Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Details on the Mann Gravity Prime Mover - Invented by Gurbakhsh Singh Mann.
Sketch 13

In the above MANN GRAVITY PRIME MVOER, the main shaft is inclined downward towards it's far end - 1" nearly per foot and the upward L-shaped supporting shaft is inclined backward 1" nearly per foot. With the inserting of L-shaped supporting shaft with ball bearing into the smaller ring provided in the upper ring, the levers with weight(s) are lifted up and make MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVER, move at considerably high speed.
So far as MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVER - 5HP being installed at the premises of Punjab Energy Development Agency, Sector 33, Chandigarh (U.T.) is concerned necessary civil works relating to runway of its wheel and other civil works have already been completed. Demonstration for its earlier commissioning will soon be given.
MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVER with its runway fixed/welded at suitable height of the stand having six legs of MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVER itself can also be made.
In both the cases the price of MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVER will remain the same i.e. @ Rs. 30,000 per HP.
Advance booking of MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVERS of different sizes may start soon.
Prop. Mann Global Energy
S.C.O. 277, Sector-35-D,
Chandigarh (U.T.)-160022 (INDIA)
MGM 13
MGM 13
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Details on the Mann Gravity Prime Mover - Invented by Gurbakhsh Singh Mann.
Cost for the Mann Gravity Mover purchse and annual fee
I have invented two biggest ever inventions from utility point of view of the world.
Both these Prime Movers are for fuelless and limitless Power Generation and other useful purposes.
Perpetual Motion considered impossible so far has been made possible by me with these two inventions.
Commercialisation of MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVER (Patent applied for) has been started. M.O.U. for the agreement on various terms and conditions has already been signed by me with Punjab Energy Development Agency, Sector 33, Chandigarh (U.T.). One such Mann Gravity Prime Mover has been installed at the premises of PEDA, Sector 33, Chandigarh (U.T.). These two inventions will bring energy revolution the world over. Energy problem of the world will soon be solved for all times to come. .
Advance booking of MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVERS of following sizes started.
Sr. No
Price (in India)
10% of the Price to be paid for advance booking
Rs. 60,000/-
Rs. 6,000/-
Rs. 1,50,000/-
Rs. 15,000/-
Rs. 3,00,000/-
Rs. 30,000/-
Rs. 6,00,000/-
Rs. 60,000/-
The amount of Advance Booking may be sent to the undersigned through Bank Draft only giving necessary detail -Name, Address in India, Size of Mann Gravity Prime Mover etc. MANN GRAVITY PRIME MOVER will be supplied on first come first served basis at source - on receiving the balance payment.
Prop. Mann Global Energy
S.C.O. 277, Sector-35-D,
Chandigarh (U.T.)-160022 (INDIA)
Ph. No. 0172-2660263
Mob. +91-9815340772
E-mail: gurbakhsh_mann[at]
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Details on the Mann Gravity Prime Mover - Invented by Gurbakhsh Singh Mann.
Pictures of the inventor and partial portions of the invention (key parts not shown)

(1) MANN GRAVITY MACHINE (M.G.M.)- invented on 29/10/1997
(2) MANN BUOYANCY MACHINE (M.B.M.)- invented on 29/10/1997
(3) MANN GRAVITY-CUM-BUOYANCY MACHINE -invented on 03/05/2001
Mann Gravity Mover - Gravity cum Bouyancy Prime Mover
Mann Gravity Mover - Gravity cum Bouyancy Prime Mover
Mann Gravity Mover - Bouyancy Prime Mover
Mann Gravity Mover - Bouyancy Prime Mover
Mann Gravity Mover - Gravity Wheel
Mann Gravity Mover - Gravity Wheel
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Details on the Mann Gravity Prime Mover - Invented by Gurbakhsh Singh Mann.
Patent Applications 1 and 2

NOTE: I searched the internet for months trying to obtain the details of the 2 patent applications. I was unable to obtain anything other than the patent abstracts.

Finally, I hired a company in India to go to the patent office and retrieve a copy of the patent applications. Attached are links to those patent applications I purchased.

