Scientific agencies that validate claims

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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by ovyyus »

James, "gothic technology" is a wind sail, or a water wheel, or a painted black box solar water heater. All these contraptions can be easily built by your average 'carpenter's boy' and, together with some modern off the shelf fiddly bits, combined to provide some level of energy self-sufficiency at the sole cost of construction and ongoing maintenance. Very few people I speak to seem at all interested in any of this while they have a job and can pay their utility bills. Do you think they'd be more interested in the same thing driven by a large, probably more complicated, rotating mechanical gravity wheel? I'm sure you already know the answer.

Free energy seems of more utility to the poor or to those who are in a situation where they can not exercise choice. Of course it also interests those who might see an opportunity for fortune or fame, or even philanthropy. And then there's simple-minded nerds like us who just love puzzles <g> However, given the choice it seems obvious that people will almost exclusively opt for a job-and-utility-bills lifestyle over other alternatives. Interestingly, even after exercising their choice a percentage of these same people will say they wish for less while continuing to do the exact opposite. Go figure?
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Re: re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by WaltzCee »

Jon J Hutton wrote: You investigate and find out that he has been reviewed by a reporter and others. Each say it is true. So you talk to the reporter personally and he confirms it is a ou device. his perhaps I am a shmuck.

What is the reporter's name and employer? Who are the others mentioned?
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Re: re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by WaltzCee »

ovyyus wrote:James, "gothic technology" is a wind sail, or a water wheel, or a painted black box solar water heater. All these contraptions can be easily built by your average 'carpenter's boy' and, together with some modern off the shelf fiddly bits, combined to provide some level of energy self-sufficiency at the sole cost of construction and ongoing maintenance. Very few people I speak to seem at all interested in any of this while they have a job and can pay their utility bills. Do you think they'd be more interested in the same thing driven by a large, probably more complicated, rotating mechanical gravity wheel? I'm sure you already know the answer.

Free energy seems of more utility to the poor or to those who are in a situation where they can not exercise choice. Of course it also interests those who might see an opportunity for fortune or fame, or even philanthropy. And then there's simple-minded nerds like us who just love puzzles <g> However, given the choice it seems obvious that people will almost exclusively opt for a job-and-utility-bills lifestyle over other alternatives. Interestingly, even after exercising their choice a percentage of these same people will say they wish for less while continuing to do the exact opposite. Go figure?
Joe six-pack can't build wind powered devices the size power companies build them gaining economy of scale. Not everyone lives in an area where wind power or solar are practical. Useful wind power today is an expensive build out of the reach of individuals.

I talked recently to someone considering taking their house off the grid with solar panels. The cost was $75,000. That included battery backup. The sun isn't always shining when you need power.

Gravity power is not like any free energy source. Two of the most notable differences are it is always there/everywhere and it is impossible to tap.

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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by WaltzCee »

A Guardian Elite 25 kW Emergency Standby Power Generator sells for $7,700 delivered uninstalled. It runs on natural gas or propane vapor.

If electrical power could be generated with gravity and installed for $10,000 the monthly cost paid over 30 years would be $75.13 at 8.25%.

The fuel costs wouldn't vary and the electric cost to the homeowner would be low and fixed. This power generation would be decentralized. Disruption of power wouldn't be a problem for the individual. Increase in fuel costs wouldn't be spread out over the population to fund the lifestyles of executives. Rank in these arbitrary pecking orders would have less privilege. There would need to be a gravity tax. I don't know how politicians would do it but I have every confidence in their ability.

Jon, I would still like to know the name of that reporter.

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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by FunWithGravity »

this is real simple STILL

"believe NONE of what you hear and HALF what you see" this will serve you very well.

From OU

" Re: Bessler's Warped Boards
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2008, 06:03:23 PM »

gonna have to wait to get my computer fixed. Have talked with the local newspaper.
They told me that if I get my wheel working, they'll be willing to talk to me.
And that would be independent verifacation. The design basis and theory has been posted.
By the end of "

C'mon talked with a newspaper WITHOUT a working model. When will anyone learn. I see the current story as no different than PMotions.
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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by primemignonite »

Bill, you put it perfectly:

'James, "gothic technology" is a wind sail, or a water wheel, or a painted black box solar water heater. All these contraptions can be easily built by your average 'carpenter's boy' and, together with some modern off the shelf fiddly bits, combined to provide some level of energy self-sufficiency at the sole cost of construction and ongoing maintenance. . . .'

