Inventions and great ideas that have come from this discussion board.

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Jon J Hutton
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Inventions and great ideas that have come from this discussi

Post by Jon J Hutton »

I told myself a while back that even if I do not find the answer to pm this board has been one of the best things for my life. It has increased my concentration, memory and certainly my ability in physics. Many home inventions have sprung from my search for pm as a result of this board and I bet I am not the only one.

I remember one time we were going on vacation and we were wondering what on earth to do with all the plants, and how to water them. Pumps were out of the question and so was asking someone to come by and water them once a week. I remembered from my research that I could use capillary action from a string. So I placed a large pitcher above the plants and ran a small cotton string to all the plants...never had to worry about the siphon being broken. Upon returning home the plants were healthy, some in bloom but more wife was happy. :)

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