Unlike USA Patents, they are very vague. However, after several careful readings, new clues are revealed that were not known before (such as the inner ring that is welded inside inside the base for a lower shaft with bearing to roll in.

Patent Application 1 of 2 link:

Patent Application 2 of 2 link:
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Post by DrWhat »

Wrong spot!
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Details on the Mann Gravity Prime Mover - Invented by Gurbakhsh Singh Mann.
Link to Original Website Copy in MS Word

I made a copy of the original website at before it went down in Dec 2008 after the domain name was not renewed.

Below is a link to a copy of the website that is in Microsoft Word format. It is about 1.2 meg in size.

Link: ... Oct_08.doc
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

I now know why I never received any response to my emails and letters sent to Gurbakhsh Singh Mann (inventor of the Mann Gravity mover).

Per the news posting below, he died on Nov 17, 2008.
Public Notice Before Shri Ashwani Kumar, HCS, Assistant Estate Office, Chandigarh, India Subject: Transfer of Lease Hold Rights to the extent of 100% share in respect of SCO Site No.277, Sector 35-D,Chandigarh, India(CPL-2675) It is notified for the information of general public and all concerned that as per record of this office, property known as SCO No.277, Sec 35D, Chandigarh stands in the name of Mr Gurbakhsh Singh Mann S/O Late Harbachan Singh Mann. It has been reported by Mrs Tarlochan Kaur Mann (Wife), Daljeet Kaur Mann (Daughter) and Mr Amar Harpreet Singh Mann (Son) that Late Mr. Gurbakhsh Singh Mann, has expired on 17.11.2008 leaving behind Registered Will dated 16.08.2001 in their favour. Now Mrs Tarlochan Mann and others have applied for the transfer of Lease Hold Rights to the extent of 100% share in their favour, on the basis of the Registered Will. If anybody has any objection to this transfer he/she/they may furnish the same, in writing, in the office of the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, failing which the said share in the said property will be mutated accordingly and no further claim whatsoever shall be entertained at any later stage. Ashwani Kumar, HCS, Assistant Estate Officer, Chandigarh, India
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Post by DrWhat »

Damn those MIB!

Sorry to see him go.
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by path_finder »

deleted (submitted twice)
Last edited by path_finder on Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by path_finder »

Dear pstroud,
IMHO and after some recent experiments I can now explain how this design works.
I made the manual drawing hereafter few months ago in a plane, but at that time I did not observe the pertinence of the idea.
I'm not sure but the design of Mr Gurbakhsh could be difficult to replicate because the circular path of his rotating arm is horizontal, instead in my tests I used an inclined disk wich has the enormous advantage to start alone if the reset position of the rolling arm is at the top of the incline, and globally to be much more efficient.
Everybody can make the test: build a big top with a simple disk, an orthogonal axle with a nail at the bottom end, and a weight sticked on the rim of this disk.
Then move the top end of the axle on a circular manner. If the synchronization is correct (basically dephased in quadrature) you will obtain an acceleration.
Here is the principle. Now the question is: how to replace this manual action by a mechanism?
In my drawing I suggest two pulleys of the same size linked with a simple belt. This suppose a good mutual positioning of the belt.

This design can be one of the several possible designs for a gravity engine (Bessler used almost two different).
What is interesting in the above design is the horizontal position of the primemover (acting strictly under the centrifugal force and not on the gravity field).
If we have a balanced vertical wheel (on a strict static point of view) what forbids to use the same principle?
In that way the observation of the Bessler's drawing could be completely different: the elongated shaft could be the guide for the wobbling vertical axle of my drawing (if everything is flipped within 90 grades) and the walls of my drawing could be the roof and floor where the pillars must be fixed.
In that case the presence of two elongated shaft implies inside the wheel the use of two disks with a centered contact point, the mutual motion of these two disks being similar to a circular bellow.
The primemover could be a set of loaded arms, generating a rotational torque coming from a controlled dissymmetry in their dynamic position, the control mechanism being located at the end of the elongated shaft (a small disk?).
I apologize because it is difficult to explain easily, I hope to be understood.

In addition this confirms my doubts about the real positioning of the flowerbowl (since a long time I was suspecting an horizontal operational position) wich can explain the curved shape of the back side.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Its interesting you show that design...