I guess the small difference existing is that we have differing views of how complex Bessler's wheel actually was/is inside. I believe that, after all, it will be found to have been quite simple, Bill.

Was it not John Collins himself who speculated that this may have been the reason why Prince Karl did not become more deeply involved? Bessler did remark that he feared people would not believe it worth the price paid because of the simplicity aspect. I do remember that part.

The wheel of Bessler's surely was a thing that could have been build back in the time of Ancient Greece, I do believe, had they but known how.

The really HOT technology of the time of Bessler and Karl's was the STEAM ENGINE and electro-motive force, which had the appearance of magic, almost, to very many.

Now here, I would certainly agree that the Aborigines way over would not be taking up crafting things so complex and technically demanding, as probably many members of Scott's Forum would not be prepared to do, as well. (Machining to tolerances of fractions of a tenth for cylinder to piston fit? Let me off that project!)

Pepin had just been the last rage around Hesse-Kassel before our fellow arrived with some really primitive device, all right.

Look at it!

Those engravings appear as things emanating from the bowels of the Dark Ages! (Don't get me wrong; the notion is truly giddying to me that such primitiveness could ever have been gotten to 'go of itself'!)

"Simplicity if the essence of great design."

Soon, the big press will be on for EV's everywhere. We, here in the US (assuming everything stays in one piece), are getting ready for them. Those nifty autos will be needing overnight charges of that "magical" eletro-motive force. To this end, a garage situated device occupying only, say five feet square by 1.5' deep set into a corner, would be just the thing to do the needed trick.

That translates into hundreds of MILLIONS of the things all over the world!!! The DC generator peoples' businesses would be booming, that part not fabricate-able by us ordinary carpenter's boys out here.

All the rest of what you wrote seems to peg my own self to a tee, and is most insightful in that way.

(Here, a word of explanation: having seen and experienced 'enough already', I am of the unshakable belief that the gigantic personified combinations, i.e. corporations sporting human rights statutory privileges, are four-square CONTRA the interest of humanity in-general, and must be brought to an end period, or, simply-put, we will not survive them! It is a whole thesis on this vital, timely subject that I can get-up and going faster than Bessler's wheel aspinning, and I am not alone in this most deeply held belief. Their agenda ENDS with that scene from The Terminator showing gigantic tractors rolling over and crushing fields of our own human skulls! "N-O", I say!)

The very KEY to such success, of course, is to be found in the reasonably expectable simplicity of the thing, making it accessible to all excepting for idiots, who can get help from a neighbor or friend, etc.

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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by ovyyus »

James wrote:I guess the small difference existing is that we have differing views of how complex Bessler's wheel actually was/is inside. I believe that, after all, it will be found to have been quite simple, Bill.
I have no factual basis upon which to object to your belief. In fact I tend to agree that the embodiment of Bessler's solution was probably very simple.
James wrote:Was it not John Collins himself who speculated that this may have been the reason why Prince Karl did not become more deeply involved? Bessler did remark that he feared people would not believe it worth the price paid because of the simplicity aspect. I do remember that part.
FWIW, this is where we differ. Bessler's stated paranoia about a buyer wanting to snatch back their money could have been due to any combination of reasons. The assumption that Bessler's fear was related only to the wheels internal simplicity is probably a mistake. It could just as easily be suggested that Bessler's simple mechanism might somehow depart from the traditional concept of the overbalanced wheel, to the point where he might have felt uncomfortable with precisely how his solution would be defined by a critical and enquiring scientific community. Perhaps Leibniz said it best when he suggested that, due to it's demonstrated limited power for it's huge size, Bessler's wheel might somehow operate on a 'physical principle' and that, while still very interesting, it might be limited in it's application. Perhaps Karl's lack of interest in buying and applying Bessler's secret, and thereby connecting his name forever to a solution to the ages old quest for PM, could be explained in this way? Given the facts as they stand, who is to know the correct assumption?
James wrote:...I am of the unshakable belief that the gigantic personified combinations, i.e. corporations sporting human rights statutory privileges, are four-square CONTRA the interest of humanity in-general, and must be brought to an end period, or, simply-put, we will not survive them!...
Years ago I read Ben Elton's book "Stark" which paints a grim, though perhaps realistic, picture of the nature of corporate relationship with the world. Given that this relationship is driven by a mandate of growth and profit, it should be no surprise that other considerations, such as "humanity in-general" might appear quite low down on the corporate priority list. The obvious irony of it all is that the monster is created and fed by our own combined greed. Who buys shares to make a loss? Who cares about 1st-world run 3rd-world slave labour factories while passing through their cut-price checkout?

