Prayer for New Orleans

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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »

Fear of the Unknown, mitigated by's as old as man himself
So is superstition - commonly the result of overactive imagination and/or chemical imbalance.

Mitch, you seem to make a periodic habit of testing your faith, what have you learned to date?

IMHO, your personal belief is clouding your rational judgement and your ability to objectively critique your own hypothetical wanderings. Certainly the physical wheel designs passed on by you from 'higher powers' to date do not warrant special attention - they do not work as you hope and/or claim. Could this repeated failure perhaps indicate a flaw in your methodology? Does this bother you at all?

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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Jonathan »

Techstuf, the nonsense is that you are literally interpreting the images in clouds to have meaning. I hope the ironic similarity to divination by tea leaves is not lost on you (remember that is condemned in the Bible). You predicted the hurricane would hit New Orleans, but it didn't. If your weather control theory were true, God would have known the hurricane would be interfered with and would have given a more accurate representation of this in your dream. You claim your prediction was inspired by God, but since it didn't come true, then you must be a false prophet. That, or given these facts, you are very deluded, or, maybe you just get a kick out of ranting. One thing's for sure, you aren't right. (And ovyyus is very funny).
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Sevich »

Coylo wrote
So where do you stand sevich, do you support techstuf and all of his views
I feel techstuf is entitled to interpret whatever he likes. I can't stand in his way. After all, astrology, which is classed as nonsense in todays modern world, was taken very seriously in the Bible. There are many examples, but I'll give you one. The three wise men through the use of astrology, followed the star to Bethlahem where they found the child Jesus.

I also noticed that scott indirectly acknowledge's that we need an off topic forum since he created a thread called "shocked to the core".....way off topic!
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Jonathan »

I strongly disagree Sevich. Look here (from

Astrology: 2: the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects
Divination: 1 : the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers

So astrology is the prediction of the future based on the stars and planets. The example you gave is not one of prediction. Further, the Bible condemns astrologers, soothsayers, sorcerors, etc. (ex.: Isa 47:13-14; Mic 5:12, these aren't great examples, just what I could find. EDIT If we allow those three fall under the general category of witchcraft, then 1Sa 15:23; 2Ch 33:6)
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Techstuf »

Well.....we certainly have certainly narrowed the possibilities regarding my spiritual and mental status!

You're right....close doesn't cut it except in horse shoes and hand grenades!

Or does it. I mean, by what agency does man forsee the future? By some accounts it is only one of two sources....others.....well, there are various schools of thought. Of course all are free to read into or extrapolate from the statements I made. But know that it is by our cursory and immature judgements that we ourselves are judged.

I may be 'mad' as observed by some......time will certainly expose me thoroughly. I do find it a bit lamentable that so many strain at gnats while swallowing camels. I certainly don't 'blame' you for your lack of accurate knowledge nor your hasty and rather cursory judgements. You are only fulfilling your particular am I.

Sevich, you and Jonathan have your points......however I believe you misperceive some of mine. For instance, the Bible offers it's own criterion by which prophets are to be judged as false. My statements as you may come to not meet them. Perhaps you have not read the account of Jonah in your Bibles?

And as for the 'star' of Bethlehem that is so revered by those enamored with 'churchianity'......The bible clearly states that the star led these astrologers first to king Herod who desperately wanted to kill Yahshua, Jesus Christ. Now I don't know about you....but the GOD I have come to know does not work that way. The account goes on to state the men were warned by GOD in a dream to go home by a different route avoiding King Herod. I'll tell you who that 'star' was.....the same one which soon falls from Heaven and to him are given the keys to the abyss.

I understand your reasonings....I empathize with them. I too have a difficult time with what we face.....such that I sometimes run ahead of the wave of HIS spirit in my enthusiasm......But please know that most of you do not have the whole story....not even close.

GOD bless you Bill and grant you what you have asked HIM for.....despite your lack of judgement and may HIS recompense be mingled with mercy for mocking that which you dare not comprehend.

GOD bless you Coylo and touch your heart with HIS mighty finger that you learn to read the inscriptions HE placed there long ago.

GOD bless you all with the gift of disernement and wisdom that you may see more clearly the paths you have chosen for yourselves on the short measure of road ahead for mortal mankind.

