Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

Michael wrote:No, I am not. , I simply stated that time ( DURATION; occuring from difference ) is used in measurement in comparing a frame of reference to another. All you've really done is parrot what I said using different words. Bar, TIME is duration. Duration is always a comparision from one frame of reference to another. If you are talking about an inability to measure duration, then you are really talking about timelessness, or infinity. And I agree on the point that the fourth dimension is probably infinite in it's totality.
I've already said it, but I'll try again. 2 dimensions can't really exist. 3 dimensions are the minimum number we can measure matter on, but they can't really exist by themselves either because all measurement and all existence, anything we can concieve of as form requires difference, in order to exist, and this difference shows itself in the forms of motion, sequence, duration, greater and lesser etc. and these items only exist because of what we call the fourth dimension.
Michael parrot what? I explained before you... :) The 4th dimension is confusing, and you keep insisting upon this frame and measurement nonsense that is not possible in the 4th dimension. We must experience measurement in our 3 dimensions and use it to describe a 4th dimension for energy. However, if we WERE IN the 4th dimension of infinity then no. Measurement then becomes meaningless because we could be every where simultanously. All entitys in the universe is mutual for existance in all respects, like you say very often "relative". An entity must exchange energy with another to exist as a reference to both. If no exchange occurs, then no existance occurs to both entitys. Like playing pool, when the balls move, they make no difference until they collide with another ball and change the trajectory and velocities of both. The real meaning is what happens between interactions? Electrons are no different. Between interaction electrons have the ability to exist elsewhere. The probability of them being at a location is not absolute, this is shown with Planck's constant and the uncertainty principle. This is the quantum concept of superposition. This ability to be elsewhere between the mutuality is the gravitation. This occurs BETWEEN measurement that we can not absolutely perceive in 3 dimensions.
Michael wrote:Before I go any further with what you wrote show me when and where I said or even implied to you that gravity worked by magic.

And again, your the one saying gravity creates and destroys, basically the very essence of magic. I've asked you a few times to give a concrete example of what gravity does with the energy you say it destroys and you fail to give this concrete and direct answer, all you say is it puts it into the fourth dimension. By putting it into the fourth dimension how can it at the same time be destroyed? And if destroyed was a bad choice of term on your part and you really just mean it was put into the fourth dimension then in what form does it exist, how can it be measured, what are the mechanics of the whole process? And if you again answer or imply that you don't know because the fourth dimension can't be measured, well it will be very telling.

I also want to know where your proof is that gravity exists at all points simultaneously. You might not be aware as of yet but proof has been found that gravity travels at the speed of light.
What is this statement here number 2?
2. I find the view that gravity is the creator and destroyer of energy to be incomplete and somewhat childish. You've posted the comment a few times now that essentially says, what...do you believe in magic? But that's essentially the power you are giving to gravity when you say it has the power to create and destroy. That's the exact power your giving it. Voila, ...materializo, Voila, ...dissapero.
You are implying that I am saying gravitation is by magic. How else can this be interpreted? LOL!

As for concrete examples there is nothing ever concrete about gravitation, quantum physics, or relativity. I would also like to say that nothing in science is proven with 100% certainty, ever! The best we can say is that something is so well supported that it would be against the odds to deny it. Then sometimes it is later discovered to be incorrect with new evidence. The inherent consequence is that scientific theorys are not absolute, and then are always open to interpretation. :) The best possible thing I can do is try to explain the dynamics of the 4th dimension and superpositon in laymens terms of how energy is created and destroyed in the gravitational field. I HAVE pointed out the first day here that my quantum theory of gravitation is the first to be public that I am aware of. I could be wrong, my theory may already be on the internet by someone else. I have never found it though. So it is impossible to give complete references on it. The next best thing is to give links that the theory is based upon.

Here are links. Google these also to find more.
Quantum Superposition has no locality in its meaning. Of course most scientist do not "want" to violate the velocity of light. :) This link also has references to the uncertainty principle.

