you really think that the principle you are working on will provide energy out of nothing then you will be forever be remembered as the fore-father of free energy research.

Make no bones about that!

I would only mirror the other suggestions though. That is - make a working model. If you are not in the position to do so or you just don't have the resources, I would advise you seek the help of those who have.

Ralph springs to mind, but there are others here who will be only too willing to help.

The working principle statement seems direct and certain but I also have been in this position many times.
I have many wheels that rotate continuously on paper and on WM2D (even with a load applied) but only when you build do you reveal the flaws and pitfalls waiting there silently to bite your arse.

You may have a working concept and I would be the first to congratulate you if you have. All I will say is - please be sure!

All the best.

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

A major issue to consider is the new "grace period" which the (Australian) Federal Government adopted in April 2002 with regards to applying for a patent. The introduction of this new "grace period" means an invention can be made public and this will not prevent a valid patent from being granted.
The grace period has been brought in to cover circumstances where an inventor had disclosed the invention before applying for a patent. This grace period allows for public disclosure of an invention without affecting the patent application providing that a patent application is lodged within 12 months of the disclosure.
According to IP Australia, the Protocol allows applicants to submit a single application with one set of fees and in one language through its national trade marks office. This is done in conjunction with the "Madrid Protocol's" other 55 "contracting parties", including Japan, the United Kingdom, European Union countries and China.
International Patents
If you want to patent an invention in Australia and overseas there are two choices. Considering there is no such thing as a "world patent" (an Australian patent provides protection only within Australia), you can make a separate patent application in each country or you can file a single international application and select the countries in which protection is sought. This is known as a "Patent Cooperation Treaty" (PCT).
Please, check the above yourself, things will change, but usually for the better. Should be similar in the western world
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Post by DrWhat »

I think I've said this before but the time from application to acceptance in the USA is now taking three years. So patience is a perpetual virtue in this field!

Alan good point. Who knows how close I or others have come. I can see regret when it is revealed and some of us cringe at how close we were.

Lets have that wheel spinning first, eh?!
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