To those few of you who see reason and hear wisdom....GOD grant you a bold spirit for the days ahead. It is these few of you that make this work enjoyable!

Keep your hats in hand gentlemen......your respective sitting positions will only get more uncomfortable for most of you from here on out......or until HE removes the scales from your eyes and you gain the legs to stand.

GOD bless

He who plays 'devil's advocate' should consider more carefully his job security.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Techstuf »

Bill, You asked me if it bothered me at all that I released various designs which do not work. Yes....and I layed out my reasoning for doing so. It was...admittedly, a mistake in some ways. But of course the 'greater jury' is still out on what fruits, if any, will come of my actions. Certainly there is a 'method to my madness' as you once correctly observed. I am less concerned with what the bulk of you gathered here think of me, than I am about honoring my personal commitment to a 'greater constituency'. I ,as should we all, have more important things to be concerned with in these perilous times.....than vestigial ego issues such as this. Please forgive me if I do not take the time to personally entertain all your doubts, observations, analyzations....etc.

'Mad scientists' rarely do....
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Jonathan »

In Jonah (Jon 3:1-10), the entire city of Nineveh puts on sackcloth and fasts, even the animals. They did this in hope that God would change His mind, and He did. But the people and animals of New Orleans didn't put on sackcloth and fast (if they did we'd think they were crazy), they boarded up their windows and left. That's not repenting, that's dodging your 'punishment', and yet the storm missed them anyway. If they were being punished, the storm should have hit the shelters where they took cover, or at least still hit the city directly to cause financial damage.
Also, if God can create the universe, he can cause a hurricane to hit its target regardless of what a few people spray into it.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »


On May 6th last year, in relation to your wheel you said,
This device is actuated by giving it a slight tip of the hand. It is turned off by stopping it by hand, as well. As I am no bessler, I have been able to obtain an RPM of only about 19. (Perhaps my bearing assembly is a bit robust for such a small model).
A more complete story is here...

http://www.theverylastpageoftheinternet ... _motor.htm

One of God's commandments: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (lie).

Perhaps I missed the footnote to this commandment, something that went like, *but it's OK to lie if you think it serves some personal socio-political agenda.

The reason you lied about your wheel was in order to bait others into giving you some of their time. Time is such a commodity, isn't it. It worked, and the result of your labour had many people dancing a merry dance for quite some time. But not for too long, as they slowely came to realise they had been mislead. Now you say your deception had a higher purpose, and that you wanted to enlighten the ignorant in some subtle long-term way. That's such a cheap shot, IMO.

There appears, to my limited comprehension, a fundimental disparity between your proclaimed faith and your ongoing observable actions. You seem to pick and choose what suits your personal agenda best, regardless of consequence or truth or fact. Is that a lacking of responsibility or do you feel safe in the knowledge that your 'greater jury' can never deliberate while new evidence is continually brought to hand? The shifting sands of the desert can hide mountains (and gnats and camels).

The actions you appear to be taking are well tested and certainly not unique... make enough predictions of the future and sooner or later you'll get lucky... dump another design on the net and someone just might be able to get it to work.

Playing 'high-odds' only allows you to lose most of the time. But just like any game of chance, the higher the odds, the greater the return and when your ship does finally comes in I'm sure you'll make a mighty fine pharaoh.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Techstuf »

Now we're getting somewhere.....this last post certainly beats suppositional phrases about chemical imbalance and the like.....Yes and we've gone over it before. I can see how one might take it personal and I didn't and don't expect you to understand my position at the time such statements were made.....I am thankful to have a merciful and much more informed judge than your still rather accomplished self. As far as making lot's of predictions until one gets lucky.....I fail to see the relevance beings how I've really not revealed many to you and the one's I've voiced on the internet have thus far proven quite correct by a large margin.....and supplied with several scriptural caveats. I deemed it inappropiate to include all my statements concering Ivan here in the forum.....and at least provided a link to more information which is pertinent and revealing of the context and meaning of what was spoken. I'm certainly not inviting you to jump into my shoes for a 2 mile hike.....but I am comfortable with the realization that you are not apprised of enough information regarding me to fully access my situation. Had you such knowledge I am confident that you may re-evaluate certain opinions you currently hold. You see, ideas are rather like insects....which flit about from person to person....who is to say which among us would become infected by them? Ideas are injected into society daily which hold the capacity to percolate into something more.....and as I have had much personal experience with the effectiveness of such, I cannot be persuaded to empathize with some of your observations.