Now in this refernce they are considering that the 4th dimension is another Euclidean dimension of substance, but not time. However this is the geometrical behavior of an entity of infinite time with no measurement.

Maxwell states" "the fraction of a large number of particles within a particular velocity range is nearly constant if the system is at or near equilibrium"

Since mass in finite, even the quantum uncertainty space of it's interaction must obey this geometry. Mass / space = density

Now with these links it is not a far stretch to merge them to understand what I am saying about with quantum gravitation. The electron mass is the ultimate resolution of the universe. It is the smallest entity of mass, it possesses the least volume of any particle. So the earth's mass has neutral electrons exchanging momentum. Now if their interactions were absolute, the continuum would be best described as a singularity. All mass would collect and become a "black hole" to have no losses in interaction. However, electrons must occupy space and collide. They must move across space to interact. By probability two entitys interacting averages to a spherical area in 3 dimensions in any collision and recoil. This interaction also has a quantity of uncertainty with it, and this quantity must obey a resolution known as Planck's constant. This uncertainty is superposition, and it has the ability to be present with unlimited velocity. This inherent uncertainty of superposition has a defined geometry and limits the interaction. This net interaction of mass can not become more dense than 7.5 x 10E14 grams a cu. cm. or 4Pi x c(squared) x G. I call it OMEGA DENSITY. That is the maximum density possible in the nucleus of an atom, or in the most massive black holes in the center of any galaxy. I guarantee you will not find acceptance in this theory of omega density by mainstream. However they can NOT answer why nuclei have their densitys. :) Mass can not become more dense than Omega anywhere in the universe. Contrary to mainstream astrophysics, black holes can not crush to infinity. The value of Omega density is a great limitation that can not be easily ignored. :)

Now back to the gravitation and how it transforms energy. This can be understood when one takes that probability of the neutral electron interaction further with the uncertainty principle, neutral electrons can exist in the 4th dimension adding or taking away energy in our 3 dimensions. In principle this is really no different than ballistic molecular bodies of a gas colliding and conserving momentum in 3 dimensions. The difference is the uncertainty of the neutral electrons must also exist simultaneously across 4 dimensional space in quantum superposition. Their activity is omnidirectional, so the momemtum intensity is the net average probability of Maxwellian distribution at maximum velocitys, but present over a spherical volume, and so must obey the inverse square law. This is how gravitation can add or remove energy, without the gravitation itself gaining or losing energy. Gravitation is like a catalyst in the exchange of momentum.
I also want to know where your proof is that gravity exists at all points simultaneously. You might not be aware as of yet but proof has been found that gravity travels at the speed of light.
How do all the planets remain stable in their orbits if the suns gravity travels at the velocity of light?
? Really? Because the gravity from the sun has not been "turned off".
How much proof of gravitation's velocity fo you want? Mainstream will not admit it, but we still can not be ignorant of the reality. Programmers do not consider time lag, neither does rocket scientists in sending robots to other planets. Gravitation is always shown to have an instantaneous force. Measured forces of gravitational bodies are exactly where their positions are at that moment, not where they were in an earlier position from the velocity of light in some assumed delay. If gravity was like a hose "squirting out" gravitation, then what information is sent back to the gravitational source (sun) to "aim" the gravitation to intercept a planet to interact with in the future? Gravitation "turning off" has nothing to do with it. Even a continuous stream has a delay at the velocity of light. If you have basic mathematical skills simply calculate how our planet moves some 30km / sec around the sun, and if gravitation takes some 8 minutes to reach us at the velocity of light, then should you really question this? If gravitation is radiation, how does it know where our planet will be? If radiation bounces off our planet, how can reactions keep an orbit around the sun? This "guessing" where the gravitation should aim itself to hit earth is further complicated by the additional angular components that are changing. The earth's total motion is also influenced by our sun orbiting the galaxy, and our galaxy moving towards andromeda. If gravitation is like the planets immersed in water, then how would the waves propagate with a delay and still keep stability of the orbits? Another example, tie a long string to a ball and spin it around in a circle. What if this was the earth and the sun bound together? Now if the tension of the string had a delay, how could you swing it in a circle? There is no mathematical concept that I am aware of that can explain the instant action of a distance from Newton's gravitation, by the limited velocity of light. Perhaps you can show me one?

