Impact is the Key

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Post by Grimer »

AB Hammer wrote:How about just making the hammers, dead blows.
What a good idea.

One could deaden it hydraulically - or better still electromagnetically and transfer the energy over to the other side where it would appear like magic and assist in raising the other side of the wheel.

We have tools that Bessler never even dreamed of. Why not use them.

It is the same principle as the Carnot simulation but takes the energy down to even lower levels.

Well that idea is now open source so it cannot be patented - which is good.
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re: Impact is the Key

Post by Grimer »

Transferring the deadening hammer blow energy to the other side is the electromagnetic equivalent of that particular design of the Savonius rotor that was mentioned here in the "Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity" thread.

As you can see, the design transfers some of the wind energy to the cup on the other side of the axle.
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

Grimer wrote:
AB Hammer wrote:How about just making the hammers, dead blows.
What a good idea.

One could deaden it hydraulically - or better still electromagnetically and transfer the energy over to the other side where it would appear like magic and assist in raising the other side of the wheel.

We have tools that Bessler never even dreamed of. Why not use them.

It is the same principle as the Carnot simulation but takes the energy down to even lower levels.

Well that idea is now open source so it cannot be patented - which is good.

How can the statement of a dead blow make any device using a dead blow cause it to be unable to be patented? Not that I am using dead blows, for I am not. But I tend to find your quote >>Well that idea is now open source so it cannot be patented - which is good.<< disturbing.
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Post by Grimer »

I wasn't referring to "dead blows" but the concept of shifting energy from one side to another using hydraulics or EM.

As regards patents. I am in favour of open source. Sorry if you're not.
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re: Impact is the Key

Post by Grimer »

Of course, when you think about it for a bit, Bessler didn't need to use hydraulics or EM. He had Archimedes. "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."

He had the lever to transfer half the energy of the gravity acceleration on the right side to the earth acceleration on the left. Fifty percent seems the right figure from information theory.

Now where are all Bessler's references to levers? Image
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Post by greendoor »

"A crab crawls from side to side; It is sound for it is designed thus." ??
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Post by Grimer »

Thanks for pointing me towards Appendix A. Those clues of Bessler remind me of the code phrases that were broadcast to the French resistance by the BBC in WW2.
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re: Impact is the Key

Post by greendoor »

Grimer - I have taken on board your comments about Force being Stress. I do believe you are right - very interesting. And your idea about 'destroying' the force of gravity to create an unbalance has really switched on a light ... bear with me ...

My view of gravity (for practical terrestial machines) is that it is an Acceleration (i.e. can simulated on a rocket sled or rotating space station). How it works or why it exists doesn't really matter - if a Medieval carpenter can make a wheel run, that's good enough for me. (All due respect to those who don't believe Bessler exploited gravity).

The Acceleration of gravity is (for our purposes) unlimited, moves with the mass it is accelerating, and does not change significantly with height. (You need extremely sensitive equipment to measure the changes - not relevant for a man-sized wheel).

If we raise a 1 kg mass up 10 meters from the ground, we can calculate the PE - and let it fall to the ground. Once on the ground, we could say it has zero PE. But say the 'ground' turned out to be a manhole over an abandoned mine - which suddenly opened up a 100 meter drop - then suddently our mass has an unexpected increase in PE.

In reality - nothing has changed with the mass or it's position in space. So PE is just an abstraction - it does not represent a real 'thing'. The point i'm making is that the 'Force of Gravity' is always acting on a mass at all times - it does not go away, and it doesn't really change (for practical purposes).

We know that the Force of Gravity can Accelerate a Mass (because that's it's formal definition). But what happens to this force the rest of the time (because we know it never goes away...)?

In my view - it creates this Stress that we call Force, which stresses all the atoms of the mass, and the supporting structure, and basically tries to crush the earth's core ... but fortunately is resisted by the forces within those same atoms of mass - the Normal force ...

So every mass has the potential to accelerate into motion - if allowed to.

My revelation for the day is this: when is a mass NOT stressed by the force of gravity? Is there a situation where a mass would NOT stress all the atoms of it's supporting structure, provoking the Normal force reaction?

AFAIK - a Force either Accerates or Stresses. I'm speculating that if it is Accelerating a Mass, it is not Stressing it - and if it is Stressing a Mass, it is not Accelerating it ...

Fair comment so far ... ?

So can we obtain the loss of stress that we seek by allowing the mass to accelerate something, e.g. a flywheel or pendulum?

I'm suggesting that while gravity is accelerating a mass - that mass loses weight. Which suggests we could have a balanced beam with two identical machines on each end. The machines would weigh exactly the same. But if we allowed one to start accelerating under the force of gravity - would this loss weight (because it is no longer Stressing the supporting structure) - and therefore tip the scales and ascend?

How about that idea for the Public Domain to chew on ...

EDIT: I'm aware that this is pretty similar to the Milkovich Two Stage Oscillator - made symmetrical with another pendulum, therefore is probably a Three Stage Oscillator. All the confusion of the Milkovich circus would therefore apply, which is why i'm throwing it out there for discussion ...
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Post by Grimer »

Good post with plenty of food for thought.

