Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your design worked!

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Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your design

Post by justabil »

For the fun of it, give me your thoughts...

What would you do (right now, this minute,, and then over the next few days) if that prototype you finished a few days ago started spinning with only a minor push.

After a few minutes of watching it spin freely, and not wanting to jinx the thing, you decided to let it spin and go to bed and check its progress in the morning.

Fifteen minutes later, unable to sleep, you return to the garage to see the thing still spinning. You turn on the TV in the corner of the garage, and watch the David Letterman Show, all the while the wheel is still spinning. Next, you watch an old movie on cable TV. It's still spinning.

Around 3:30 AM you are so sleepy that you head back to bed and make it to sleep. You wake the next morning and, for a moment, forget about the previous night. Halfway to the toilet, you remember and rush back out to the garage. Sure enough, its still spinning.

You wonder, "should I stop it and then start it again?". Instead, you go back in the house and sit at the breakfast table, contemplating your next step.

What would you do in this situation?
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by arthur »

destroy it immediately to avoid trouble with the mib
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by docfeelsgood »

i was only halfway to the toilet . now i'm setting at the table on piss soaked hind legs . think i'll take a shower !!!
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AB Hammer
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by AB Hammer »

Call Ralph!
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by Fletcher »

Probably I'd pull an all nighter, not coz I wanted too, but because sleep would be the last thing on my mind - as the first few rays of dawn pushed back the darkness outside I'd grab yet another cup of coffee & sit with it allowing myself to once again be mesmerized by its splendor, just like the first time I saw it gasp its first breath & awaken from its slumber less than 6 hours ago - I'd offer a silent prayer of thanks to anyone who would listen that I'd had no parts failure during the night to prematurely bring to an end the surreal moment of triumph - then I'd put my hand tentatively & affectionately onto the braking device I'd remembered to install - I'd have a little anxiety as I was about to pull the lever but no real fear she couldn't be coaxed back into life again - coz after all, I had bred & birthed this little filly of pedigree & knew her well.

Then the alarm would go off & I'd roll over again trying one last time to recall that sweet dream just gone - the one rapidly dissolving like the mist in the morning retreating before an advancing sun ;)
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by rlortie »

First off, one would have to ascertain that it is not a dream as Fletcher points out! Once reality sets in I would proceed as follows:

Step one: I would let it run for a minimum of 12 hours with instruments recording rpm and total revolutions turned. If it proved to create more torque than self-sustaining, I would attach a load to it, such as a DC generator or alternator. Volt meter connected in parallel and an ammeter in series. Then apply a load through a variable Rheostat. Record capable wattage output. If the machine should be of such a design to be a run-away under a no load condition, I would be prepared to install a heat exchanging governor.

Step two: I would contact my local college for verification by any holder of a degree they deem as recognized to verify my device. They need not see the internal mechanism, not unlike those that probed Bessler's wheels.

Step three: Contact my investors and report that I have a verified runner and proceed with patent drafts and application. Once "Patent Applied for is certified I would head for step four.

Step Four: Load the device into a vehicle capable of transporting it. Head for the nearest of 287 colleges recognized in the USA for PhD doctorates. I would put the machine on display in their parking lot for all collaged and news media to inspect.

Step five: get the word out to as many people as possible before the oil companies have a chance to influence the Patent office into believing the machine poses a national securities risk.

Step six: Be prepared for your application to be rejected, have a model all set to go to the Office of Patent Appeals Board. Expect a minimum three years of bureaucracy before winning your patent.

Step seven: While step six is meandering along, make contracts with industrial company's that are capable of building your machine in size of supplying an average residential home. Sell plans to the do-it yourself customers , and lease what is manufactured on a royalty basis. You retain ownership and are responsible for maintaining the machines. Set up a company to service the units not unlike the present meter reader who pays you a visit once a month. If the meter is running backwards then the customer is compensated a percentage for that fed back to the grid.

Step eight: Construct your own "wheel farms", not unlike present "wind farms", get paid for producing power at a much less cost than fossil, wind, nuclear or hydro can produce. Laugh to yourself as your wheel is producing 24-7 while the wind generator is sitting still on a calm day!

Promote and invest in electrical/hydrogen powered automobiles that can be recharged or refueled from your machine.

Do not pull a stupid Nikola Tesla stunt and sell your patents and soul to big money. Like him, you will die a pauper. True you will be recognized for your discovery and assistance to mankind but that will not buy you a descent burial or even a head stone.

Last edited by rlortie on Sat May 31, 2008 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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AB Hammer
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by AB Hammer »

Like I said call Ralph! He has his head straight on this.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

Old and future wheel videos

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Jim Williams
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by Jim Williams »

1. Have the design notorized, establishing date of conception.

2. Take a working model to the media. Realize that the Patent Office allows one year after public use or sale of an invention before a patent need be applied, although after one year no patent can be granted. With that buffer of time and public verification in hand, publish the invention in its entirety throughout the known world.

3. Apply for a patent if desired within that one year if a profit is wanted.
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Post by jim_mich »

Jim Williams,

The "One Year Rule" is only good in the USA. Other countries don't give you a one year grace period in which to file. So if you want to also patent your newly invented wheel in other countries then you best talk to a patent lawyer first before you talk to the media.

