The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by rlortie »

continuously drive the wheel after/from [a] single received rotation, or after/from [a] single impressed force of the swing/impetus/momentum, and its revolution must continue,

may drive the wheel without rest [from a] single received impulse & revolution,
Appreciate the time and effort you put into this Stewart! I could not help but note that which I have underlined. I had never noted or picked up on this before. It certainly looks obvious here. One prime mover actuating once per revolution?

Eyewitness reports claimed eight weights dropping per revolution. It appears Bessler is telling us that there is only one impulse per revolution. This reminds me of Borlach's statement that the wheel and or support appeared to jump or bounce once per revolution.

So now we look for a way to concentrate or collect eight weights that create force in one impulse per revolution???? Back to Newtons Gravity Cradle/Machine! and

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

Ralph. I get a message your link does not exist.
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by rlortie »


The link is to Stewart's forum where you will find two threads on sGravesande, one is for Stewart's translation and the other for commentary.

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by jim_mich »

Ralph, shame on you! You linked to Stewart's private forum. Members such as evgwheel who are not members of Stewart's forum and all guests will not be able to use the link that you posted.

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by rlortie »


Yup! You finally got me on a real 100% fowl up!

It was an oversight on my part and I do apologize to those effected.

Evg, I never give a thought t that the link was to a private forum for that I am sorry.

I am also surprised that a member of your standing and commitment is not registered with Stewart's group. I certainly would not hesitate to nominate or recommend you.

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John Collins
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by John Collins »

Brilliant analysis Stewart!
continuously drive the wheel after/from [a] single received rotation, or after/from [a] single impressed force of the swing/impetus/momentum, and its revolution must continue,

may drive the wheel without rest [from a] single received impulse & revolution,

Ralph you said
It appears Bessler is telling us that there is only one impulse per revolution.
Ralph, I think the 'single received impulse' applies to each mechanism not each revolution.

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

Thanks for your vote of confidence, much appreciated.
One of the reasons I will not be likely to join a private form is that I would feel uncomfortable in not being open to all.
I realize that a lot of people feel good about a being a member of a closed group/club and I can imagine the reason for that, I find nothing wrong for others to participate. However for me and the little I could contribute would be better in a public forum as I feel that if sometimes I make any sense at all, it could make a difference to one person even if it takes a 1000 posts. (I do feel different about face to face meetings as in a debating group)
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by Fletcher »

Hi Stewart .. I’ll offer up, for the sake of playing devils advocate, some comments based on your excellent translations & analysis of the two passages in question – these are of course my subjective opinions but may have some relevance or ring a chord of reason with someone else, perhaps – N.B. I read them both with a minds eye reflecting on the original translations that we are so familiar with [see below – Al Bacon; Dirks – PM:AAMS?; DT]
Stewart wrote:... the German and Latin .. seem to me to be very similar. There are some small differences which is perhaps because of the difficulty in finding suitable Latin words, but on the whole the two versions seem to tally. Interestingly though it seems that sometimes the German has extra words and more detail and in other places it's the Latin ... here are my two translations so far:

Page 19/20 of DT - German: Page 19/20 of DT - Latin:

[G] The inner structure of this tympanum or wheel is of such a nature, after which a number of weights arranged according to 'a priori' (that is, scientifically demonstrable) laws of mechanical perpetual motion,

[L] The interior structure of the tympanum or wheel is so constructed, in order that weights, arranged according to 'a priori' or scientifically demonstrable laws of mechanical perpetual motion,


[G] continuously drive the wheel after/from [a] single received rotation, or after/from [a] single impressed force of the swing/impetus/momentum,

[L] may drive the wheel without rest [from a] single received impulse & revolution,


[G] and its revolution must continue, so long as that is to say the whole structure maintains itself,

[L] and may cause perpetual motion, as long as of course the structure itself [does] not lose its position and order/arrangement;


[G] without any further assistance and help [from] external motive forces which would require restitution:

[L] and without any further help & without another added source of motion which may need to be restored.

jim_mich wrote: Forum: General Discussion Posted: Mon 14 May, 2007 9:43 am Subject: re: "Energy cannot be created or destroyed..."

