variations on MT 1

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variations on MT 1

Post by frettsy »

here I have drawn a new design over MT 1, please disregard the original spokes and balls as I used them only as a guide for the new design. the blue and red "boards" and the purple "weights" comprise the wheel.

the idea is to make the ball roll to the right higher on the downside and lower on the upside. with the way these compartments are designed I believe it should do just that.

following the clues: here are "warped boards", and the weights will be hitting the perimeter of the wheel on the right side (the banging noises).

I imagine this design has been thought of before? why doesn't it work?
cmf balls-Mt_001.GIF
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AB Hammer
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re: variations on MT 1

Post by AB Hammer »

Greetings frettsy

Why doesn't it work? Well lets count the balls on each side and draw a line strait down. This will tell you it is very balanced and then look how many balls are below the 3 to 9 marks. 5 below and 3 above. The 3 are not in any way in a position to spin the wheel, thus a dead wheel. This design and others similar are fun to work with and can teach you much as long as you pay close attention to each and every movement.
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Post by frettsy »

interesting. so the 3:15-ball near the rim and the 8:45-ball near the axle are exhibiting the same downforce since they are below 3 and 9? I'm not sure I understand!

I agree that the 3 above and the 1 at bottom cannot do any work. I think the next two from the bottom are offsetting. but the other two seem, to me, to be acting differently from one another.
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AB Hammer
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re: variations on MT 1

Post by AB Hammer »

Well frettsy

It will turn about 1/32 around to finish the balance, and will not be far enough to let the other ball go. If you build one you will see. I don't have one built exactly like that one but I do have a couple of others to look at.

Well at least this way you know I am talking from experience.
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re: variations on MT 1

Post by bluesgtr44 »

What's going to happen when the reaction forces kick in, Frrettsy? This thing is going to accelerate, right? When are the weights going to reach the point where they start to maintain that perimeter position and are no longer "driving on the axis...." but, pinned to the perimeter because reaction forces won over the day....remember, his first two wheels rotated at about 50+ rpm's. Think about that!

So, I still think that when we read the test results of the performance of his wheels, we have to consider how the heck he regulated them so well. Was there a form of reduction...he was a watchmaker. Many eyewitness reports mention that it acclelerated "smoothly"...think about something directly from a main wheel and show me a mentionable "smoothness".

Frettsy, these types of approaches look good from a starting position. You see where there is this "imbalance" at this particular position and that somehow, it can perpetuate without any consequence to those reaction forces. Trust me....they want it back with serious interest! The faster it goes.....the more the dynamic return on the "dark side"...

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Post by wheelrite »

you must use springs ?
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Post by frettsy »

is it ever possible to use a ball on the rim at 3:00 to raise a ball on the rim around 4:30 to the axle, and have the 3:00 ball end up in the 4:30 position? using a ramp or the "peacock tail" idea or anything?
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