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Post by DrWhat »

My patent attorney is always very cautious with provisional patents, as she says that until you have the final product defined well in the provisional, you should keep secret the design. This is because only minor changes can be made to the provisional before filing. So what this means is if you tell the world during the provisional phase, and then realise #@!@# I should have patented that part (or a modification) too, then it is out there and you can't protect that new part etc.

As far as I am aware the 'one year prior to patenting' rule is too risky as Jim you are correct it applies to very few countries (incl Australia). It can be contested and negated easily by other countries.

You MUST at least have a provisional patent before disclosure, but make sure you have pretty much the final draft submitted. Spend a few thousand to get the provisional right.

Ignore the "one year rule" before a patent is applied for.
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by Zhyyra »

Shout it from the roof-tops.
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by axel »

Optimise the performance. Find out how altering the path the weights travel affects power. Set them one way, barely moves. As they are set another way, power increases.... Acquire a mastery of the design first.
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by primemignonite »

Well, knowing that differential friction in a small wheel brings all their like to a quick standstill (you see . . . I think BIG and build SMALL), within three minutes of observance of my tiny miracle aturning, I would know that it would not stop ever, even in multiples of hours going.

That once decided, I would buy a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne, pouring some, break out a great big Partagas, crank up some Bach, Reger and Widor's Gothic Symphony (IXth), and go to it, ruminating wildly to myself such pleasantries as

"Good work, James!" and,

"Boy, will the forum guys be in one hell of an uproar but will believe NOTHING until they've examined ALLl!" and,

"Let's see now, how many BILLIONS can I graspingly gather-in, all-the-while remaining still upright, and truly grand?" and,

"Hmm, should I tell Collins first . . . or not? And what of Scott? All that dough he's sunk into this. How much would make it all right?", and "What of Jim of Michigan? He has put heart and soul into it for decades, now! And Spencer and Ralph, they the ever-helpful and gregarious, what would their amount just right be? And so on down to the bottom of the list - the Eskimo Queen getting Eskimo Squat for all that tasteless swearing, vituperating and nonsense-making of recent!", and, of course, doing a general counting of my pretty chickens well before hatched.

You get the picture.

After many preludes and fugues, organ symphonies, the Champagne and the cigar, doubtless, MIB's would begin to appear through the walls, proclaiming such outrages as "it is WE, Ovyyus and Mr. Tim - your worst nightmares now come horribly true! Heh, heh, heh!" - Mr. Tim cackling in the background and, "WHAT is the secret of it? Better tell, or life will turn rough and real ugly, pronto!"

To which I might respond with something like "I do not know nor ever could, as the thing does truly 'go of itself!'", and further to them, "Bessler said here and there to 'do THIS' and to ''do THAT and certain effects shall surely come-to-pass', and so, I did them all, and the result before us now is as inexplicable as before freakish motation."

The gravelous, in-TIM-idating voice of Mr. Tim would likely offer up a hearty "BAH! You think you are going to get out of this with your pretty skin intact and MONEY? Heh! Best think many times about that, small James!"

And then, from the Ovyyus type MIB, the wholly expectable coming forth, "You stupidly believe in gods and devils! FOOL! Well, best start praying to one or the other, theist, for WE SHALL have your wheel aturning, and it SANS PAYMENT!!!"

At the end, of course, it will only have been but a bad combination of smoke, drink and sonorous intoxication, that produced my reveries as well as nightmarish visages of the two horrors athreatening. Only my imagination run away - God be thanked!

Any epitaph to this most likely tale, I shall leave up to my more-than-capable, fellow forum members to conjure and place just-so, jewel-like.

Last edited by primemignonite on Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DrWhat »

Nice one :-)))
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by FunWithGravity »

Call BP's research and development team for alternative energy. Have them hire you and buy your knowledge. NOT THE machine, have them pay you tons of money to develop every conceivable variation and patent them all along with any patentable priciple. Ask for some small percentage of income derived from future use like 1%. trust me it will be enough.

If they hire you and you give them the machine, then every nut case on the planet cannot sue you because you did not sell the design. You worked for them LOL. Lets see nutjobs battle the their lawyers. If you do it yourself you won't be able to find anough money to battle all the guys sueing you saying you took their idea, and then the patent infringement will be round 2.

Cmon, lets be serious. its not going to change the world anymore then the plane, i don't fly to work and its 100 years later. Airlines are alomost out of business. BUT besides that, they(the big bys) already own the network. you want to spend millions building a farm. Great it will power itself. NOONE says they have to buy electricity from you.

This may already be happening, or may already have happened, ? who knows. Release it for free then, fine that won't really make much of a difference either.

I will bet more people will have those external fireboxes to heat their house than free energy wheels in a year, why. Because everyone isn't an electrical engineer. Anyone can build a car(but noone does) just because its possible does not make it feasible. The utopian picture of Mr. And Mrs smith building an energy wheel while little jimmy watches and then hooking it up to their house and living happily ever after will not happen.

Solar is free, and where is that, if you say its not yet feasable. I can't wait to see how your going to make Gravity generators feasible.

PS. thats my devils advocate side. i use that guy to motivate me to find the answer. All of the patent stuff is fine. But be ready to spend millions of dollars on lawyers. Heck i'll sue you on the basis your reading my mind right now. :)
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