Comparing the three translations phrase by phrase... It amazes me the above variations in interpretation.

Al Bacon's translation is green.
Henry Dirks translation is black, used in PM-AAMS.
Mike Senior's translation is blue, used in Das Triumphirende.

EDIT : First Half

The internal structure of this drum (or wheel) consists of weights arranged according to several a priori, that is, scientifically demonstrable, laws of mechanical perpetual motion.

inward structure of the wheel is of a nature according to the laws of perpetual motion,

The internal structure of the wheel is designed in such a way that weights applied in accordance with the laws of perpetual motion,


After the wheel completes a single rotation, or after a single force is applied to the wheel,

so arranged that certain disposed weights once in rotation,

work, once a small impressed force has caused the commencement of movement,


the motion drives the wheel unceasingly.

gain force from their own swinging,

to perpetuate the said movement and cause the rotation to continue indefinitely


As long as the wheel's whole structure does not change, the wheel continues its revolutions without any further assistance from external motive power.

and must continue their movement as long as their structure does not lose its position and arrangement.

that is, as long as the device retains its structural integrity - without the necessity of external assistance for its continuation

EDIT : Second Half

Other automatic machines,

Unlike all other automata,

such as the mechanisms which are to be found in other "automatics"


such as clockwork, springs, and hoisting weights, necessarily require an external restoring force.

such as clocks or springs or other hanging weights which require winding up or whose duration depends on the chain which attaches them,

e.g. clockwork, springs or weights that require rewinding.


The upper weight is not attached to an external mechanism, nor does it rely on external moving bodies by means of whose weight revolutions continue as long as the cords or chains on which they hang permit.

on the contrary these weights are the essential parts and constitute perpetual motion itself;

For this concept, my "principle of excess weight", is NOT just an external appendage, an "added-on device" which is there in order to cause, through application of its weight, the continuation of the motion (the revolution) so long as the cords or chains, from which it depends, permit.


As long as it remains outside the center of gravity, this upper weight incessantly exercises universal motion from which the essential constituent parts of the machine receive power and push.

as from them is received the universal movement which they must exercise so long as they remain out of the centre of gravity;

NO, these weights are themselves the PM device, the "essential constituent parts" which must of necessity continue to exercise their motive force (derived from the PM principle) indefinitely - so long as they keep away from the centre of gravity.


These parts are enclosed in a case and are coordinated with one another so that they not only never again reach an equilibrium

and when they come to placed together, so arranged that they can never obtain equilibrium,

To this end they are enclosed in a structure or framework, and co-ordinated in such a way that not only are they prevented from attaining their desired equilibrium


(or point of rest)

or the punctum quietus

or "point of rest",


for themselves but incessantly seek with their admirably fast swing to move

which they unceasingly seek in their wondrous speedy flight,

but they must for ever seek it, thereby developing an impressive velocity


and drive on the axis of their vortices loads that are vertically applied from the outside and are proportional to the size of the housing.

one or another of them must apply its weight vertically to the axis, which in its turn will also move'.

which is proportional to their mass and to the dimensions of their housing, This velocity is sufficient for the moving and raising of loads applied to the axis of rotation.


It seems very apparent that Bessler is discussing the internal structure of his wheels.

In particular where the weights are positioned/arranged, which he says is the basis of his Law of Mechanical Perpetual Motion – from this statement & other anecdotal evidence it seems apparent he is describing an overbalance arrangement of weights, that is, the path they are forced to follow which will create continuous overbalance – the weights are the constituent PM themselves, provided they stick to the necessary path, because their positioning will always result in an inherently unstable arrangement that can never find stability or the PQ.

He says that once the wheel is given a single part rotation [degrees of arc of movement/part revolution] which also impresses momentum into the wheel, it will continue to revolve without stopping.

And, its continuing unabated revolutions [Perpetual Motion] will endure as long as the structure [which contains & houses the weights] does not loose its form & function or order of doing things.

