getting any sleep?

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getting any sleep?

Post by SJW »

I have been observing for the last 10-11 months before becoming a member just recently. Its absolutely a fascinating challenge, and I stepped in it with both feet. I was born and raised in The Netherlands, served in the US military, no major schools, no large credentials, just a knack with tools, a creative mind, and a tenacious won't let go attitude! Now the problem I have, and I am somewhat concerned about is the lack of sleep I am getting. This is starting to become a major part of my thinking and sleep is sometimes not easy. Is anybody out here having similar symptoms? I know I should not let this control me. And let it (just be a segment) of my overall existence!
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Post by DrWhat »

I too had this issue of waking up thinking about Bessler and his wheel. This occured in beginning of my interest (the first couple of weeks).

Now if I wake up and happen to be thinking of his wheel I simply curse and swear at him for not helping me out!

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re: getting any sleep?

Post by LustInBlack »

YES I Can Relate !!!

I personnally have a big problem with insomnia ..
It happens when I think about something, which happens almost
everyday ..

I must turn my brain off or else, i will not sleep ..
I spent weeks without much sleep, maybe 1-2 hours per night..
I know how to control it, it's simple, just think about nothing late at night, but I just love to think..

I also happened to work night shift for a while before, so it didn't help, but this is when I learned about Bessler, and I am hooked since then ..

It's impossible to get the perfect balance, or you will loose you creativity by forcing you to turn your brain off.. which happened to me..

I need to keep the balance, because I become sick if I don't sleep..

It's hard.. 8]

Anyways... I will probably not sleep for a while, because I want to find the answer, but lately, I didn't have any usefull idea.. It seems that with experience with Bessler, you become able to filter bad ideas quite efficiently, which happen quite often and quite fast now ..

But I need those stupid ideas, they feed me with better ideas .. It's really a hard discipline.. The winner will have the tenacity to come up with brute force ideas and the intelligence to see the potential in every failures..

I have strong emotions right now, because I'm trying another way to get ideas, it's simply to relax before sleep and let images come, but with brain off.. It doesn't work well ..

I hate not sleeping when I want to ..

I found out that some pills help : SleepEzeDay .. But, do not take often.. it's bad..
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re: getting any sleep?

Post by daxwc »

Well, SJW, you can get all the sleep you want when your dead ;) ... That is if it is not too hot to sleep 8))))
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re: getting any sleep?

Post by AB Hammer »

LOL sleep?

You will taper down in time. Keep a note pad and pencil by your bead. When you have a thought write it down, this way you can go to sleep and won't forget it. When you try to remember it while trying to sleep, is why you can't. This is what I do, and I have had allot better sleep for it.
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re: getting any sleep?

Post by SJW »

Alan, Your statement is not entirely my situation. I understand, everything should be put on paper of whats on ones mind, but its the search for improvement of what i already have!

Thank you for your input.

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re: getting any sleep?

Post by Fletcher »

Reading this thread made me laugh - it seems we all have the same problems from time to time *grin* - it was what I meant the other day about being able to step back from a state of red alert & dialing it down to amber readiness - keeping notes & books by the bed side helps take the anxiety out of possibly forgetting a brilliant idea when you wake up - personally I have a white board in my garage that when I have an idea I draw a simple diagram with some notes to jog my memory when I have more time.

I find that even now I still fall asleep at night [& sometimes dream about ideas (when I remember them)] thinking about how to crack this persistent nut or improve technically some idea I'm working on - I think it is just that I have trained my brain to act like a screen saver & when its not 'in use' it defaults to my FE thoughts, in the same way that seti uses individuals computers idle time to analyse possible intelligent signals or others for crunching the cure cancer or chemicals etc.

I find that beer helps on the odd occasion when I want a night off ;)
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Post by DrWhat »

The paper and pen by the bed is what I do and I agree it lets you switch off more easily.

I have so many pieces of paper all piled together I could collate them and create a book called:

"Every single combination of weights, pulleys and levers on a wheel EXCEPT ONE"...
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re: getting any sleep?

