Reliable historic research?

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Reliable historic research?

Post by Stewart »

(continuation of a discussion started in the thread one of the machines with the math)
DocFeelsGood wrote:I most certainly do take offense at your stating that I made up these stories !!!
Do you honestly expect people to believe the yarns that you post in the manner in which you post them, even if there were to be some truth to them? Would you take seriously similar posts made by someone else? One of the first things you learn at school about historical research is the reliability of sources. First person sources are obviously the best and most reliable; second-hand, third-hand etc. sources are increasing less reliable.

Lets suppose you're not making up these stories and they were passed on via word of mouth to you over an almost 300 year period - the information can not be relied upon as being accurate due to the concept of 'Chinese Whispers'. The reason I deleted your post from my forum was a) because I think it was a complete fabrication, and b) because even if it wasn't it's an unreliable source of second-hand information and I'm only interested in acurrate first person sources of information - anything else is a distraction and detrimental to serious research into Bessler's wheels. If you still think there's something of value in your post then post it elsewhere, but I don't want people who come to my forum for honest, reliable information to see it there.
DocFeelsGood wrote:I always accepted it as the gospel truth , but i threw it out as a YARN !!! you had your choice to believe it or not !! I dont know where else your going to go in this day and age and find extra information about a particular day 300 years ago !!!
I could quote you a number of specific things that Bessler was doing on particular days nearly 300 years ago. The difference being I can back it with first person written proof - for example: on the 24th, 25th and 26th of March 1735 he was working on his self-playing glockenspiel and 'programmed' the Te Deum Laudamus hymn onto the shaft. On Thursday the 24th he made the first 3 lines; on the afternoon of Friday the 25th (which was Lady Day/Annunciation Day) he made 26 lines; and on the morning of Saturday the 26th he made the remaining 24 lines.
DocFeelsGood wrote:what amazes me is that YOU along with everyone else believes that this whole Bessler saga dead ended with Johanns death !! ........
No, I don't believe that at all - and this is an example of you misrepresenting someone (i.e. me) - if you've no qualms about posting a false statement like that, how can we possible believe the other information you post about Bessler to be accurate and free of embellishments? That whole paragraph of yours is quite ridiculous and you know full well the answers to all of your questions. No one can deny the possibility of Bessler's descendants emigrating to America, but as I haven't personally researched his descendants' whereabouts I can't comment further.
DocFeelsGood wrote:but then agiain your ancestors decided to stay there didn't they !!! I rest my case !!!
How do you know I didn't emigrate to England during my own lifetime? My ancestors may be German, African, Japanese for all you know. You know nothing about me and yet once again you're quite happy to make false statements - this sort of thing does nothing for your credibility I'm afraid.
DocFeelsGood wrote:BUT you say if i have ANY info that will help you solve the Bessler puzzle then by all means bring it to your forum !!! now i ask you what incentive do I have ????? its nothing more than give ME your ideas and money so you can be rich and FAMOUS !!!
No, that's not what I said - so we can add misquoting to your list of research skills! What I said was:

"If you provide some new information with some written evidence to back it up then that would be worth listening to and you're welcome to post it in my forum any time you like..."

and quite frankly I was just being polite, as I doubt you'll ever post any information that can be relied upon. I'm certainly not interested in fame & fortune or taking anything away from others. I give information freely and ask for nothing in return except perhaps for a bit of respect and recognition of my efforts. What a shame if fame & fortune is YOUR motivation.
DocFeelsGood wrote:after being constantly called a liar here why would i have any incentive to do anything furthur ??? you people cant even figure out what i have brought forth so far !! and yes there are still a few hidden tidbits but if you cant figure out whats already on the table then its useless to bring them forth !!!
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why people have a negative attitude towards you? It's the way you conduct yourself here and talk to others. You come across as rude, aggressive, immediately on the defensive should anyone question your information - you remind me of a playground bully with your childish insults and name calling. You've come to this forum looking for help to get your wheel working, asking people to spend their time and money on something that you haven't so far backed up with reliable evidence that it ever worked - but you now admit you've held back information that would help people try to make it work, despite originally saying "i've also given all the info. that i had. nothing held back.". Basically you're using people to do your dirty work, like so many others have done here. I don't like people who play that game. Anyway, I'm not disputing whether you have the remnants of a working wheel invented by a friend of your grandfathers in the 1800s - you may well have and I of course can't comment further having not looked into your claims at all, preferring instead to concentrate my efforts on studying Bessler's wheels. I have enough first person evidence and documents etc of Bessler's to study to keep me busy for a lifetime as it is! However, in your favour - Preston and Ralph have talked to me about you and your wheel and have nothing but positive things to say about you and confirm your claims about it.