As for "free energy" yes energy at no cost is really free. Energy that can be gained by processes that are not understood, but can not be reproduced are very much in question. Energy that is tried to be obtained by proven experiments that say otherwise, is simply being stubborn, but anything is possible on the quantum level of universes. The only way we can have any chance to violate the conservation of energy is by the gravitational or magnetic fields. Simply 3 dimensional events like centifugal or impact forces are simply differnet manifestations of kinetic energy. Closed systems can not violate conservation.

Gravitation is really "free energy" so a properly designed engine will have rotary motion. The problem is everything I have ever seen with failures ignores the physics. Now I am busy with my prototype and I estimate a few weeks yet.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by daxwc »

http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2000/Chr ... heng.shtml

"density of the universe, also known as "omega" (Ω)"

Bar Quote,
This net interaction of mass can not become more dense than 7.5 x 10E14 grams a cu. cm. or 4Pi x c(squared) x G. I call it OMEGA DENSITY.
Strange name you gave it, universe density of density.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

universe density of density.
Omega does not imply density. LOL it is the last of the alphabet.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by daxwc »

;) Are you sure I can't convince you to use some creativity. 8))))
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

Hehe, now that I have read that link the information assumes the mean density of the space in the universe. Totally different from Omega density. Omega density is simply the limit of mass/volume of any matertial entity that can exist in the universe.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by Michael »

If you really are legitimate, and you really are interested in a meaningful exchange, then I ask of you to consider some guidelines.

1. Please stop with the Hehe's. Compose yourself as an academic.
2. If you are pushing a theory, make it known it is a theory, and not the absolute truth.
3. If your covering a theory, like the theory of the fourth dimension, state who's version it is you mean. Hyper 4th, and or quantuum, and or your dimension is quite a bit different than the typical 4th dimension. And don't lay it down as the law.
4. Structure your sentences so that each part is explained thoroughly. Take the time to cover each point thoroughly.
5. Whenever you can list your sources.

Michael parrot what? I explained before you... :) The 4th dimension is confusing, and you keep insisting upon this frame and measurement nonsense that is not possible in the 4th dimension.

The typical viewpoint of the 4th dimension bar, space-time, is one that this dimension is the dimension that allows for movement. All movement has the element of time embedded into it. Inseperable. Because of movement. Which means duration. 3 dimensions and measurement, observation, etc. are unattainable without the ability to move. So saying or implying that measurement is the facet of 3 dimensions and then we use that to describe the 4th dimension is redundant because without the ability of the 4th dimension 3 dimensions become non existent.
Now, obviously our usage of the 4th dimension differs. And there's no real use of arguing what is right or not, the best we can do at this point is choose to discuss which version we are discussing and go from there.
However, if we WERE IN the 4th dimension of infinity then no. Measurement then becomes meaningless because we could be every where simultaneously
This though is essentially what you are saying when you state that gravity has no time element to it. That it acts on all points simultaneously.
All entities in the universe is mutual for existence in all respects, like you say very often "relative". An entity must exchange energy with another to exist as a reference to both. If no exchange occurs, then no existence occurs to both entities. Like playing pool, when the balls move, they make no difference until they collide with another ball and change the trajectory and velocities of both. The real meaning is what happens between interactions?

I agree with the beginning. I would change the part where you say if no exchange occurs then no existence occurs to both entities to; if no exchange occurs then one doesn't recognize the other. The way it worded makes it sound like both cease to exist.
You've placed a question mark at the end. Why? And, the real meaning of what? Obviously exchange is vital and has real meaning otherwise it wouldn't occur. Are you thinking it is just a byproduct? If so I don't agree. " God" doesn't play dice with the universe. There is a reason for everything.
Electrons are no different. Between interaction electrons have the ability to exist elsewhere.

