The wheel delima

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The wheel delima

Post by Jiggawatts »

My recent study came accross many kinematic analysis. I believe this is the delima to perpetual motion especially on Besslerwheel.

The law of angular momentum conservation is an inaccurate description of what so call Coriolis acceleration.

Coriolis acceleration is 2w x v. where w is the rotation speed of the wheel and v is the speed of the mass being pulling in/out (the speed direction of the mass only count when it go toward or away from the center if you want pure 90 degree torque). As you can see, the acceleration is dependant and thus isn't conserve. The work to move the mass inward/outward is set, but how fast the mass being pull inward is by design and serve as the main effect along with the rotation speed of the wheel at that instant.

I hope this contribute new and helpful ideas.
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re: The wheel delima

Post by primemignonite »

Makes perfect sense to me.

Personally speaking, I've long been an advocate of ballistical analyses as applied to the Bessler Mystery, that, in combination with yours of the kinematical, will surely do the trick, wouldn't you think? It is by prudent use of these means that we shall crack that toughest of tough nuts left us by our blessed discoverer of the true Perpetual Motion.

May God bless and keep his favoured soul.

As the Austrian emperor so eloquently stated to Salieri so long ago: "Well . . . there 'tiz!"

Jiggawatts, might we know where in the world you are located?

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: The wheel delima

Post by axel »


didn't he say before that he was at a housing project in watts?

jiggawatts, that's "dilemma". how can you be qualified to reach for pm if you can't spell in any language??

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Re: re: The wheel delima

Post by Marctwo »

axel wrote:jiggawatts, that's "dilemma". how can you be qualified to reach for pm if you can't spell in any language??
At least Jiggawatts knows how to use capital letters. However, I wouldn't think that a lack of correct grammar or spelling would affect a person's ability to have valid opinions on PM. I allso hav bad spel and gramer to! ;)
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re: The wheel delima

Post by rlortie »


Have you not heard the term; "Edited for brevity"

Many years ago an immigrant came to this country and started looking for a job. He applied at the local school for a position as a janitor. When asked if he could read and write English, he replied "No I cannot". He was told he could not qualify as he might remove things from the blackboards that the teachers did not want disturbed.

Distraught worried and hungry he was walking down a country road coming upon a farm house. He knocked on the door asking for a handout. The farmer said that if he would clean the barn he would not only feed him but pay him as well!

The immigrant started cleaning barns for a living and soon purchased his own shovel and wheelbarrow. This lead to investing in trucks and excavating equipment. He soon became a wealthy prominent business man in the construction field.

When he retired he was well known, a celebration was thrown in his honor. A Newspaper reporter was on the scene and asked the old man how much farther he could have achieved in life if he had an education. His reply was that he would probably be cleaning blackboards at the local public school.

Personally I hold great respect for those who's native tongue is not English yet they post here with a misspelled word or two. I cannot read or write German or Spanish, so in that sense they are a heck of a lot smarter than I.

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