What I can't understand is why, when you first came to this forum, you didn't mention Bessler once or even give the slightest hint that your wheel had anything to do with Bessler. Anyone can follow your posts in order here and see how strange this seems: ... cfeelsgood

After a lot of initial discussions with members of the forum you'd pretty much abandoned all hope of getting your wheel working. Four months later and interest in you and your wheel had completely dried up. You'd had time to read up on the information about Bessler and start to make claims that there are links between your wheel and Bessler's family, but provide no evidence. As time goes by you come up with the most ridiculous stories about events from Bessler's life that were supposedly passed on to you via your grandfather and father when you were a child!? I'm sure if any of that were true you'd have mentioned the link to Bessler in your very first post in order to help your claims about your wheel. It just seems to me you were trying to garner peoples' interest in your wheel again by making a connection to Bessler. I would be happy to be proved wrong about this, but you can't just keep making these claims without proof and expect to be taken seriously. And it's not down to us to go looking for that proof - you should provide it.

Following your post trail also reveals a legacy of abuse towards other members that you should be thoroughly ashamed of, and I'm extremely surprised this has been tolerated for so long without you being banned.

Anyway, apolgies to others for such a long post. I feel it's important to defend the integrity of this site and our research. I dread to think how we must come across to other scientific, historic, free energy research groups etc. at times.

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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by Patrick »

I think you have expressed your point of view well and I certainly do not want to touch on the sensitive dialog between yourself and Doc. Your reply is a good example of the quality of discussion that exists on this forum and few others (if any). That being said, I felt a need to reply based on the title of the thread....
In the past I was able to source a copy of the Acta Eridutorum from the University of Toronto and the quotes concerning Bessler do not seem to match nor contain the quotes that I have seen on this site or from JC's books. I have been curious for quite some time whether there is a different source that I am missing? As far as I know, this was a science journal/periodical of the time that documented current scientific events much like "scientific american" or the like. Did I miss something or is the collection at U of T missing a few articles on Bessler?
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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by docfeelsgood »

"LORD Whistle Britches [ OF Devon]"
Perhaps after suffering through your enlongated boring post i should promote you to "Lord Bilgewater [Of Devon]" !!!

most slanderous , blastphemous bunch of tasteless verbiage i have ever seen !! so you will get top honors with that one !!

when its all said and done ,, "Much Ado About Nothing" [thanks Bill] gotta give them credits ya know !!!

your absolutely right !! I dont know anything about you . but i strongly suspect that if i were to check your geneology i would discover that your father and mother wern't even married and as a matter of fact didn't even know each other !!! thats MY opinion !!!

I also think that when you walk into your yard you should be very carefull !!! most likely your mother and wife will run out from underneath the porch and BITE you !!!

other than those few minor problems your "good to go"

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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by ovyyus »

Doc, what are you thanking me for? IMO, calling someones parents and spouse into question in such a silly way is poor form and the sure sign of a weak argument. Stand up proud on those piss-soaked hind legs (thank you Axel) :D
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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by rlortie »

To Whom it may concern,

Stewart wrote the following;
Preston and Ralph have talked to me about you and your wheel and have nothing but positive things to say about you and confirm your claims about it.

To set the record straight, my comments are related to the following facts.

I did with Doc's assistance locate and communicate with the heirs of the inventor. One of them is on my contact list and we have in a sense become pen pals. He gathered the family together to discuss the wheel and made note of what the Aunts, Uncles etc. could remember about the machine.

With their assistance and with John Collins involvement, I was able to trace the family lineage to France. The spelling of the name had changed which was not uncommon for emigrants migrating to the Western hemisphere.

From that point my own research lead me to a Johann Gottfried_______
Born in Prussia and married in Germany. The last name is omitted in respect of the apparent heirs. Once again the name was spelled different but close enough for reasonable doubt.

The names Johann and Gottfried were both very popular at the time. One can assume that he was named after Johann and Gottfried as being the grandson of one and a nephew of the other. I cannot substantiate neither.

I or John to my knowledge have never found any trail left by Gottfried, it is assumed that when he left his brother's side he went to England, but I have found nothing to substantiate such a claim.

I feel as though I put as much time into researching the history and heritage of the inventor of the wheel as I did working with the facsimile that I built.

If anyone reading this believes that I have broken any vow of confidential material, then so be it. I only wish to clarify where I stand and my involvement in the matter.

As for family input regarding the operation of the wheel I leave to the inventors descendants, Preston and Doc. I will say that the reports were conflicting and leave it at that.

I am currently in the process of cannibalizing me version of the machine. I have conceded that my attempts to make it work is without success.

If Doc wishes to take his frustration out on us for not delivering, and not recognize us for trying then I suggest he move to another forum and seek new blood. I am done with this subject!

Last edited by rlortie on Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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John Collins
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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by John Collins »

In the past I was able to source a copy of the Acta Eridutorum from the University of Toronto and the quotes concerning Bessler do not seem to match nor contain the quotes that I have seen on this site or from JC's books. I have been curious for quite some time whether there is a different source that I am missing? As far as I know, this was a science journal/periodical of the time that documented current scientific events much like "scientific american" or the like. Did I miss something or is the collection at U of T missing a few articles on Bessler?
Hi Patrick,

Can you give any examples of the mismatches? I quoted from the Leipzig Acta Eruditorum.