Ah now here we go. There is a probability that if an electron is not in a process of " identification", that it could exist as a state of being in multi probabilities. It's a mathematical theory. A good one but one where the evidence is out.
The probability of them being at a location is not absolute, this is shown with Planck's constant and the uncertainty principle.

I think that the uncertainly principle often gets abused.
This is the quantum concept of superposition. This ability to be elsewhere between the mutuality is the gravitation. This occurs BETWEEN measurement that we can not absolutely perceive in 3 dimensions.
Okay wait. All matter can be reduced to electromagnetic waves and the interaction and compression of them. Are you saying that all of gravity is a field of unrecognized and hence unused electrons?
Michael wrote:
Before I go any further with what you wrote show me when and where I said or even implied to you that gravity worked by magic.

And again, you’re the one saying gravity creates and destroys, basically the very essence of magic. I've asked you a few times to give a concrete example of what gravity does with the energy you say it destroys and you fail to give this concrete and direct answer, all you say is it puts it into the fourth dimension. By putting it into the fourth dimension how can it at the same time be destroyed? And if destroyed was a bad choice of term on your part and you really just mean it was put into the fourth dimension then in what form does it exist, how can it be measured, what are the mechanics of the whole process? And if you again answer or imply that you don't know because the fourth dimension can't be measured, well it will be very telling.

I also want to know where your proof is that gravity exists at all points simultaneously. You might not be aware as of yet but proof has been found that gravity travels at the speed of light.

What is this statement here number 2?
This is confusing, are you calling me number 2, or are you referring to a sentence of mine? If your calling me number 2, and yourself number 1, it’s more than just a little vain don’t you think? Can’t your ego separate itself from the joy of knowledge? If it’s just the sentences you are wondering about, and the top sentence in particular, I think it’s pretty clear, since you pasted that from a post of mine where your own statement of accusing me of saying I was saying it was all magic, was clearly quoted just above that.

2. I find the view that gravity is the creator and destroyer of energy to be incomplete and somewhat childish. You've posted the comment a few times now that essentially says, what...do you believe in magic? But that's essentially the power you are giving to gravity when you say it has the power to create and destroy. That's the exact power your giving it. Voila, ...materializo, Voila, ...dissapero.

You are implying that I am saying gravitation is by magic. How else can this be interpreted? LOL!
Yes your right, I am. It’s pretty obvious. In physics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. Now, I don’t agree with all of that. I do agree with the part about energy can’t be destroyed. Your saying it can. Destroy has a very definite meaning. To make something cease to be, in its entirety, is impossible, therefore magic. Now, if your really saying the kinetic energy gets absorbed into an electron field of superposition, well that’s interesting. But we have to draw a very clear line of distinction here. And you need to answer a question before I can go on. Does the energy really cease to be, or is it transformed?

As for concrete examples there is nothing ever concrete about gravitation, quantum physics, or relativity. I would also like to say that nothing in science is proven with 100% certainty, ever! The best we can say is that something is so well supported that it would be against the odds to deny it. Then sometimes it is later discovered to be incorrect with new evidence. The inherent consequence is that scientific theories are not absolute, and then are always open to interpretation. :) The best possible thing I can do is try to explain the dynamics of the 4th dimension and superpositon in laymens terms of how energy is created and destroyed in the gravitational field.

I HAVE pointed out the first day here that my quantum theory of gravitation is the first to be public that I am aware of. I could be wrong, my theory may already be on the internet by someone else. I have never found it though. So it is impossible to give complete references on it. The next best thing is to give links that the theory is based upon.

Okay, so now we know it is your theory.

