On May 6th last year, in relation to your wheel you said,
This device is actuated by giving it a slight tip of the hand. It is turned off by stopping it by hand, as well. As I am no bessler, I have been able to obtain an RPM of only about 19. (Perhaps my bearing assembly is a bit robust for such a small model).
A more complete story is here...
http://www.theverylastpageoftheinternet ... _motor.htm
One of God's commandments: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (lie).
Perhaps I missed the footnote to this commandment, something that went like, *but it's OK to lie if you think it serves some personal socio-political agenda.
The reason you lied about your wheel was in order to bait others into giving you some of their time. Time is such a commodity, isn't it. It worked, and the result of your labour had many people dancing a merry dance for quite some time. But not for too long, as they slowely came to realise they had been mislead. Now you say your deception had a higher purpose, and that you wanted to enlighten the ignorant in some subtle long-term way. That's such a cheap shot, IMO.
There appears, to my limited comprehension, a fundimental disparity between your proclaimed faith and your ongoing observable actions. You seem to pick and choose what suits your personal agenda best, regardless of consequence or truth or fact. Is that a lacking of responsibility or do you feel safe in the knowledge that your 'greater jury' can never deliberate while new evidence is continually brought to hand? The shifting sands of the desert can hide mountains (and gnats and camels).
The actions you appear to be taking are well tested and certainly not unique... make enough predictions of the future and sooner or later you'll get lucky... dump another design on the net and someone just might be able to get it to work.
Playing 'high-odds' only allows you to lose most of the time. But just like any game of chance, the higher the odds, the greater the return and when your ship does finally comes in I'm sure you'll make a mighty fine pharaoh.