Do you honestly expect people to believe the yarns that you post in the manner in which you post them, even if there were to be some truth to them? Would you take seriously similar posts made by someone else? One of the first things you learn at school about historical research is the reliability of sources. First person sources are obviously the best and most reliable; second-hand, third-hand etc. sources are increasing less reliable.DocFeelsGood wrote:I most certainly do take offense at your stating that I made up these stories !!!
Lets suppose you're not making up these stories and they were passed on via word of mouth to you over an almost 300 year period - the information can not be relied upon as being accurate due to the concept of 'Chinese Whispers'. The reason I deleted your post from my forum was a) because I think it was a complete fabrication, and b) because even if it wasn't it's an unreliable source of second-hand information and I'm only interested in acurrate first person sources of information - anything else is a distraction and detrimental to serious research into Bessler's wheels. If you still think there's something of value in your post then post it elsewhere, but I don't want people who come to my forum for honest, reliable information to see it there.
I could quote you a number of specific things that Bessler was doing on particular days nearly 300 years ago. The difference being I can back it with first person written proof - for example: on the 24th, 25th and 26th of March 1735 he was working on his self-playing glockenspiel and 'programmed' the Te Deum Laudamus hymn onto the shaft. On Thursday the 24th he made the first 3 lines; on the afternoon of Friday the 25th (which was Lady Day/Annunciation Day) he made 26 lines; and on the morning of Saturday the 26th he made the remaining 24 lines.DocFeelsGood wrote:I always accepted it as the gospel truth , but i threw it out as a YARN !!! you had your choice to believe it or not !! I dont know where else your going to go in this day and age and find extra information about a particular day 300 years ago !!!
No, I don't believe that at all - and this is an example of you misrepresenting someone (i.e. me) - if you've no qualms about posting a false statement like that, how can we possible believe the other information you post about Bessler to be accurate and free of embellishments? That whole paragraph of yours is quite ridiculous and you know full well the answers to all of your questions. No one can deny the possibility of Bessler's descendants emigrating to America, but as I haven't personally researched his descendants' whereabouts I can't comment further.DocFeelsGood wrote:what amazes me is that YOU along with everyone else believes that this whole Bessler saga dead ended with Johanns death !! ........
How do you know I didn't emigrate to England during my own lifetime? My ancestors may be German, African, Japanese for all you know. You know nothing about me and yet once again you're quite happy to make false statements - this sort of thing does nothing for your credibility I'm afraid.DocFeelsGood wrote:but then agiain your ancestors decided to stay there didn't they !!! I rest my case !!!
No, that's not what I said - so we can add misquoting to your list of research skills! What I said was:DocFeelsGood wrote:BUT you say if i have ANY info that will help you solve the Bessler puzzle then by all means bring it to your forum !!! now i ask you what incentive do I have ????? its nothing more than give ME your ideas and money so you can be rich and FAMOUS !!!
"If you provide some new information with some written evidence to back it up then that would be worth listening to and you're welcome to post it in my forum any time you like..."
and quite frankly I was just being polite, as I doubt you'll ever post any information that can be relied upon. I'm certainly not interested in fame & fortune or taking anything away from others. I give information freely and ask for nothing in return except perhaps for a bit of respect and recognition of my efforts. What a shame if fame & fortune is YOUR motivation.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why people have a negative attitude towards you? It's the way you conduct yourself here and talk to others. You come across as rude, aggressive, immediately on the defensive should anyone question your information - you remind me of a playground bully with your childish insults and name calling. You've come to this forum looking for help to get your wheel working, asking people to spend their time and money on something that you haven't so far backed up with reliable evidence that it ever worked - but you now admit you've held back information that would help people try to make it work, despite originally saying "i've also given all the info. that i had. nothing held back.". Basically you're using people to do your dirty work, like so many others have done here. I don't like people who play that game. Anyway, I'm not disputing whether you have the remnants of a working wheel invented by a friend of your grandfathers in the 1800s - you may well have and I of course can't comment further having not looked into your claims at all, preferring instead to concentrate my efforts on studying Bessler's wheels. I have enough first person evidence and documents etc of Bessler's to study to keep me busy for a lifetime as it is! However, in your favour - Preston and Ralph have talked to me about you and your wheel and have nothing but positive things to say about you and confirm your claims about it.DocFeelsGood wrote:after being constantly called a liar here why would i have any incentive to do anything furthur ??? you people cant even figure out what i have brought forth so far !! and yes there are still a few hidden tidbits but if you cant figure out whats already on the table then its useless to bring them forth !!!
What I can't understand is why, when you first came to this forum, you didn't mention Bessler once or even give the slightest hint that your wheel had anything to do with Bessler. Anyone can follow your posts in order here and see how strange this seems: ... cfeelsgood
After a lot of initial discussions with members of the forum you'd pretty much abandoned all hope of getting your wheel working. Four months later and interest in you and your wheel had completely dried up. You'd had time to read up on the information about Bessler and start to make claims that there are links between your wheel and Bessler's family, but provide no evidence. As time goes by you come up with the most ridiculous stories about events from Bessler's life that were supposedly passed on to you via your grandfather and father when you were a child!? I'm sure if any of that were true you'd have mentioned the link to Bessler in your very first post in order to help your claims about your wheel. It just seems to me you were trying to garner peoples' interest in your wheel again by making a connection to Bessler. I would be happy to be proved wrong about this, but you can't just keep making these claims without proof and expect to be taken seriously. And it's not down to us to go looking for that proof - you should provide it.
Following your post trail also reveals a legacy of abuse towards other members that you should be thoroughly ashamed of, and I'm extremely surprised this has been tolerated for so long without you being banned.
Anyway, apolgies to others for such a long post. I feel it's important to defend the integrity of this site and our research. I dread to think how we must come across to other scientific, historic, free energy research groups etc. at times.