Now with these links it is not a far stretch to merge them to understand what I am saying about with quantum gravitation. The electron mass is the ultimate resolution of the universe. It is the smallest entity of mass, it possesses the least volume of any particle.
You do know that the electrons mass is arbitrary and an agreed upon value, since trying to get to the electrons true mass causes the numbers to go up to infinity don’t you?
So the earth's mass has neutral electrons exchanging momentum. Now if their interactions were absolute, the continuum would be best described as a singularity. All mass would collect and become a "black hole" to have no losses in interaction. However, electrons must occupy space and collide. They must move across space to interact. By probability two entities interacting averages to a spherical area in 3 dimensions in any collision and recoil. This interaction also has a quantity of uncertainty with it, and this quantity must obey a resolution known as Planck's constant. This uncertainty is superposition, and it has the ability to be present with unlimited velocity. This inherent uncertainty of superposition has a defined geometry and limits the interaction. This net interaction of mass can not become more dense than 7.5 x 10E14 grams a cu. cm. or 4Pi x c(squared) x G. I call it OMEGA DENSITY. That is the maximum density possible in the nucleus of an atom, or in the most massive black holes in the center of any galaxy. I guarantee you will not find acceptance in this theory of omega density by mainstream. However they can NOT answer why nuclei have their densitys. :) Mass can not become more dense than Omega anywhere in the universe. Contrary to mainstream astrophysics, black holes can not crush to infinity. The value of Omega density is a great limitation that can not be easily ignored. :)
Now back to the gravitation and how it transforms energy. This can be understood when one takes that probability of the neutral electron interaction further with the uncertainty principle, neutral electrons can exist in the 4th dimension adding or taking away energy in our 3 dimensions. In principle this is really no different than ballistic molecular bodies of a gas colliding and conserving momentum in 3 dimensions. The difference is the uncertainty of the neutral electrons must also exist simultaneously across 4 dimensional space in quantum superposition. Their activity is omnidirectional, so the momentum intensity is the net average probability of Maxwellian distribution at maximum velocities, but present over a spherical volume, and so must obey the inverse square law. This is how gravitation can add or remove energy, without the gravitation itself gaining or losing energy. Gravitation is like a catalyst in the exchange of momentum.
I’ll have to think about this for a bit. But you’ve answered my initial question of many posts ago.
I also want to know where your proof is that gravity exists at all points simultaneously. You might not be aware as of yet but proof has been found that gravity travels at the speed of light. Quote:
How do all the planets remain stable in their orbits if the suns gravity travels at the velocity of light?

? Really? Because the gravity from the sun has not been "turned off".

How much proof of gravitation's velocity fo you want? Mainstream will not admit it, but we still can not be ignorant of the reality.

What reality? As I said, there is already proof that gravity is at the speed of light. How much more proof of reality do you need?
programmers do not consider time lag, neither does rocket scientists in sending robots to other planets. Gravitation is always shown to have an instantaneous force. Measured forces of gravitational bodies are exactly where their positions are at that moment, not where they were in an earlier position from the velocity of light in some assumed delay. If gravity was like a hose "squirting out" gravitation, then what information is sent back to the gravitational source (sun) to "aim" the gravitation to intercept a planet to interact with in the future? Gravitation "turning off" has nothing to do with it. Even a continuous stream has a delay at the velocity of light. If you have basic mathematical skills simply calculate how our planet moves some 30km / sec around the sun, and if gravitation takes some 8 minutes to reach us at the velocity of light, then should you really question this?
Are you serious? Bar go outside and grab a hose. Turn on a stream of water. Calculate how long it takes the water to leave the hose till it reaches a place of ten feet away. Let’s say for sake of argument it takes 2 seconds. Now keep the hose running. Stand near the termination point. Now, throw an object into the stream. Will it take 2 seconds before the object experiences the water?
If gravitation is radiation, how does it know where our planet will be?
No one said gravitation was radiation bar. Or if they did it wasn’t me.
If radiation bounces off our planet, how can reactions keep an orbit around the sun? This "guessing" where the gravitation should aim itself to hit earth is further complicated by the additional angular components that are changing. The earth's total motion is also influenced by our sun orbiting the galaxy, and our galaxy moving towards andromeda. If gravitation is like the planets immersed in water, then how would the waves propagate with a delay and still keep stability of the orbits? Another example, tie a long string to a ball and spin it around in a circle. What if this was the earth and the sun bound together? Now if the tension of the string had a delay, how could you swing it in a circle? There is no mathematical concept that I am aware of that can explain the instant action of a distance from Newton's gravitation, by the limited velocity of light. Perhaps you can show me one?
See above.