And, it does not need nor receive any further external impetus, augmentation, help or assistance from any source of motion from outside the wheel system that would release its Potential Energy to drive the wheel, but then would need restoring to its full Potential Energy quotient again after it was spent.
Stewart wrote:The part that you're asking about is this:

GERMAN: after/from [a] single impressed force of the swing/impetus/momentum
LATIN: [from a] single received impulse

In the German text the words used are 'Force des Schwunges'. 'Schwunges' is a genitive form of 'Schwung' - so it is 'force of the Schwung'. What does 'Schwung' mean? Click here to see some dictionary meanings. ....

swing, drive, impetus, momentum

it's also true that the word can be used to mean 'swinging' in an oscillatory sense, but in my view that is the least likely meaning in this sentence. "after a single impressed force of swinging/oscillation" - this seems unlikely to me.

If Bessler had really meant to say 'swinging/oscillation' I think he would have used a more common word for it such as 'Schwingen' or 'Schwingung'. Also, the Latin does not support 'swinging/oscillation' but rather impulse/impetus/momentum etc., and as both pieces of text are so similar in all other respects it seems very unlikely that there would be two different intended meanings for just that part.
Thoughts : At One Level, the Latin supports the German by giving no latitude to interpret it as anything else but as ‘a single impulse/impressed force [of momentum].

But at another level, IMO the German doesn’t necessarily support the Latin – if Bessler were to engage in word play it would be with this part of the passages – while I admit this is very subjective I do believe you have identified the reasons for why this might be so below.
Stewart wrote:It's interesting to see some other uses of the word though - there was a reference to 'buoyancy' on that link I provided. Also, the following are from an 1810 German-English dictionary:

Schwung, m. swing; von der Seele und ihren Fähigkeiten strain; ein hoher Schwung a high flight; im Schwunge seyn to be on the wing, to soar.

Schwingen, n. swinging, seesawing; vaulting, soaring, taking wing; brandishing, flourishing, beating with a swingle-staff.

Schwingung, f. swinging, seesawing; vaulting, soaring, taking wing; eines Tons, des Pendels vibration.

One final thing that might have some relevance is that in the phrase 'Force des Schwung', force is not a word of German origin (as is apparent by Bessler's use of a Roman typeface for that word), and the German word that Bessler often uses for force is 'Kraft'. If we look up the term 'Schwungkraft' in the online dictionary - click here - we get...

buoyancy, momentum, centrifugal force

I'm still trying to confirm the terms that might have been used in Bessler's time to refer to centrifugal force.
A lot does hinge on whether other more common usage words were available for & in use for CF’s, which could also shed light on whether there was a possible & intended word play by Bessler, perhaps.

Bessler possibly had other more suitable words to use to convey impressed force of momentum – the fact that he used the Latin word for Force rather than his own native German ‘Kraft’ might well be significant in the context of possible word plays – if he had of used ‘schwungkraft’ then it would have been read as momentum or centrifugal force by the German speakers amongst his audience & at least momentum would have been recognized as the meaning by the German & Latin speaking scholarly community – it may be that he wanted to covertly bring attention to CF’s & so chose to use the Latin word for Force rather than the German but it may also be that he wanted to covertly rule out CF’s & suggest another meaning for ‘forces des schwunges’ [drive the wheel after a single impressed force of the ????], that being, perhaps one of the other meaning possibly given in your 1810 German dictionary such as swing, that wasn’t also just meaning momentum, which is common to all body’s in motion, but more specific, if not hidden in plane sight.
Stewart wrote:Going back to the Latin - the word used is 'impulsu' which is either the ablative case of the noun 'impulsus', or possibly the ablative case of the supine of the verb 'impello'. Either way it has the following noun meanings: impulse, push, pressure, shock, impact, drive, instigation, incitement.

Other Latin terms used:

tympanum - means a drum. Bessler's wheel resembles a drum in its construction because it has a lightweight cylindrical frame and the top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder (sides of the wheel) were comprised of stretched canvas.

Click here for a dictionary definition of 'a priori'.