I'll think about it and get back if I feel I have something constructive to say.

(just noticed. I think you mean lose not loss)

And I didn't say force was stress. I said force was an alias for strain.
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Post by AB Hammer »

Grimer wrote:I wasn't referring to "dead blows" but the concept of shifting energy from one side to another using hydraulics or EM.

As regards patents. I am in favour of open source. Sorry if you're not.
Greetings Grimer

I am in favor of showing after patent pending status for the do it yourself builders. Open sourcing only truly helps those who don't want to pay you for your work, but make a bundle off of you, and maybe even take your credit as well. I have had enough credit stolen from me from my work, so no more. I want credit due to where credit is due.
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Post by Grimer »

If anyone wants to steal the credit for my ideas of the Beta- Gamma- etc. atmospheres, they are very welcome. Mind you, I don't think they would possibly get away with it cos the ideas are all over the Internet in one form or another - and in various publications.
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Post by AB Hammer »


I am also a believer in freedom of choice and I respect choice. What I have has never been seen, from my research. And since I am not a well to do person. My hopes are to get a proper retirement to enjoy. This is my choice. Not to mention a running wheel is bigger than all of us. And if I am the one who has the breakthrough, I won't be greedy either.
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re: Impact is the Key

Post by Grimer »

Grimer wrote: I am also a believer in freedom of choice and I respect choice. What I have has never been seen, from my research. And since I am not a well to do person. My hopes are to get a proper retirement to enjoy. This is my choice. Not to mention a running wheel is bigger than all of us. And if I am the one who has the breakthrough, I won't be greedy either.
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re: Impact is the Key

Post by path_finder »

Another application of the 'impact' theory:
The explanation of the 'buzzsaw' wheel by Hans von Lieven
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Impact is the Key

Post by Grimer »

greendoor wrote:Grimer - I have taken on board your comments about Force being Stress. I do believe you are right - very interesting. And your idea about 'destroying' the force of gravity to create an unbalance has really switched on a light ... bear with me ...
Force is an alias for strain, not stress.
Force producing a linear acceleration is an alias for linear compressive strain.
Centrifugal Force is an alias for biaxial strain, area compressive strain'
Hydrostatic force is an alias for triaxial compressive strains.

Tensile strains are negations, i.e. reductions in external compressive force.
My view of gravity (for practical terrestrial machines) is that it is an Acceleration (i.e. can simulated on a rocket sled or rotating space station).
It is an acceleration, certainly, but not the same kind of acceleration you are envisaging.
Take the rotating space station as an example. That acceleration is applied to the external layer of a body. You feel the same in a rotating space station as you would walking on the earth. I'm assuming that the diameter of the station is as large as the diameter of the moon, say, so that you wouldn't get any feeling of giddiness which you might on a very small station.

The acceleration of gravity acts at a vastly different level. It acts on the very smallest of material particles within our body. As such we don't feel it anymore than a deep sea free diver feels the pressure of the water around him - as I explained previously. What didn't you understand?
How it works or why it exists doesn't really matter
Of course it matters. If we don't understand at which level of structure gravity is acting how on earth do you expect to conquer it. You can't kill viruses with antibiotics. Their action is at a totally different scale.
The Acceleration of gravity is (for our purposes) unlimited, moves with the mass it is accelerating, and does not change significantly with height. (You need extremely sensitive equipment to measure the changes - not relevant for a man-sized wheel).
If we raise a 1 kg mass up 10 meters from the ground, we can calculate the PE - and let it fall to the ground. Once on the ground, we could say it has zero PE. But say the 'ground' turned out to be a manhole over an abandoned mine - which suddenly opened up a 100 meter drop - then suddenly our mass has an unexpected increase in PE.
PE is a negative concept (cf. debt) with an arbitrary datum (cf. minus ten degrees Fahrenheit).
In reality - nothing has changed with the mass or it's position in space. So PE is just an abstraction - it does not represent a real 'thing'.
Agreed. It's just bookkeeping.
The point I'm making is that the 'Force of Gravity' is always acting on a mass at all times - it does not go away, and it doesn't really change (for practical purposes).
Absolutely correct.
We know that the Force of Gravity can Accelerate a Mass (because that's it's formal definition). But what happens to this force the rest of the time (because we know it never goes away...)?[
Nothing happens to it. It is in equilibrium with the force on your feet. Gravity is accelerating you down and the floor strain is accelerating you up.

Let me give you an example from sailing. Boats are easy to understand because the two fluids are not co-spatial but separated by a surface.

If you go down to a seaside town like Littlehampton when the tide is ebbing and the river current is therefore very strong you will see boats trying to sail into the harbour. The wind acting weakly on a large surface area is blowing the boat in. The water acting strongly on a much small surface area is carrying the boat out. The boat is stationary relative to the observer but accelerating relative to the wind and to the water.

I don't think I can constructively comment on the rest of your post until you have exorcised the notion of stress (force per unit area) and replaced it with the concept of natural strain.
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