As for "free energy" yes energy at no cost is really free. Energy that can be gained by processes that are not understood, but can not be reproduced are very much in question. Energy that is tried to be obtained by proven experiments that say otherwise, is simply being stubborn, but anything is possible on the quantum level of universes. The only way we can have any chance to violate the conservation of energy is by the gravitational or magnetic fields.

Now this is interesting. You don’t think it can be done any other way except for gravity or magnetism? None at all?
Simply 3 dimensional events like centifugal or impact forces are simply different manifestations of kinetic energy. Closed systems can not violate conservation.

Gravitation is really "free energy" so a properly designed engine will have rotary motion. The problem is everything I have ever seen with failures ignores the physics. Now I am busy with my prototype and I estimate a few weeks yet.
We’ll see. Maybe we have similar ideas
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

Ok Michael, I am done. I have tried to make nice explanations but, you are nothing more than a bulley on this site who needs the last word. Are you now the moderator of this forum? Should I bow down to you? Now you dissect what I say like I am learning english school. Look, I have tolerance but, your reaction is simply irrational now. You have absolutely no respect for me as a human being. This is more than going against my theory, you are making this personal in your very sick mind regardless if you know it or not. If you do not like my theory of reality then just state it. You are spitting jibberish as replys and are not in my opinion no way of having academic learning. You appear no different than one who reads science magazines and has no grasp of mathematics behind the results. We must just simply agree to disagree at this point. Live in your ignorance and the world will not change because you do not understand it, simple as that. I will not reply to you any more inless you have some meaningful questions and answers. I do not owe you anything here. Good day sir and I apologize to the rest here to read what I must say to you.
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Post by greendoor »

Well said Bar - I just ticked your green reputation light. The mathematicians of Bessler's time were his greatest opposition. It's not worth arguing. I suspect I know why you are refering to the 4th dimension, and it's just all to simple for some people to wrap their heads around.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by Michael »

On the contrary I have a lot of respect for you, as a human being. I also asked you several legitimate and meaningful questions. If I offended you by intimating that you might not be legit then I apologize, but there are people who come around on sites like these "just to play", some outright admitting it in the recent past. And several times I asked for what I thought was a plainly adressed question and you never answered. As of recently I'd still like to know what number 2 means. And when someone new comes in and makes several statements to the effect of, I know the answer ( to a PM ), several times...but never says, etc., and says, I know the answer to all of it, but presents it not as just their theory, it looks suspicious. If you did say that it was just a theory in the beginning, then I missed it and apologize. Your last statements though condeem me to being ignorant because I don't see the real world for how it really is. This statement means Bar doesn't view his theory as a theory ( being unbiased is important in contemplating a theory ) but he views it as the law, and anyone who questions it is stupid; doesn't it?
Respect is all about honesty, so please don't read any of the above as an attack.
If it seemed pompous to ask for a guidline to be followed of structured clarity it's only because I am interested in what you had to say believe it or not ( otherwise I wouldn't waste anytime with you ) and more than that I want statements made by all parties to make complete sense for anyone who reads them. Not as guesswork or as liquid statements but legitimate concrete statements. If that isn't all around respect what is? I realize that some of this still might read as pompous when read a certain way, but there is no way around it.

If you still don't want an interaction I'll leave it alone then Bar. If you want to continue with or without me please do.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by Michael »

Greendoor I'm not an opponent of Bessler.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by Michael »

Study shows speed of gravity matches speed of light
January 9 2003

Einstein was right - the speed of gravity matches the speed of light, according to astronomers who took advantage of a rare planetary alignment to measure one of the fundamental forces of nature.

Edward B Fomalout of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Sergei Kopeikin of the University of Missouri measured the amount that light from a distant star was deflected by the gravity of Jupiter as the planet passed in front of the star.

