MT-124 Backlash Device

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MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by ssmyser »

If you will refer to MT-124, you will find what appears at first glance to be a 'rolling ball' type machine. Careful examination of this drawing might leave you wondering how the device labeled 'H' & 'I' fit in. It strikes me that this is a front and side view of a 'backlash type device' or a mechanism that would only allow turning in one direction. Picture an axle through the center of this device: it would only turn one way. This may be a significant piece of the puzzle as the letters 'H' & 'I' are the last letters used, and could have been added when the device was added to that page of MT. What I'm saying is this: I don't see how it works with the 'rolling ball' machine (it just doesn't fit), but I do see how Bessler could have easily added it to that page.
OK, so I've been holding out on this for weeks (months), and I'm sure others have noticed 'the device', but I wanted to be positive, just to be sure I wasn't imagining it. I didn't want to post anything about it for fear of being flamed, but I want to see someone, ANYONE, make some progress on a "Bessler break-through" even if it's not me. SO, If your wheel doesn't work because it's lacking something, maybe this is the part you've been missing. I feel much better now that I've spilled my guts, thanks for listening. -Steve (ssmyser)
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by rlortie »


Looks like a 300 year old version of the Finsrud machine. Note the ramps located at 180 degrees, IMO this changes the angular momentum of the ball by changing the dynamic radius inward.

To stretch the imagination (or is it) 'B' looking like a shadow is two metal rings with lodestone between them. 'H' and 'I' depict the rings and lodestone configuration. After all why designate a shadow?

If you play the video link below, you will hear a ticking noise with every ball revolution, I believe that is the ramp allowing the ball to fall inward. ... 0631716456
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by Ed »

It definetly has similarities to the Finsrud thing Ralph, but FWIW, Stewart and I think B is a water filled tube of flexible material and those "load stones" are just supports between the tube and ball track. The H and I we think is a cross section of the tube showing that the inside has fins that keep water flowing more in one direction as the balls roll around squishing the tube down on one side and being lifted by a "wave" on the other. It's either that or H & I are inside the balls themselves and like a spherical MT 107. So I agree with you ssmyser that H & I are most likely ratchet like devices, although I don't know what you mean by them being the last letters used. MT 121 has more letters.

Of course we could be way off base on the workings of this one. As Stewart would say... I'll explain more later when I get time. ;-)
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by ssmyser »

Ed, I mean 'H' & 'I' are the last letters used in drawing MT-124. What I'm suggesting is that MT-124 has had an illustration added to it.
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by ssmyser »

I'm also suggesting that Bessler wants you to believe that 'H' & 'I' are part of MT-124.
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Post by DrWhat »

And why are two of the rolling balls given the same letter (designation)?
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by ssmyser »

DrWhat, good question. Two opposite sections of track are also labeled the same.

Ed, I'm also glad you mentioned MT-121, worth a mention is the missing letter 'J'. Whats the big deal about that? The Hebrew language doesn't use the letter 'J'. Was Bessler pointing to Hebrew or some other language? Maybe he just forgot, but did he forget the letter 'J' in MT numbers: 30,46,47,51,94,100,101,105,114,117,122, and 123? The letter 'J' has been purposely omitted (skipped) from them all. Now the question is WHY?
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by rlortie »

Letter "J"

Sounds like a good one for Hans and Stewart, maybe there is no "J" in German language either?
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by ssmyser »

Ralph, the German language does contain the letter 'J'. An easy word comes to mind "Ja" (yes). I'll admit the letter is used infrequently. BTW, thanks for posting the link for Finsrud's rolling ball sculpture, I hadn't see the video in it's entirety.
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by Ed »

Stewart knows the reason about the missing J. I forget the exact reason but it is language related and it isn't mysterious.

The two balls E are approaching decline D and ball F is almost up the incline and G is already over the incline. Again nothing mysterious. The bigger question is still what H & I are. I'm pretty certain B is a tube filled with water. All the drawings in this area of MT are water based.
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Post by DrWhat »

The balls may represent the 4 positions of a SINGLE ball rolling aroung the ring, and the letters are just descriptors for each time the single ball is in that position.

I know Ed the focus here is on i and H, but we can look at the device as a whole to see where i and H fit in. At this stage I have no idea how i and H fit in. And of course maybe they aren't related to MT 124 at all!

I would imagine that the pedistals compress as the ball/s roll around but there is no depicted evidence of this in MT 124. If the pedistals compress a ? fluid filled tube B then why are their bases not placed on top of B, instead of beside it. Maybe the pedistals have rubber/springy tops to allow the track to tilt.

Does the ruled line highlight the fact that the pedistals are resting on the ground and not elsewhere?

Now maybe B is simply the shadow of A to give the structure more three-dimensionality. A strange thing to do, but plausible.
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by rlortie »

Now maybe B is simply the shadow of A to give the structure more three-dimensionality. A strange thing to do, but plausible.
As I previously mentioned; why designate a shadow with a letter? I agree that it looks like a shadow and one first looking at it would take it as such. I find no shadows in any other drawings. if I were to draw such a depiction, I would not say "and "B" is the shadow of this device".

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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by Alexioco »

hahaha that would be strange, calling the shadow B hahaha hmmm there is something strange going on here watson
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by jim_mich »

'B' is some type of circular band. Each of the support posts goes through the band. I've attached an enhanced view.

Enhanced view of MT124
Enhanced view of MT124
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re: MT-124 Backlash Device

Post by axel »

If "B" is a shadow, then it's elevated off the floor and sitting on " bun" feet.
All 124 is, is Bessler pulling everybodys chain again by placing a brachistarchrone track on top of a leg and circular stretcher assembly for one of Karl's coffee tables.
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