My latest work.

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Post by broli »

Bullshit wheel? Nice one. You're misunderstanding a lot of my statements hero. I'll just leave it be. Seems like I need to deliver a spinning wheel or shut up.
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re: My latest work.

Post by WaltzCee »

Bob Schadewald's wheel.
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Walter Clarkson
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Post by broli »

Oke sorry about that.

BS seems to have given up quite fast to resort to that :D. Yeah in theory it works but you'd need a huge mass and pretty much no frictional losses at all. This is one of those paper proof cases while we need a real working model. On second thought the "BullShit wheel" is quite fitting :p.
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Re: re: My latest work.

Post by axel »

You are so right RIPPERTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RIPPERTON wrote:The person who rediscovers Besslers Wheel will do so without useing a single mathematical equation or computation.
Bessler wasnt a mathematician he was a believer.
He used faith.
He who believes the strongest will triumph
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re: My latest work.

Post by ovyyus »

I want to believe :D
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re: My latest work.

Post by axel »


I know you curse the ground I walk on now, but some day soon, you will kiss my arse just like everybody else.
You want to believe. You can do it.
I can help.

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re: My latest work.

Post by ovyyus »

Axel, I'm all puckered up and ready to go, all I need is a REASON - lol

Somewhere between all your cursing and kissing there seems to be a world that isn't so black and white and which doesn't give a toss about superstition or need ;)
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re: My latest work.

Post by axel »

Maybe I'll scan in an image so you can begin practicing??



George Patton said an army ran on profanity. Napoleon said and army ran on its stomach.

Inside my wheel, it looks like a fist fight between these two opposing viewpoints, but the army of "soldiers" marches on nevertheless, with one eschelon kicking the one ahead, right square in the ass.

How's that for a clue?
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re: My latest work.

Post by ovyyus »

Axel, if you had something that actually worked, as opposed to something you think will work, you wouldn't be trying to prop it up with talk. I guess we've all been there at one time or another, and learned a lesson or two from the experience.
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re: My latest work.

Post by axel »

Nice try Bill.

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re: My latest work.

Post by WaltzCee »

I like my arse medium well. If you throw in a baked potato I'll kiss it twice before I run it out my arse.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
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Post by broli »

Enough with the clues we're at 2008 and they brought nothing and will bring nothing. Work together correct each other and hopefully come to a united working model.
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re: My latest work.

Post by axel »


I will describe one experiment.

I built it. It is in front of me. Not in my head. Not in a dream. Not drawn on a piece of paper and laying there with coffee stains on it.

The Prime Mover Force.

The cause of the force I have, is on a wheel 8 feet in diameter.

This force will (for this experiment) lift two pounds up and down one time per revolution.

I use a weight to start the wheel turning, so that it gets the same force applied each time. This weight falls free once it has done its job.

This weight gets the wheel going at about 28 rpm. The two pound weight begins going up and down, a distance of four inches. on a string hanging through the center axis of the wheel. With the two pound weight moving, the wheel will make about 65 revolutions in three minutes. With the two pound weight stabilized and the lifting arrangements held motionless, the wheel makes about 72 revolutions in three minutes. Of course 3 x 28 = 84, but friction slows it all to a stop eventually, this being only the prime mover system. The wheel and all, is 91 pounds.

So 65 x 4 inches = 21.67 total feet the two pound weight is lifted up with a loss of 7 revolutions off the wheel's coasting total of 72.

I'm not claiming anything yet, just telling you what I see here in front of me. This is not all.

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re: My latest work.

Post by broli »

I will do the same in the future if you also do it. But can people put both put empirical as metric units when they write the dimensions. A fast conversion method is google itself. Just type in the search area "2.5 pound to kg" for example to get the answer.

"The cause of the force I have, is on a wheel 8 feet (2.43m) in diameter. "

It would help both camps.

Since you haven't shared what you are talking about I assume you belong to the patent camp.
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re: My latest work.

Post by AB Hammer »

Greetings broli

I know you don't like the patent camp so to speak. But I think you might want to look at it a different way. Each persons thoughts are there own, and if they are not, they have no freedom to individuality. Now for invention is still that persons thoughts, and what does open sourcing provide to protection of the credit to that persons individuality? Not to mention financial well being. All the time and labor and no protection for their efforts.

But I will say. A running wheel is to big for just one person, so when I get a running wheel. Some people here are the first people to offer a piece of the pie. For we here are those who have put forth the effort to make it happen.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

Old and future wheel videos

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