Anyway, thanks immensely for your efforts Stewart & although subjective discussions don’t always prove insightful or go anywhere useful it does sometimes open other avenues of thought.
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by evgwheel »

Would you say that Latin has changed little over centuries , where German and indeed old English changes at the whim of a new generations? Once upon a time I was a gay little boy, now apart from not being a boy I’m also not gay. But still happy.
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by Fletcher »

I'm not qualified to answer that evg - it has been 33 years or so since I took french & latin at school & I haven't used either in anger since - besides, I was a dreadful language student not much interested in languages at the time so I've forgotten just about everything.

I do have an impression that latin was/is used as the 'datum' or basis for scientific & legal language & my teacher telling me that it had hardly changed since Roman times - I don't think it is practiced as a living language other than by perhaps the Catholic church though I suppose it is similar in many ways to Italian - so the likelihood that it has changed significantly over hundreds of years would be small IMO, if it were isolated.

I can't praise Stewart enough to have learnt the nuances of the German text & language [old German at that] & Latin in such a short time - he seems to me to have a flair & intellect for languages which I sadly lack :( & a logical mind amongst other things.
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by Jon J Hutton »

Has any one else thought that the wheel could be as simple as drawing number 16. It seems that it holds a clue that I have not seen any talk on recently."No. 16:
This model shows how the weights are connected and how they raise the internal spheres at A up and around. The accompanying special figure shows how the edge of the wheel appears at the tensions when it is opened. John Collins
Since he organized the drawings after he had the solution then his comments were also with the solution in mind which makes the above comment very significant.

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Post by rmd3 »

If it is, there's a sphere on the left side that isn't resting on the curve.
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Post by Stewart »

Ralph wrote:I am also surprised that a member of your standing and commitment is not registered with Stewart's group. I certainly would not hesitate to nominate or recommend you.

evgwheel - My forum is not a closed group/club. Any active member of the main forum can join by requesting access from the 'groups' page (click on the groups button on the menu at the top of the forum) - no nominations are necessary. The reason I use my own forum is to have somewhere that I can post about translations without swamping other peoples' topics. My posts tend to be rather long (like the last one in this topic), and I'm conscious of the fact that posting in someone's topic something like that which is not necessarily strictly on topic can be annoying and distracting from the original discussion. In this particular instance, as Dave has moved his discussion to community buzz, I thought it would be ok to post here and answer the sub-thread about the 'swinging/momentum' issue where everyone could see it. I also find having my own forum useful as, unlike on the main forum, I can edit my posts indefinitely and have some control over the organisation of the posts and topics.

Fletcher - thanks for your thoughts and kind comments. I'll try and finish my translations of the German & Latin of this passage soon and then it will be easier to discuss the thing as a whole. I'm almost done but am struggling a bit on certain Latin phrases, for example: "... lamellae nimirum aut fibulae cessiles ac resilientes ..." - I know this is a reference to clock springs, but I need to satisfy myself that I understand how to arrive at that translation and back it up with some evidence.

Thanks everyone else also for your kind comments - it's a big encouragement for me to continue spending my time posting this stuff. I'll post the full translation in my forum when I've finished it.

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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by Dave Roberts »

Just a comment. The number of views under Community Buzz where I revealed my design numbered slightly over 650. Knowing that every time it was commented upon became a view and anyone who looked at comments was numered as a view, I get the impression that we are a relatively small group seriously interested in the solution. Anyone care to comment? How many are actually registered with this site?

Also, I am curious to know if anyone is changing their designs based on the direction that I revealed?

I have found a little spare time and am looking at a previous design. Next time I say I have it, it will be with a working model. Lesson learned.
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re: The Solution To Bessler's Wheel

Post by ssmyser »

Dave, you're not the first member who's taken some pressure after claiming to have the solution. I will admit however it does take guts to post your idea, and many of the members here I'm sure appreciate that.
To answer your question: I currently have no plans to make changes to, so the question really doesn't apply to me. We are ALL looking forward to your next 'working' model, and look forward to you readily posting it for the benefit of all. :0)
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