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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by docfeelsgood »

Boiler Bill ;

i was not thanking you . if memory serves me correctly it was a quote from Bill Shakespeare .

again your right , i should have given the Bloody Blithering Boorish Bloke the full what for !!!! and i don't mind telling him his ancestry , after all , he sure as hell called all my ancestry liars , story tellers, bullshitters !!! and from the sources i talked to outside my fanily which were decendants of Johann himself , are they also included in your tirade ?????? are they the fine upstanding people that they are or were in life to be classed as bullshitters also ???

Tell me Lord WhistleBritches Of Bilgewater , you say you have done tonnes of research . Have YOU yourself in your entire lifetime ever ever talked to even ONE Bessler decendant ????? it sure sounds like you havn't !!! AND dont try to tell me there is no Kienow connection to the Crone family !!!! THAT information was given to me by a direct decendant !!! !!! perhaps you should put down your dictionary and go beat the bushes , there are tonnes of direct relatives still living in germany AND the U.S. !!!!

By God i'll stand by what i have heard and learned all these years !!! i was dealing with people of genuine INTEGRITY !!! not some blithering bloke wannabee as some people i could name but dasn't !!!!! i just didn't start this quest yesterday and i'm older than J.C. . you got a lot of gall calling people a damn liar when you yourself can't be bothered to go beat the bushes as i did years ago !!!

WhistleBritches ,, when you get a chance drag out your A,P. , by J.C. of course , turn to page 302 , 2nd paragraph , "Enemy-I Know Your Nature ". if the shoe fits wear it !!!!!

Boiler Bill ; send up a mule with a few more belts , gonna get awfull noisy around here again shortly !!! also i dont know if you had a chance to read the post before it was rudely deleated but after reaching safe ground after exiting the river and the horses and themselves were spent , it was decided that they would hold a religous service on the spot thanking god for delivering them from the abyss .

just heard an awfull stacatto ,,,, no iron in the air ,,,,,, aw its jist whistle britches !!!!!! not even dribblins runnin down my hind legs !!!! [thanks Axel]

Thank You Boiler Bill for rousting me ,,,, felt good slappin that bloody boor right square in the snot locker !!!!

Feisty "Doc."
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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by docfeelsgood »

Lord Smoothbore Of Stanfield ;[ a silver tounged devil with no teeth , hence smooth bore]

well i didn't expect you to jump into the middle of this fray . i thought i had already thanked you for your efforts and Preston also . if you missed it i will thank you again this moment . Thank You Ralph for your efforts in trying to make it a runner and for spendiong time tracing ancestry .

I'm not saying we always agreed on the theory of it . never will . but you at least gave it a college try and that is appreciated in my book .

personally i think some here have taken this thing way off track . it was not my intention to revive any interest at all in this old wheel . i would prefer it to go dead . and that was why i chose to put the thrilling saga of Johannes river crossing under stewarts AP Comments thread which was totally empty anhow rather than my old thread . if he had been decent about it i would have let him cut and paste it into the off topic or fraud colum , i didn't give a rats ass where it went !!! just trying to preserve it somewhere for future posterity . so much for doing anybody any good on this outfit . once again i tried to do good bringing up the John Adam Crone thing to point these blokes heads in a direction , worked fine didn't it !!!!! got the whole forum in a pissin match !!!! and me ??? i'm the biggest liar in 7 counties !!!!! i tell ya its just a bloody joke !!!! no skin off my ass !!!!

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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by ovyyus »

Doc, FWIW I think you're all cranked up in the wrong direction with Stewart. I think you should post your stories under your own thread so that they may exist together in a tidy space for posterity. Stewart, as you know by now, is interested in verifiable data for his private forum section and is clearly in a position to dictate what is or is not appropriate at his discretion. I think you should at least try to respect his wishes and expect some stick from him when he is pushed against his better judgement.

That being said, I have to say that I've come to enjoy the accasional yarn you offer up. That wasn't always the case, as you know. I guess I've come to appreciate a broader range of flavours in my advancing years :D
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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by docfeelsgood »

Aw shucks "Boiler Bill" , we jist a couple good ole boys havin a little fun with one another . he'll pick isself up , git dusted off an be good as new in a couple days . yep i agree ,, he's a good man ,,,,,, DAMN good man with a knife an fork !! lol .

i'm sure i could conjure up some more of these yarns in a heartbeat , but i'll spare the forum the aggravation of reading such boring trivia . wont build a wheel anyway , and i guess everyones going for the gold anyhow !!! what they fail to understand is that YOU will achieve more fame and fortune with the movie than they ever will with a wheel !!! look at it this way , how much money in over 300 years has this family ever made from it ??? they and myself included are running at a deficit from the occursed thing !!! this includes Ralph , Preston , and whoever else . might be better off spendin your money at the HAWG RANCH , you'll sleep better for it !!! buy youself a BIG HAT so can look snappy strollin over there .

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re: Reliable historic research?

Post by axel »

"I also think that when you walk into your yard you should be very carefull !!! most likely your mother and wife will run out from underneath the porch and BITE you !!! "


What are your office hours?

When I have tried to talk like this before, everybody gets a stick up their ass about it, however, of late, it's been better than usual.

I want to know your secret. LOL.

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