Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

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Post by broli »

Well what do you expect when you patent something. In very rare cases people choose the patenting way so when it expires it belongs to the public domain. I doubt this is his cause. The linked patent shows that this has been extended last month. And the fact that he wants to sell people gravity (lol) for 50% of current electricity cost shows it's all for the money.

So it wouldn't really take much to convince this guy to shut it. Whether the delay of his disclosure is due to this or not may be a mystery.

But I can say that most European countries are not at the level of the US. The US is one f-ed up country. We rarely have MIB's showing up at your doorsteps here to shut you up.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by path_finder »

Dear Broli,
In Europe the dutch (flamants) people have the reputation to be moneyscraper.
The patents seem to be more respected in USA, but this has no advantage within the rest of the planet.
In France the patents are interesting for three reasons (I made two deposits in the past):
1. For fiscal reasons (the rate of taxation for the royalties is about 16%, far away of the standard level for the salaries per example)
2. If you want to hope a selection for some specific jobs (CNRS, INRA, IMS, etc) you must justify in your CV file several publishing and patents.
Therefore some people ask for some unused patents, just for the purpose to be 'in the line'.
3. When you are discussing a business plan for a start-up with the bankers, they show a large pleasure when there are some patents in the basket.
But as you can see, nobody believes that a patent can protect your invention.
After the big amount of money needed specially in the last years, you must pay a cattle of inspectors and lawyers in view to let respect your rights.
The best way is to improve your design year after year, being always better than the chinese copyers.
At the least, I'm thinking that a 'gravitic engine' can NOT be patented at all for practical reasons.
I think Bill gates will be the last one in the history to become milliardaire in an half life.
This time is over where a single guy can have the monopoly for ever on a common idea (microcomputer O.S.)
Give me a single example of a new object and/or concept wich has not be copyied?
'the engine for attracting the money and repelling the work' even this will be copyied...
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by Michael »

I have a good memory I can remember to the age of two. I don't have an encyclopedia instant access to everything that's happened to me but given a bit of time I can recall things that I've witnessed. Anyone here who knows me knows I walked away from all of this over three and a half years ago. This inventor mentions using glass. I've seen that comment before on a group discussion, and I know it was at least five years ago, maybe six or seven. But he says he came to it in 2006. That's one of the reasons why this is very suspicious to me. I can't remember yet the exact place on the net and time frame but I know I've come across this before.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by Fletcher »

What gave me a 'heads up' was one unit [of twenty] being able to power 17,000 households - a hydroelectric dam does that so his power plant is of similar capability ? - just my truth detector playing up, LOL ?!
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Post by DrWhat »

Quotes from video:

"The forces are so enormous that we are more worried about figuring out how to control these forces RATHER THAN BEING WORRIED WHETHER IT WILL WORK OR NOT!"

So I guess it doesn't work yet!?

"I researched a lot on PM on the internet, to figure out whether my invention already existed..." Note here that he scratches his face meaning he is having a strong secondary and distracting thought. This is basic psychology, indicating perhaps a lie or some other strong non vocalized thought.

Look, I really hope he has made the discovery. I find it so extremely frustrating not knowing the answer to the workings of Bessler's wheel, so just seeing a working model would be a great relief. I guess once again it's a painful "wait and see". But don't send any money :-)
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by killemaces »

You need proof to post videos like this because there have been so many scams regarding this issue.
Whats the point of posting video before patenting something??
That is, if you patent it.
Cause nobody should ever pay fore gravity, the inventor would get his share anyways if successful
Too many questions? IMO

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by Kirk »

The second link in the first post has this on the page

The invention of the "Fall and Lift control system" was done towards the end of 2006. The system transports, controls and transmits mass/weight to (for instance) a drive shaft. This system was the foundation for a machine that can work on weights/mass only, without adding any form of energy. It's purpose is to drive other objects.

If you look at the picture it is of an old proposal that doesnt work under the heading of SYMMETRY. Most proposals fail that test. You have to have a non linearity to exploit and distance vs velocity is it. You dont create energy you transfer momentum and take advantage of kinematics in a gravity well.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by docfeelsgood »

Michael ;

better hone them memory skills a little more .

i also have a good memory but cant say that i remember everything . i don't remember being born ,,, but i do remember the doctor walking up the driveway . 8>)
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by axel »

The wheel in the video is a spool for data cable.
Events like this are staged just to watch you all skurry around.
Just ignore the next one, and sit back and watch them post more to try and raise four pmsters with one.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by greendoor »

I'm guessing this is an April Fools joke that was thrown together by some media students. There are many people so secure in their belief that PM is impossible that they might find this sort of thing funny ... they probably view people like me as 'Flat Earthers' who are an easy target ...

I could easily point out several reasons why I think this is a hoax - but then again, if Bessler himself reappeared with a working wheel, how many people would call him a fraud?