Albert Einstein, who formulated basic theories about space, time and relativity, had assumed that gravity moved with the speed of light, about 299,274km per second, "but until now, no one had measured it," said Kopeikin.

"Einstein was right, of course," said Fomalout.

The measurement is one of the last fundamental constants in physics to be established and Fomalout admitted, "gravity is not well understood."



The researchers used 10 radio telescopes scattered across the Earth from Hawaii to Germany to measure precisely how light from a distant quasar, a type of star, was bent as it passed by Jupiter on its way to the Earth.

Jupiter is in the precise position for such a measurement only once a decade.

To make the measurement, the instruments had to detect a minute deflection of the light. Fomalout compared the required precision to being able to measure the size of a silver dollar sitting on the moon's surface, or measuring the width of a human hair from 250 miles away.

Craig Hogan, a University of Washington astronomer, said the achievement "is an important advance for physics," but he predicted that new techniques would be developed that will measure gravity's speed even more accurately.

"You can expect a series of experiments now," he said.

Fomalout and Kopeikin said their results were accurate within about 20 per cent.

Knowing the precise speed of gravity is important to physicists testing such modern ideas as the superstring, which holds that fundamental particles in the universe are made up of small vibrating loops or strings. It also affects some basic space-time theories.

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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

Ok. I have responded with too much emotion when I read your reply from this, I am truely sorry:
If you really are legitimate, and you really are interested in a meaningful exchange, then I ask of you to consider some guidelines.

1. Please stop with the Hehe's. Compose yourself as an academic.
2. If you are pushing a theory, make it known it is a theory, and not the absolute truth.
3. If your covering a theory, like the theory of the fourth dimension, state who's version it is you mean. Hyper 4th, and or quantuum, and or your dimension is quite a bit different than the typical 4th dimension. And don't lay it down as the law.
4. Structure your sentences so that each part is explained thoroughly. Take the time to cover each point thoroughly.
5. Whenever you can list your sources.

Ok, I apologize Michael, you did not at all deserve my responce in the way that I did it, but you CAN be very annoying in how you ask your questions, and I became angry when you try to tell me HOW I should behave. Very immature on your part. As for the "hehe" you have made a joke in one of your earlier explanations. Please quit being so anal. Remember "those without sin cast the 1st stone?"

As I said earlier, there is no such thing as an "absolute truth" in physics. All theorys have limitations, and as I said before "The best we can say is that something is so well supported that it would be against the odds to deny it". That does not have any absolution with it at all. I have never ever said my theory was the absolute truth.

Yes, I agree that I am no different after reading about those who say they have PM and were failures, I absolutely have everything in common with them. Here I am simply just another individual full of "hot air" in this respect. However, all those before me that I have read about were very lacking in knowledge of the physics of reality. True or false? Do I have any grasp of physics, or am I simply another ass? So now the problem is, IF I give my theory of a self regenerative gravitational engine to prove I am not full of hot air (or an ass), then it becomes public domain, and I am screwed. So what would you do in my situation? I DO want to profit from my knowledge. Is that WRONG? What angers me is seeing all the wealth in this world go to waste. We should have had moon bases by now. All the money spent on war is simply insane. Imagine all that money spent on space programs and medicine. I have read about open source and it is simply something I will not take a chance on. What If Bill Gates open sourced windows over 20 years ago? Sure it would probably be bug free, but we would not know his name, and he would NOT be a billionaire. Of course there is some small chance I am wrong and maybe "the universe laughs at me" where I have missed some very small aspect of physics that is serious enough to keep a self regenerative gravitational engine from running.
This is confusing, are you calling me number 2, or are you referring to a sentence of mine? If your calling me number 2, and yourself number 1, it’s more than just a little vain don’t you think? Can’t your ego separate itself from the joy of knowledge? If it’s just the sentences you are wondering about, and the top sentence in particular, I think it’s pretty clear, since you pasted that from a post of mine where your own statement of accusing me of saying I was saying it was all magic, was clearly quoted just above that.
See it is this kind of confusion on your part that you in return make more mistakes upon me when there should be none. I mean how can you judge me or my theory, when you can not even keep track of what you say to me? Number 2# of what you said:
http://www.besslerwheel.com/forum/viewt ... d1eb#57309

