Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by rlortie »


I would not involve myself in writing this post had you not asked me for a specific answer.

There are some topics such as Howard Johnson' claim to fame that I prefer to avoid like a plague, it is old and gets more construed with each passing generation. More than once I have attempted to clarify a few facts as I lived them at the time this all took place.

Mylows alleged replication of Howard Johnson's "Hedge motor is one of them! It is not new, there is no patent on it and never was!

I was involved with over-unity research while Howard Johnson battled the USPTO Appeals court for over three years back in the seventies. His motor as depicted in the patent images was never built and if you read the Appeals decision as posted in The New York Times April 28, 1979 you will find:

Patent #4,151431 referring to a rotating magnetic apparatus as depicted in the patent is not what won the patent.

The Patent application originally filed in 1973
was first rejected by an examiner who referred to the motor as a true "perpetual motion device" Johnson did not have a proto type to prove other-wise.

However, the Patent and Trademark Office Board of Appeals disagreed, holding that the permanent magnets constituted and energy source. The Board watched a plastic model car on a track and found that the linear motion appeared to be continuous. A patent was therefore granted #4,131,431. Not 4,151,431 which is the exploited rotary version of a self sustaining unit which was never built!

Johnson' own estimate stated that the magnets would loose less than 2 percent of their magnetization in 18 years. This of course is not objectively validated and was pulled out of thin air.

IMO Mylow's device is not an attempt to duplicate Howard Johnson's device as I have never seen anything similar built by Howard Johnson or have any objective proof that he ever came close to meeting Mylows claims. Johnson's attempts would only run if a hand held stator magnet were to be manually manipulated past the 'sticky spots'

Mylow may have gotten around this problem by using low yield magnets that soon deplete. Therefore I see his machine as a desk top oddity and no more.

Sorry but I cannot get excited about this topic.

And for what it is worth, every video of his working wheel shows a lit table lamp sitting in the upper right quadrant. It does not take a genius to realize that aluminum is a high conductor of temperature fluctuations.

One of the first things I would do is short out the aluminum disk by mounting a carbon brush at the rim, running a wire back to the axle housing, not unlike a Faraday unipolar generator (dynamo) this would either negate or augment any eddy currents in the disk.

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by justsomeone »

Patent app. with drawings is now viewable over at
Sorry I don't know how to post a link.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by pstroud »

Here is a direct link to the file in English with drawings:

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by pstroud »

I have reviewed the SJACK Ableling patend details. First of all, it looks very similar to may hundred year old attempts that all failed. So I looked for what is different. The major difference that I see is in the shifting positions.

It appears that the outside grounded shifting guide starts the shifting at 5 oclock. It appers that the upper shifting ends at 1 oclock. Therefore, the oval of shifting motion starts before 6 and ends after 12. This path of motion is certainly different from all other historical similar devices.

The opposing weights are connected by a rod. With 16 different weight ends, there will be 8 rods crossing through the center.

It appears simple in nature / motion. I would hope that someone on this forum wiht WM2D skills could replicate it and evaluate it before a physical build is performed.

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by Oystein »

The opposing weights are connected by a rod. With 16 different weight ends, there will be 8 rods crossing through the center.
No they are not connected, as can clearly be seen by the changing distance between the opposing weights. His idea must be that the "squeezing" from 10 to 12 o`clock, (I call it squeezing, as you can compare this to a closing scissor, failing to cut) accelerating the mass very quickly creates more kinetic energy than the energy it takes to both lift and accelerate the mass..
Why should it ?? It creates a tremendous back-tourque when trying to close this gap..

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by pstroud »


It is very clear to me that there is a rod through the center that connects the opposing weights on each side of the wheel. the external frame mounted guides shift the weights to form an oval pattern for the weight travel.

This pattern seems very clearly represented and if you draw a line between the opposing weights, the lines are equal in all instances. A solid rod exist between the opposing weights.

Although this weight pattern has been represented in many past historical PM designs, this one has a few enhancements as I mentiond above. This one starts the shft at 5 oclock and ends at 1 ocklock going clock wise. Now, it alos shifts the ascending weights very far inward towards the axle, unlike many historical designs.

As indicated on overunity, they called the inventor and the company that is in business to help build the gravity power plant. There were positive indications that this is a real working wheel that we should investigate.

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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by primemignonite »


Thanks very much for making that .pdf available. It was swell of you. I downladed and printed mine out A-OK.

Spencer and Ovyyus (N.F.G.),

Here is a little ditty posted on the site by "Grimmer", in which he mentions Bessler and natural forces.

(He seems to be a really savvy one - that Grimmer.)

Re: Sjack Abeling Gravity Wheel and the Worlds first Weight Power Plant
« Reply #527 on: April 12, 2009, 09:59:32 PM »
Quote from: AquariuZ on April 12, 2009, 08:48:07 PM
I am starting to have doubts now too, sorry to say.