I could really go either way ... I am still highly confident that Bessler's wheel worked, and that it worked purely by the force of gravity, and i'm confident I can demonstrate the maths once I had a replicable experiment to prove it. So that makes me fairly gullible I suppose.

Depending on the wording that is omitted from their statement of principle of operation - I think this could easily be true or false. Maybe they are fishing for information?

While I think it is more likely a poor taste joke, or at best a extremely inept attempt to market a wheel that may or may not work ... there is another alternative that could be considered.

The large energy corporations aren't as stupid as they are greedy. There are numerous examples in history (e.g. Tesla & Westinghouse to name just one) where the big money men take the inventions that make them more money, and shut down the inventions that threaten to make them less money. That means free energy of any description has always been a prime target for being shut down (or shot down) by the big money men. It's the basic rules of engagement for love, war, politics & business - the powerful must maintain their power at all costs. Power to the People? Never! That's why certain people must be killed. Apparantly.

There are numerous ways to prevent the peasants from discovering and using free energy, and I doubt that a forum such as this would escape the attention of those with vested interest in energy.

One way is to release numerous red herrings of non-working ideas to wear down the patience of genuine researchers. The other is to make genuine researchers look like frauds or idiots or worse.

Garbage like this video & website may or may not be yet another attempt to discredit the very idea that gravity power is possible.

Don't let it get you down. I'm absolutely convinced it is possible - and maybe this is genuine, time will tell. But that garbage about selling power at 50% just has to be a joke, right?
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by Michael »

I researched a lot on PM on the internet, to figure out whether my invention already existed..." Note here that he scratches his face meaning he is having a strong secondary and distracting thought. This is basic psychology, indicating perhaps a lie or some other strong non vocalized thought
I was going through the video early this morning, backwards and forwards without the sound and noticed the same thing. A pull down with his finger below his eye on his left hand side. Several other facial expressions that give tell that he might be hiding behind a fabrication.

Axel, interesting info.
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Re: re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by broli »

greendoor wrote:I'm guessing this is an April Fools joke that was thrown together by some media students.
This video dates to November 2007. You might find that even worse of a fact as disclosure seems to be taking forever :D.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by murilo »

This is an April first.
- the face and the smile of the guy are false.
- the cuts in the wood are coherent with 12 weights.
- it`s not self starting... :]
- these cuts are also coherent with the sketch in form of ``D``.
- he`ll have a too large problem that`s make the rising weights, in line, jump to outer side, to get fall at 12h position.
- this would still happen even if he got a special shape to form a line, as a ``lego``.
- not to forget that he`ll need equalized velocities for rise and fall, and the rising will tend to be lower, i.e., another trouble.
I think that people in this forum is getting very smart and clever to make good autopsies!
Take care!
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by pstroud »

broli - interesting find here. Thanks for sharing.

Broli quote:

But I can say that most European countries are not at the level of the US. The US is one f-ed up country. We rarely have MIB's showing up at your doorsteps here to shut you up.
Its sad to see but just this past week, the MIB were trying to shut down MyLow's magnet motor invention and stop him from posting youtube videos and details on his invention, stating that it would disrupt society...

Link: ... d_to_stop/

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by Michael »

I've never seen this. Worthy of a thread of its own. Ralph what do you think? ... d_Johnson/

I copied this, it's dated April 5th. Strange.
Below is an email I received tonight from Mylow at 11:27 PM. I've edited
the spelling, punctuation, and grammar. He was responding to an email I
forwarded to him in which a radio station was asking for an interview.

His statement that "this is a fake", in my estimation, is not being spoken
sincerely, but as a way of backing away from all the heat he's been
subjected to by posting his videos and making his claims. He did not expect
for it to be received so coolly by so many in the Free Energy community. In
the very same breath he makes it clear that he believes these things are
real, and that we will all see some day soon.

Here's his message:

Dear friend,

After great consideration I will not be involved in this type of work
anymore, nor will I want to talk about it any more. I tried to be as much of
a friend to all but got too overwhelmed; and considering what had happened,
this wasn't meant to be. I will say that new technology is out there and in
the form of simple minded people like me; but it has been down-played by the
same people that call themselves free energy buffs.

No one would have stood for this type of treatment from fallow inventors.

I hope that everyone learns from my mistakes. Too bad that I didn't get the
point across to all.

I am sorry but this was a fake, and I will no longer talk about it. I think
that Howard had a secret, and that secret was a simple one. Please forgive
me if I misled anyone in thinking that this can be made.

Not even a video can prove things like.

You have been a good friend to me and [Pmmtester] also. But things got out
of hand, and you know what I mean.

I feel that the threat of negative comments will always kill free energy and
all types of new ideas. That's why I feel this way.

Please understand. Wish me luck, for I will be getting in to bigger things
from this on a private basis.

Open source is the best and always will be.

I will never give up, and magnetic motors will be a reality soon.

So my answer is no cant talk about it.

Please forgive me.

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