This is where I then reply about you assuming I am saying gravitation is "magic" Then you lose track of that here:

http://www.besslerwheel.com/forum/viewt ... d1eb#57339

I really do not want to argue about who is right or wrong, or my imperfections as well as yours. On the other hand Michael, I must thank you because if I can not sustain a clear response from a smart individual as yourself, then I have absolutely no chance against the professional academics in gravitational physics, be it quantum or geometrodynamics. So at this point I will devote all my time on the prototype self regenerative gravitational engine, and "fine tune" my quantum gravitational theorys. Until then I will not be so active here. Thanks and good day. :)
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by Michael »

Bar you are abolutely right. In the section where you copied a part of my text there is a number 2 placed at the beginning. I don't know why I didn't see it before, sorry. Of course when I asked you about what you meant I considered that you might be making a slight against me, but then again I didn't outright accuse you, I did ask regarding it.

This part though isn't right;
This is where I then reply about you assuming I am saying gravitation is "magic" Then you lose track of that here:
Because, you outright stated that I was the one that assumed it all worked by magic. To which I replied;
Before I go any further with what you wrote show me when and where I said or even implied to you that gravity worked by magic.

This above reply, was to your response in another post, which said that I was the one who believed in magic. I post that response below. My response above, was to ask you to supply the proof, that I ever, said to you, that magic was the way gravity worked.
Michael I am not the one who started to state about magical things in physical processes. I simply remind of this "magic" when I see people trying to get extra energy out of things that have been shown not to be the case by experiment. You are the one suggesting that gravitation works by magic, not me. I know how it works.
Bar, when I wrote my Sword in the Stone, I had many people, everybody including myself in mind.

All in all I wish you the best Bar.
meChANical Man.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by Michael »

Bar, my initial training when I was younger, was in art and design. When I became interested in free energy in a serious way, over 14 years ago, I would go on different forums, and present an idea or two about how a reality concerning nature might be. I wasn't even allowed to breath before I was pounced upon by armchair physicists and the like. And ripped into like no ones business. I thought it was very unfair, and in a way it is BUT, it forced me to learn so I could speak their language and at least meet them on their terms. If you haven't experienced a "schooled"armchair physicist yet, go onto one of these sites. Believe me, you aint seen nothing yet. Even though a lot of it was mean spirited ( and I doubt anything has changed ) I still value the experience because I burned for it, and was transformed for the better. What I have come to value about the academic system, and I don't mean the school system but academia in general, is it follows the Einsteinian way of learning ( What Einstein felt was the best advice he could ever take to learn, which he was taught by his superior at the patent office where he worked. ) and that is, whenever your presented with an idea, approach it from every angle imaginable and rip it to shreds. A couple of hours spent doing this will save you years of being lost. If the idea holds and is unshredable, you know its valid.
The academic world follows this path tried and true. There is example after example of how mean spirited academics can be to each other, and the path to recognition apparently is a very hard one. Maybe they go overboard many a time, but all in all the approach has to be this way, because one slight deviation, one accident can send a plan, a proof, miles off course. Lives are always at stake, if not just a reputation then for real. look what happened to the Titanic.

Anyway you probably know all of this, I thought I should just mention it though.
Last edited by Michael on Sun May 10, 2009 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
meChANical Man.
"All things move according to the whims of the great magnet"; Hunter S. Thompson.
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Post by Grimer »

Very interesting post - and good advice too. There is a slight danger of becoming your own worst critic however and rejecting ideas which later turn out to be correct out of a fear of being wrong. Newlands is the archetypal example of this with his proposal and abandonment of what later came to be called the Mendeleev Table of the Elements. That's why I rather admire people on this forum who stick to their views even when its obvious to everyone else that they are wrong. That is how black swans are born.
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