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein seems the perfect metaphor, and we all know how that ended. While I don't quite agree with your dramatic Terminator-esque ending (I doubt our end would be quite so fascinating), I do agree that change is surely needed. Unfortunately, I'm at a loss for an exact action plan beyond the simple controls I apply within my own little personal sphere.
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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by rlortie »

Subject: monkeys

Now this makes sense of it all....
Monkeys for sale
Once upon a time a man appeared in a village and announced to the
villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.
The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out
to the forest and started catching them.

The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish,
the villagers stopped their effort. He next announced that he would
now buy monkeys at $20 each. This renewed the efforts of the
villagers and they started catching monkeys again.

Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back
to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of
monkeys became so scarce it was an effort to even find a monkey, let
alone catch it!

The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50 each! However,
since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would
buy on his behalf.

In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: ' Look
at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has already
collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man returns
from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each.'

The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys
for 700 billion dollars.

They never saw the man or his assistant again, only lots and lots of

Now you have a better understanding of how the WALL STREET BAILOUT PLAN
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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by Jon J Hutton »

Hello again,

Just an interesting question,

Of all the ou/pm claims that you have heard of which one do you think is the most valid or will succeed in finally bringing a real green solution to our world.

Jon H
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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by FunWithGravity »

Mine, LOL

show us some pics of your thousands of tries, show us some tangible proof your Friend from another continent has anything, if hes showing reporters then where is his disguised wheel so we can all see it, if hes talking with reporters then why is it such a secret who he is. Or did this fantasy already die and this is your walk back into the room to politely say you have not heard from him and you have given up hope. Was your inbox swamped with requests to keep us in the loop, I think i forgot to send mine.

Oh yeah, mine. ;)
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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by ovyyus »

Impatience and frustration can obviously negatively impact reading comprehension and manners.

IMO Jon, given the lack of any real working design there is no clear front runner.
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Post by WaltzCee »

All I want for Christmas is a friggin gravity powered wheel. Is that too much to ask for, Santa?

OK, I wouldn't mind a bowl of monkey brains. Hold the mayo.

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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by rlortie »

Speaking of monkey brains! Just how gullible can some Over-Unity seekers be, and why do the scammers love to pray on us? I should be posting this one on the Joke thread but its for real.

Self sustaining LED and Micro Solar panel light array

Posted by: "grrdraxin_r" grrdraxin_r

Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:02 am (PST)


I was wondering if anyone would be interesting in experimenting with
LEDs and micro solar panels to create a self sustaining light that
powers itself by it's own light that the LED produces.

The concept is similar to what is shown in the following video: ... light.html

If this could actually be done with not 1 (like in the video) but with
4 solar panels forming a square/rectangular tube around the LED but
still allow light to shine out directly in front if the set up. You'd
have a highly directional, self powered flashlight or spotlight. If it
can generate enough current to sustain the LED that is.


The LEDs can bought anywhere, but the solar panels I'd use would be
the ones on this page: ... ucts_id=43

Have fun, do report back of the results, I may try and do this myslef
if I get some time.
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re: Scientific agencies that validate claims

Post by ovyyus »

What, no "copyright grrdraxin_r 2008". You never know - lol
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Post by broli »

In the end it's a race, the biggest losers are going to be the greed filled inventors that weren't first ironically. This can be avoided by working with people and sharing your stuff. I think some members here are too old to change their way of thinking.
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