I ran across a patent (or app) a few months ago that is very similar to your design. I had a similar idea to yours for using it when I saw the patent.

I'm off to church now and that file is on my other computer. I'll post it this afternoon for you and others to view. I think you might find it interesting.

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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Its interesting you show that design...

I ran across a patent (or app) a few months ago that is very similar to your design. I had a similar idea to yours for using it when I saw the patent.

I'm off to church now and that file is on my other computer. I'll post it this afternoon for you and others to view. I think you might find it interesting.

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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by pstroud »

Attached is the patent application that I mentioned. It has a similarity to your drawing and a similarity to movements of the Mann Gravity mover. It is based a combination of magnets, gravity and precession.

Below is the english abstract for the japanese patent application.

Publication number: JP10313579 (A)
Publication date: 1998-11-24
- international: H02K53/00; H02N11/00; H02K53/00; H02N11/00; (IPC1-7): H02K53/00; H02N11/00
- European:
Application number: JP19970154225 19970509
Priority number(s): JP19970154225 19970509

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Abstract of JP 10313579 (A)
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PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To make it possible to drive a generator without a large external power, by utilizing the rolling of a massive sphere and magnetic attraction force to realize the principle of the precession of a spinning top. SOLUTION: The perpetual-motion machine comprises an inclined driving shaft 7 the lower end of which is supported on a supporting member 5 in such a manner that the shaft can be freely rotated; a disk 16 which is attached to the inclined driving shaft 7 and has a plurality of rotating-side magnets 17 arranged on one circumference; a horizontal plate 3 which supports the underside of the circumference of the disk 16 at one point and has a plurality of fixed-side magnets 6 arranged thereon; a generator 23 which supports one end of an arm 12 the other end of which is supported on the inclined driving shaft 7 in such a manner that the arm can be freely rotated, and receives the precession of the disk 16 through a vertical shaft 13, thereby generating electric power; and an annular sphere guide 18 which supports a heavy sphere 19 on the top of the disk 16 in such a manner that the sphere can be freely nutated. The precession is sustained by the magnetic attraction force of the magnets 6, 17 and the rolling of a massive sphere 19.

JP10313579A similar to Mann Gravity Mover.pdf
Patent application with similarity to the Mann Gravity Mover functionality.
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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

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re: Mann Gravity Mover -- RESEARCH FINDINGS (by P.Stroud)

Post by path_finder »

Dear pstroud,
I had many times the opportunity here to precise my position about the patents.
I was in the past owner of a patent (and what is more rare, got money from). I know well the rule: make a change (presented as an innovation, even minor) and make a new deposit at your own name. This is the reason why I'm NOT impressed at all by any patent, and less more by the patent of Mr Gurbakhsh wich is so vague that you can imagine a lot of variances perfectly patentable. The question of the patent is not the deposit, but the fight against the counterfactors wich supposes to be already really rich, because the amount of expenses for the lawyers and the inspectors sniffing worldwide.
Anyway I want NOT here start a new polemical discussion on the patents here, but almost be focused on the discussed design.
So many variances be published here by everybody, so difficult will be for some individual to justify an innovation.
I hope many members/guests will try to verify the validity of the concept and publish all successful devices for the benefit of the mankind.
Unfortunately I was really busy since two months and had no free time enough for build a prototype until now. But I will do it asap.

Now regarding the japanese patent I can make the following comments:
1. There are enough differences with my drawing for a new separated deposit (rolling sphere, magnets, etc) by anyone.
2. It could be useful to know why this patent seems to have encountered no worldwide success
3. The use of a free sphere could be a part of the answer: with a sphere you don't know in real time where the torque is located (there is no mechanical link with the controller)
4. Nevertheless the use of some spherical weights, rolling inside two circular rails, is still a clever idea.
This can explain the purpose of the 'stone balls' found worldwide (Costa-Rica, Bosnia, etc) and not explained until now.
See per example: ... Costa_Rica and
This is always in relation with my old belief in the lost civilizations (Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, etc) which perhaps solved with elegance the problem of the energy. Who knows?
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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