I have learned much from my associations here in this forum....and one of the most valuable lessons of all:

That one cannot outfox the foxes......except of course unless they are willing to join their ranks. do not know all the facts and I cannot lay them out for you now, for what would be too little too late to affect any positive change in your thinking regarding me. I also feel it would be a bit egotistical of me to be harbor such concern.

And another thing.......there are many shades of black in the world....many shapes and sizes of pots and kettles as well.

I do apologize to anyone here for whom my 'antics' have caused undue consternation....and to the 2 or 3 people out there who 'wasted' their time building my previous model.

For those who thought I was engaged with them in a kind of 'game'.....for that too, I am apologetic. I was most concerned with the 'other' members of this forum and other forums as well and how they would best procede with the knowledge shared with them.

For some....the whole truth and nothing but the truth is expected of friends...acquaintances....even strangers. Anything held back is a lie......for others a truth even partially revealed can open doors that no man can shut.

GOD bless

P.S. No.....I'm not perfect Bill....but who is......and what's in your medicine cabinet?
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »

... I'm not perfect Bill....but who is......and what's in your medicine cabinet?
Yes Mitch, I know that, neither am I. However, I strongly feel there are some important and fundimental social rules which are best followed, honesty being one of them. So much flows from simple honesty. Try telling that to someone with a personal agenda who is prepared to subvert the present for their idea of tomorrow.

I think the greatest threat to the future of humanity is superstition and the robotic (re)actions that follow it. Whole societies are extinguished or enslaved in the name of ideology and superstition and the age old catch phrase of 'God told me to do it'. It's worn paper thin.

I have no need of a medicine cabinet - I'm fortunate enough not to get sick. What's in your's :)
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by scott »

Hey Techstuf, didn't another user here on the board have your avatar for a while before you did? Who was it again?
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Techstuf »

Abrogations of commonly accepted social mores are not usually easy for me and I disliked revealing my earlier model in the manner I did. However....I would likely do it again given what was gained by various individuals. It does pain me somewhat to be perceived as a lover of one's self. That is not my thing....If I must stumble I would rather that it produce fruit for someone if at all possible. It is obvious to me that you do not accept my explanations offered earlier in our correspondence.....It also puzzles me that you rehash it here again....almost as though you were personally wronged or that I in some way sought personal gain, attention, fame, you name it. though your custodianship of right and wrong must be maintained as a personal control issue.

I remember informing you once that, could you see that my words held truth.....that, could you see things from my perspective, you may change your demeanor. I still see this as a viable possibility.....though one of which I doubt I may become personally aware.

As for my medicine cabinet.....why that is where I keep the microfilm....I thought you already knew that!


P.S. I understand the underlying reasoning for your irritation.....and I am sure that it has nothing to do with manic depression/chemical imbalance.

Would that I were so fortunate as you, eh?

At any rate, I see no productivity in continuing our discussions and will seek to keep my 'rantings' and 'prophecies' where they will not so egregiously offend certain sensibilites.

YAHWEH bless you all dear readers in Yahshua, Jesus Christ
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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Re: re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Fletcher »

Techstuf wrote:P.S. I'm not perfect Bill....but who is ?
Nigel Omar Bodie - lives down the end of my street.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »

At any rate, I see no productivity in continuing our discussions and will seek to keep my 'rantings' and 'prophecies' where they will not so egregiously offend certain sensibilites.
Mitch, your 'rantings and prophesies' do not offend me. On the contrary, I'm constantly curious about human nature and why we say and act as we do. I hope you can accept my questions and opinions as offered - no personal malice intended.

There's a big difference between a social more and a fundimental long-term survival tool, don't you think? :)
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »

N.O. Bodie - funny

But not quite as funny the second time.
Last edited by ovyyus on Sat Sep 18, 2004 5:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
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