Post by SJW »

Hi Fletcher,
you know i tried beer, but that even motivates me more, maybe meditation will help!

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re: getting any sleep?

Post by Fletcher »

I was meaning good company & LOTS of beer to drown out other troublesome thoughts that won't give you any peace ;)

I can see why Bessler was so cranky - no sleep while he pondered the vexing problem - then a period of blissful rest when he first found the solution - then anxiety again as a few doubts worried there way in & he did the experiments to banish them again - sleepless nights as he feverishly worked to build his wheel & an excited all nighter when he finally had it going - then even more restless nights as he thought about the risk of his idea or wheel being stolen or never finding someone to buy the wheel from him - LOL.

Could be he had hyper-elevated cortisol & adrenalin levels for quite a while - reminds me of something I once read "if 1 in a 100 of the things I've worried about actually happened I'd have something to worry about".
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re: getting any sleep?

Post by SJW »

Yeah Fletch, I can see what JB must have gone thru 10 years worth of trials and errors, and then finally succeeding. Then like you said, his troubles only started. I bet he was bald underneath that curly wig of his. lol

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re: getting any sleep?

Post by rlortie »

served in the US military, no major schools, no large credentials, just a knack with tools, a creative mind, and a tenacious won't let go attitude! Now the problem I have, and I am somewhat concerned about is the lack of sleep I am getting.
Boy can I relate to this! Whether it be wheels or what ever, for years I simply could not shut the wheels in my head off at bedtime.

My wife would fall to sleep five minutes after her head hit the pillow and I would lay there for hours staring at a ceiling I could not see.

One way to beat the problem is to fall asleep on the couch while watching TV. Wife and I have an agreement, when one of us should be asleep in the living room we do not wake each other and say it is time to go to bed.

When I did get to sleep my dreams were the same thing over and over and over. I finally was at wits end and ended up seeking medical help.

I was first prescribed an uptake inhabiter that reduced brain cell activity. I cannot remember the name of the medication, Seritonan or something like that. I cannot get the spelling close enough to find it.

I now take 1/2 a prescribed pill every night called "Alprazolam" (Generic for Xanax) It is not expensive and well worth the cost. It is not addictive and I only take it when I know I am not going to be able to find the off-switch!

I still get my best and deepest sleep when watching re-runs of use car commercials during a program I have seen before.

Another method to get your mind off wheels is to think of some peaceful place that you felt relaxed. I for example will create an image of sitting under a shade tree next to a babbling brook with fish pole in hand!

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Post by DrWhat »

Ralph, just reading the Serotonin Wiki page will put you off to sleep in no time. LOL

You've even got nuclei named after you... well nearly!
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re: getting any sleep?

Post by AB Hammer »

Well for all of us that have this problem. Here is a video about Insomnia that is a little bit more modern music, but might just be our beast theme music for our sleeping problem. :) zzzzz
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re: getting any sleep?

Post by rocky »

Welcome to the forum SJW. It's a small world as we are neighbors - I live near Disneyland. I served in the military too. Vietnam, class of 1966.

I have been trying to build Bessler's wheel on and off for 40 years. I first read about him in college with the Stranger Than Science story. I only learned about this website a few years ago and have been slowly reading ALL past topics and posts. I have been copying those that I thought contain helpful information since I have seen websites suddenly disappear.

You will want to order all of John Collins books because I have pulled many more clues from them then are listed at this website. There is a problem that John's books are printed in America on different size paper then those printed in the United Kingdom so that page numbers are different than the clues you see quoted on Wiki.

I usually build a new wheel every few years. I leave my last one together to study why it did not work before taking it apart to build a new one. I always take photos and videos.

I am putting together my list of clues which I will post here soon as I have many that not on wiki.

About your not sleeping. I keep a notepad and pen by my bed. Since discovering this website and getting new insights and new clues, I fall asleep every night thinking about the design of the wheel. Sometimes I wake up and draw my idea then go back to sleep.

The secret has been lost for almost 300 years - don't lose any sleep over it :-)

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