What have I done today?

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What have I done today?

Post by 4PLAY »

Well, I had the day off work and decided to spend some time reading through some of the unanswered posts. No doubt you will notice some replies to some very old posts, but I thought they deserved a reply.

I haven’t been here long, but I would like to thank those who have welcomed me and those who have disregarded me, I now have a bright shiny red light in my profile.

If you don’t remember anything about today, remember this:

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re: What have I done today?

Post by coylo »

A fine introduction to the forum - criticising the patriarchal, Bessler guru that is the 'untouchable' JC in your first post, hehee.
You'll only upset the masses if you do that!

... but hey, stick around and give it a go. All is not lost.
No one here gets a bad rep for no reason. Others may disagree but IMO anyone who got a ban in the past deserved it..... good riddance!
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re: What have I done today?

Post by Michael »

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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

This is an interesting pair of exchanges.

Elsewhere, Michael said he'd punch your Greenie
(if I recall correctly) and I guess he did, but seing
the result afterward, still there was RED showing.

Believing that you, 4Play, did not deserve the libel
put upon you, and most strangely, also finding myself
concordant with Michael (!), I too punched it, and
lo-and-behold "No Reputation" flipped!

It is obvious that some "FIVER" dislikes you, and,
it was that which has pushed you way down.

Newly-made friends came to the rescue and put
you into the neutral, canceling out your hater's
action, whoever he/she may be.

When one has incurred THE GREAT WRATH of one
of THE MIGHTY, one can never rise, for one will
foreever suffer under the weight of that onus, as-

This is the place that I find myself at, and it will not
change, such is the virulence of dislike as I have


(Though, admittedly, it does aid in my perfecting of the
old "Naughty and Nice" list, and really lop-sided it now

After having seen, and then learnt this lesson here,
I now know that such a system of social control and
'peer-making', IS ANATHEMA to freedom of conscience
and expression, generally.

FEAR rules over the timid!

The "Reputation" system, is a psy-op absolutely.

It's designers and users know exactly what they do,
if not precisely why they are compelled to do it.

In light of this, why then do I stay?

It is because it is the only real going-game in town
(so-far!), even though RIGGED for the house!

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What have I done today?

Post by Fletcher »

Hey James .. this is my understanding - you hit someones green it makes no difference to your own rep - hit someone with a red & it affects your own rep marginally - each members 'vote' is the same as the next guys & it is not weighted - personally I don't pay any attention to the rep system - attitude is fine provided you have the talent to back it up otherwise its embarrassing, IMO.

The rep system has had its uses by kicking for touch the odd asshole.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

Hi Fletcher!

Hmmm, food for thought, as always.

You say "- you hit someones green it makes no difference to your own rep -".

That is my understanding as well, though the small addition to it might be that yours can go up if the newly-graced had previously done YOU a Greenie, and you are on the edge.

Reversely, if you had awarded mutually greenies, and one becomes dis-satisfied and removes his, then his can go DOWN and so might yours! In this example, think of the domino effect.

I have seen this happen, and to my own little self, so, I no longer REVOKE greens that I have previously given. No way Jose! I have also observed a cascading effect of drops, due to this.

Both Ovyyus' and Graham's go down to four, then back up, according to set backs or restorals as they happen, I assume.

It is bad enough laboring under the staggering weight of the dissatisfaction of one of you FIVERS!

This is the situation that 4PLAY now endures, brought up to "No Reputation" by kindly supporters, but the leaden weight on him coming from above, continues on.

And with all due respect to you, Fletcher, as I see it, it really is easy for you high guys to say things like it does not matter, but when you get busted down to two or one (which is not likely), you MAY come to have another notion or two regarding this matter.

FACT: Of all those who have ever said to me that the Rep system really does not matter were YOU FIVERS! God's truth!

As is famously said, attitudes regarding subjects personally pertinent, do DEPEND on your own standpoint. Know what I mean?

And, yes, the lower the Greenie count, the more risky becomes the awarding of REDS against those loathed, or hated, even.

I take from all this A LESSON. it is the only way to make something productive out ot the rancorous nonsense and pain the system produces. The Newbies will not come forth for fear of the disapproval of


It is a system of psychic control and peer level-making, and it is a dirty game. Add onto the seething pile, the SECRET CLOSED FORUM stuff, and it's just the same old damned will-to-dominate.

Now, you can cut it up into "libertarian" appearing shapes for pretty viewing, but it remains what it is innately, it being a reflection of true, inner darkness, and probably that which is far worse.

This condition is common in us humans and it to be responsibly avoided in ourselves, and when found there, EXPOSED.

Not amused.

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What have I done today?

Post by Fletcher »

The difference is I don't tell anybody privately or in public that I am punching their dots, & I only do it very occasionally when I think a contribution is more than merited, either good or bad - that way [remaining anonymous] I don't fuel a mutual tit for tat session & skew what might otherwise be a useful tool for scott or whomever ?!
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re: What have I done today?

Post by Michael »

Wasn't me who mentioned punching the greenie. Yawn to the rating system. I've seen bad posts from fivers, good posts from oners, visa versa, yada yada, etc. etc.
Viva la freedom.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by rlortie »

James wrote;
FACT: Of all those who have ever said to me that the Rep system really does not matter were YOU FIVERS! God's truth!
From one ex fiver who is now a fourbie, it does not matter! reduce me into the red, it still would not change my self respect, my level of integrity or my outlook on life.

As Popye The Sailor would say ' I am what I am and that is all that I am'...
A 'clique' I am not!

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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

Not-to-worry, Ralph.

Soon enough, you'll be right back up there where you belong.

Frankly, guys, I'd like to know WHAT would be the reward forthcoming, for posting here THE DRAWINGS of the authentic inner workings of Bessler's wheel?

WHAT would I get, for instance, other than a good swift kick in the teeth from Ingrate Land and it's oh-so-picky denizens???


Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What have I done today?

Post by coylo »

Maybe there should be 2 separate reps... one based on 'ability' (ideas and builds) and the other based on 'personality' (conduct and character)....?
This could make certain people reflect on their unsignificant, un-intellectual contributions to the cause/forum, rather than whinge and moan all the time.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by ovyyus »

James wrote:Frankly, guys, I'd like to know WHAT would be the reward forthcoming, for posting here THE DRAWINGS of the authentic inner workings of Bessler's wheel?

WHAT would I get, for instance, other than a good swift kick in the teeth from Ingrate Land and it's oh-so-picky denizens???

James, I guess it's easier to be cynical about things you can't prove?
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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »


As usual, Bill, you come up with the unthought-of.

It is ONLY a hypothetical that I pose, in order to press
forth a point, 'though admittedly one sharp (as in
'prickly'), just like me.

So, WHAT would it be actually, other than what
I have before supposed?

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

"Maybe there should be 2 separate reps... "

Interesting idea, Coylo. Perhaps it deserves some consideration by
the great, ruling powers of the Forum?

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What have I done today?

Post by ovyyus »

Only hypothetical? Oh, I see.

Well, in that case I think if you posted genuine mechanism drawings of Bessler's secret you would be overwhelmed by everyone's praise and thanks and gratitude... for about a week :D
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