I'm not. Now that I can see the high rotation of the weights is modelling the temperature rotation of atoms I'm confident he has a jumbo sized heat engine. with the weights and the working fluid and gravity as the energy source.

I wonder how Bessler got his rotation. The weights were cylindrical which figures. He let people handle them but wrapped in a cloth. Maybe he wanted to hide the hole for an axle.



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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by AB Hammer »

Greetings Preston and all

I still don't see how it is going to work. There has to be a different effect to do this. Back when I started designing I saw the design of Dixon Vallance 1835. I see the same problem with the Sjack Abeling. My 23rd design addressed these type of problems I call it the projector wheel due to the resemblance. It requires traction tracks like some form of rubber to help the reaction, and when the balls get to the end close to the axle they keep spinning on bearings to reducing the friction then at the correct angle it grabs the rim and goes up with the belt to the top. The pulley wheels are driven from the axle in a reverse spin. At least this is the design. I believe it should answer some of the questions on the problems you will face with the Sjack Abeling wheel.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by path_finder »

Dear AB_Hammer,
Many thanks for sharing your data.
I have just one question:
by the examination of the Sjack Abeling's design, can we say that his wheel is unidirectionnal or bidirectionnal?
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Unidirectional. When I did my design it could be used with Ball, or rolling bar, or as well as a geared track.
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by murilo »

Hi, you guys!
At years, I have done a model very similar to this.
Main stuff is that around 5h the weight element needs to rise.
My patience went away when I tried a partial flotation to rise it and the water level simply stopped all device.
Up today I think that some other external way - as overunit -, can be designed:
- magnets?
- water stream?
- air stream?
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by pstroud »

Attached is a recent 2004 patent by Ralph Love on a gravity wheel. Its functionality is very similar to the SJack Abeling gravity wheel.

It seens interesting that there are two recent patents / applications for gravity wheels with a similar concept.

Patent App for gravity wheel similar to SJACK Abeling
(52.75 KiB) Downloaded 411 times
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by path_finder »

Dear Murillo,
I'm really satisfied to see that you are the first to agree with the 'ideal path' I'm trying to defend (in particular the need to lift-up the weights at 4:00 or 5:00 clock).
Also the Archimedes design shall include discoidal shaped weights ... a3029a7ca0
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by murilo »

Path, hi!
I assure that I haven`t seen your draws before.
There is at least 30 years I tried this buoyancy mean.
This one you present above has articulated arms and this will avoid the need of merge it under water.
This draw deserves a model!
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Re: re: Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel.

Post by Grimer »

primemignonite wrote:Preston,

Thanks very much for making that .pdf available. It was swell of you. I downladed and printed mine out A-OK.

Spencer and Ovyyus (N.F.G.),

Here is a little ditty posted on the site by "Grimmer", in which he mentions Bessler and natural forces.

(He seems to be a really savvy one - that Grimmer.)

Re: Sjack Abeling Gravity Wheel and the Worlds first Weight Power Plant
« Reply #527 on: April 12, 2009, 09:59:32 PM »
Quote from: AquariuZ on April 12, 2009, 08:48:07 PM
I am starting to have doubts now too, sorry to say.


I'm not. Now that I can see the high rotation of the weights is modelling the temperature rotation of atoms I'm confident he has a jumbo sized heat engine. with the weights and the working fluid and gravity as the energy source.

I wonder how Bessler got his rotation. The weights were cylindrical which figures. He let people handle them but wrapped in a cloth. Maybe he wanted to hide the hole for an axle.



Thanks for the compliment.

I'll forgive you for misspelling my name. ;-)

I have emigrated here from Sjack Abeling's Gravity Wheel' thread on since this site is concentrating on the subject of the Bessler Wheel. I became interested in the wheel through the Abeling thread and having read a fair bit about it agree with Collins that if one leaves conventional thinking behind, it is highly probable that the Bessler was harvesting gravitational energy.

For me, the thing that distinguishes the Abeling device from what I have seen of previous devices is that the weights are spinning as they ascend.
I'll explain why this is important in later posts.

For decades I have viewed gravity as a steady wind blowing vertically downward. I even posted this view on a physics.relativity forum - to howls of derision as you might imagine. However, having taken up the £10 offer for the Collins book I find to my delight that my view was even toyed with by none other than that saint of the scientific establishment, Sir Issac Newton himself.

Remarkably, Newton himself does not seem to have ruled out the possibility of a perpetual motion machine. It is a little known fact that in his early notebooks under the heading "Quaestiones"[sic] Newton speculates that gravity (heaviness) is caused by the descent of a subtle matter which strikes all bodies and carries them down. "Whither ye rays of gravity may bee stopped by reflecting or refracting ye, if so a perpetual motion may bee made one of these two ways." Adjacent to these words, Newton added two sketches of perpetual motion powered by the "flux of the gravitational stream".
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